Vote for the best verboticism.

'I sent in my resume, not a prison record.'

DEFINITION: To submit a resume, letter of intent, or proposal for an opportunity that's just perfect for you, and then to get absolutely no response. Nothing.

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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: missmurder

Pronunciation: frai-su-may

Sentence: It sucks when you get a fresume.

Etymology: failed+resume

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Created by: texmom

Pronunciation: re ject a moan e

Sentence: That is the fifteenth rejectamony for my job application this month!

Etymology: reject - turn down amony - like.. from the Latin, ok it just sounded right.

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ex/pec/ta/shunned

Sentence: His hopes were high, the job description was written for him, but unfortunately he was expectashunned out of this perfect opprotunity.

Etymology: expectation + shunned

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Created by: ohwtepph

Pronunciation: rehs-pohns-lehs-nehs

Sentence: The responselessness rid him of the remaining life he had as a sanitary engineer.

Etymology: response + -less [none] + -ness [noun]

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: sub-mist-owt

Sentence: i'd submissedout non-stop for the last month and then realised i'd forgot to put a contact number on my resume

Etymology: submission, missed out

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: null-app-lie

Sentence: Not only was Fred's proposal nullapplied, his pay cheques mysteriously stopped being processed.

Etymology: null (nothing,nil) + apply

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: kurr ick you lum vack youm

Sentence: His resume was sucken into the curriculumvacuum, tearing off a large chunk of his self-confidence as it sped toward the void

Etymology: curriculum vitae vacuum


Fantastic! I think this is where I'm supposed to pull content for the class I was hired to teach this summer. Would it have killed them to get textbooks? - ErWenn, 2007-06-27: 06:40:00

All right! - Clayton, 2007-06-27: 21:04:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: void-mail Can't make it any easier than that.

Sentence: Hannah compulsively applied for all of the vacant positions that appeared in the Little Piddlington Gazette, but had not yet received even an acknowledgement. She blamed it on voidmail, a strange virus that had migrated from email to snail mail. But the real problem was that Hannah's reputation was well known by all the employers in Little Piddlington. No one was prepared to take on her gloomy mien and manic depression tempered with occasional bouts of tourette's syndrome.

Etymology: voicemail + void

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Created by: sboycee

Pronunciation: sub-snub

Sentence: His application was subsnubbed by the asses at the bank.

Etymology: submit + snub

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Created by: micheles




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jrogan - 2006-10-31: 15:10:00
Dear Queeny, The proposal was good. Too bad your husband missed it...

queeny - 2006-11-01: 09:11:00

queeny - 2006-11-01: 09:11:00
I gave it a shot!!

Clayton - 2007-06-27: 01:23:00

purpleartichokes - 2007-06-27: 07:04:00
Hey James, my word isn't showing up.

petaj petaj - 2007-06-27: 07:24:00
Nor mine.

purpleartichokes - 2007-06-27: 08:01:00
Perhaps they've been kidnapped by a nounja.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-27: 08:25:00
The lost words have been rescued... ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2007-06-27: 08:42:00
Oh thank goodness. They were too young to be wandering about on their own. Something appears to be wrong with the Rankings page. I see some folks who verbotomized with only 4 points.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-27: 13:04:00
Hey Purple, I have updated the score so that it is correct now. I will be watching it to see the Double Verbotomy introduces any other bugs ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2007-06-27: 13:54:00
Thanks James!

Clayton - 2007-06-27: 21:01:00
Hmm... my word's not there, either. No word means no votes. Not that I would've gotten any.

Clayton - 2007-06-27: 21:02:00
Never mind that last comment. Very strange.

Clayton - 2007-06-27: 21:02:00
Wait... it's missing again.

Clayton - 2007-06-27: 21:12:00
Wait... it's missing again.