Verboticism: Bilkweed
DEFINITION: v. To try to kill a weed that just won't die. n. A weed that just keeps on coming back, no matter what you do to it.
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Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: sh wart zen egg plahnt
Sentence: no matter how many times you take the shears/fork/flamethrower to a schwarzenneggplant, you know it'll be back!
Etymology: schwarzennegger, eggplant
I'll be bok choy. - mrskellyscl, 2009-04-20: 09:58:00
and I'll be brock... - splendiction, 2009-04-20: 21:30:00
(broccoli) - splendiction, 2009-04-20: 21:34:00
Hosta la vista, baby! - Nosila, 2009-04-20: 22:11:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: vej eh mew ta shun
Sentence: Oh no, Genevieve screamed!! She felt that the nightmare had continued as she looked out the window and saw the vegemutation that had spawned overnight. The weeds and vegetation she had sprayed, dug out, pulled or otherwise attempted to eradicate had seemingly turned into larger, denser and more omininous revisions of themselves....
Etymology: vegetation (all the plant life in a particular region or period,the process of growth in plants)+ mutation ((change to adadpt to new conditions;a sudden variation (the offspring differing from its parents in some well-marked character or characters) as distinguished from a gradual variation in which the new characters become fully developed only in the course of many generations))
Terrorific! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-20: 10:02:00
It's like Revenge of the Trifids! - Nosila, 2009-04-20: 22:15:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: dam dee lie un
Sentence: There it was again that damndelion, purring amid her prize blooms
Etymology: dandelion, damn
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: Aw-dree-twoo-nay-shuhs
Sentence: Lil Seymour cried out for her husband's help. They were coming after her, those audreytwonacious dandylions, elephant ears, tigerlilies, zebra grass and spider plants!
Etymology: Using AUDREY II, the man-eating plant of "Little Shop of Horrors" fame + TENACIOUS, meaning holding firmly, stubbornly. Sometimes also spelled AudreyIInacious
Great word! - splendiction, 2009-04-20: 21:25:00
It's cute and Oddry,too! - Nosila, 2009-04-20: 22:20:00
I love your etymology and word very nice:) - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-22: 06:24:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: kood-zoo-rek-shuhn
Sentence: It's Spring. It must be kudzurrection time. Kim spends all Summer trying to kill or, at least, curtail these pesky weeds only to have them sprout anew when April comes around. Aaaaaaahhhhhh!
Etymology: Kudzu (fast-growing Chinese and Japanese climbing vine) + resurrection (the act of rising from the dead)
Created by: mkaye
Sentence: After only a few months of neglect, my lawn is now filled with unwhackables.
Etymology: plant growth that is undeterred by a weed whacker
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: zawm-buh-ly-on
Sentence: After going so far as to dig a small crater in his front yard to get rid of that hideous weed, Adam decided this was war. He rented a bazooka and blasted the sucker half way to China. But nevertheless, he woke up next morning to an entire yard of walking dead zombelions. Not even the exterminator could rid him of this curse...
Etymology: Zombie (living dead, never dies) + Dandelion (a common weed which never seems to go away either)
Reminds me of "Day of The Triffids"- an old sci-fi movie about ambulatoty killer plants. - metrohumanx, 2009-04-20: 00:56:00
oh, very good. voodzu is another of this type. (voo doo + kudzu) - petaj, 2009-04-20: 05:25:00
Great word for weedy monsters that keep coming back from the dead! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-20: 10:05:00
It's like Shaun of the Deadlylions! - Nosila, 2009-04-20: 22:27:00
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: sir hound ed
Sentence: Giant Dandy Lions, roared with life, all around Poison Ivy, blocking her sun and drinking up all her water. nearly strangling her and every thing else! Her husband, O. D. Stickers, tried beating them back with his thorny limbs, and was everblasting them with Weed-Be-Gone. Alas and Alack, they just grew right back ... the li-on-and-ons remained kings of the jungle! Like hope springing eternally, Dandy Lions were springing back up ... infernally. O. D. Stickers and Poison Ivy would forever be surrhounded by Dandy Lions!
Etymology: SURROUND, HOUNDED. Surround - occupy the space all around. Hounded - pestered in a persistent, constant, ceaseless manner.
Silvery realy good word! We're all FUNNY Poets very Entertaining! :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-20: 18:13:00
It's like they are lion dancing, those Lion Kings! - Nosila, 2009-04-20: 22:14:00
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: SAS kwosh
Sentence: Cala had spent many weeks the previous year getting rid of all the different kinds of squash that had grown in her garden. She had made pickles, disguised it in zucchini bread, roasted pumpkin seeds, and cut 20 jack-o-lanterns. She had even simply put some of it in bags which she then dropped off on random doorsteps on her way to work, knowing that her own neighbors would recognize her handiwork. And now it had all returned full force in a spectacularly scary regrowth, with even bigger plants than last year, like Sasquash. Calabashed her head against the wall with the frustration. "Oh my gourd!" she now cried. "It's just not cutecumber any more. It's spaghetting worse every year!" Butternutty ways will have her replanting next summer.
Etymology: Sasquatch + squash
Love it! Your puns are like mine...not for the marrow-minded! - Nosila, 2010-11-02: 22:21:00
Created by: fabdiva
Pronunciation: gr-een-back
Sentence: As he opened yet another 'final demand for payment' letter, Patrick thought it ironic that greenbacks were taking possession of his front yard.
Etymology: Green - the colour between blue and yellow. Back - in return. Wordplay - slang for 'money'