Verboticism: Bewailmail

DEFINITION: n., A feeling of regret and helplessness, which occurs once you realize that you have just sent out an erroneous email (i.e. one full of stupid mistakes). v., To send out an email and wish you hadn't.
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /bi-weyl'-meyl/
Sentence: Just as Brian accidentally hit the 'send' hotkey on an e-mail addressed to his entire department, he realized that he'd misspelled the name of his boss, Mr. Schmit, leaving out a couple of letters — a most unfortunate typo — and felt that gut-sinking feeling of bewailmail. He was afraid he'd just made an unemployedian slip.
Etymology: bewail - to cry over; lament (from Middle English, biwailen - "become tormented") + [e]mail - correspondence (Old High German, malaha - "wallet, bag")
Points: 458
Comments: Bewailmail
Jabberwocky - 2007-12-05: 15:09:00
OZZIEBOB - 2007-12-05: 16:01:00
Enjoyed the sentence and the word