Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To ignore anything positive and focus your energy on problems, disasters, and whatever bad news you find. n. A person who searches for, and feeds on, other people's weaknesses, failures and mistakes.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: flôyər
Sentence: Tony entered the field of law with high hopes of making the world a better place. What he soon discovered was that he was really in a world of flaw enforcement. When somebody messes up he makes money. Once he got all of that Don Quixote nonsense out of system he became a real flawyer.
Etymology: flaw (imperfection) + lawyer (a person who practices or studies law)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: eu-for-rap-tor
Sentence: Janet walked out into the beautiful spring air, taking in the delicate scent of cherry blossoms and feeling the warm sunshine. She stood there smiling, forgetting her winter depression and feeling hopeful for the first time in months. Suddenly Andrew, the euphoraptor, began to shout, "Where's my damn allergy pills?" "Where's my socks?" "Where's my damn chain saw?" "I've decided to cut that cherry tree down so I can put my bacci court there." Janet looked at the picked carcass of her happy mood and sighed, "Your pills are in the cabinet, your socks are in the drawer, and I sold your chain saw last week at the yard sale for 15 bucks."
Etymology: Euphoria: state of well-being and happiness + Raptor: one who seizes by force, rape; a bird of prey
Your verbotomy euphoraptor, and your sentence, especially the words 'leaves behind the picked carcass of her happy mood' is SUPERB descriptive and metaphorical writing! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-21: 09:38:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: bleak-beak-er
Sentence: Cardinella was such a sad old fella he would bleak around to bring everybody down. To him there was never a sunny or happy day...he managed to find always a spot of he would "bleakbeaker" to make everyone weaker! Draining out any happiness... trying to make others feel like a mell of a hess.
Etymology: Bleak:Providing no encouragement; depressing,gloomy and somber. Beak:Slang a person's nose or the projecting structure forming the mandibles of a bird, especially one that is strong, sharp, and useful in striking and tearing. Bleaker:Slang for a negative person that noses into peoples lives with a striking negativity to tear down their happy moods.
luv your spoonerism! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-22: 22:26:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: loo-GOO-bree-ayt
Sentence: Even on the sunniest days and rosiest occasions Esmerelda could be counted upon to lugubriate, searching through all the days events and news for the downbeat and negative offerings.
Etymology: Blend of 'Lugubrious' (mournful, dismal, or gloomy, esp. in an affected, exaggerated, or unrelieved manner) with suffix '-ate' (As the ending of a verb, it means to make, to cause, to act, etc.; as, to propitiate (to make propitious); to animate (to give life to)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mis fort tyoon hun ter
Sentence: Lucky Lucy was not only a fortune hunter, she was also a misfortunehunter. Her specialty was finding old guys who wanted sweet young things. She always made sure they were rich, sickly, put her in the will and were without relatives. Once she got her hooks into them, it was only a matter of time before they keeled and she collected. Her black widow career paid well until the last old guy outlived her...
Etymology: Misfortune (unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event;an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes) & Fortune Hunter (a person who seeks wealth through marriage)
Created by: Direwuff
Sentence: " Trying to increase their negaptitude and kenophobia, the negathletes of all persuasion seem intent on proving their ignorance this final week of the election." excerpt from a conversation I overheard while eavesdropping on myself...
Etymology: Combination of negative and athlete to create a noun for an an active negative participant.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: wōwälō
Sentence: Willy watches the news with great interest. He loves to woewallow. If there is bad news he wants to share it. Disasters, tragedies, agony? A new study that finds your favorite food as a possible cancer cause. He's there! He firmly believes that every silver lining is wrapped in a big beautiful grey cloud.
Etymology: woe (great sorrow or distress) + wallow ( indulge in an unrestrained way)
You met my dad? - wayoffcenter, 2009-04-21: 07:35:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sin nik
Sentence: Woody was a sinnic in the worst sense of the word. If your actions did not benefit him directly, he thought you had no business being on the planet!
Etymology: Sin (commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake) & Cynic (someone who is critical of the motives of others)
Created by: fabdiva
Pronunciation: neg-ah-fair-et
Sentence: It did not go unnoticed that Cindy spent an inordinate amount of time at the emergency desk. Only a negaferret would volunteer on their rostered day off.
Etymology: negative - not optimistic. Harmful. ferret - to look around in search of something
Created by: idavecook
Pronunciation: Shade-E FROD
Sentence: Steven is scuh a shadyfraud he always laughs at me when I spill scalding coffee all over my keyboard.
Etymology: Schadenfreude. God love the Germans
Verbotomy - 2009-04-21: 00:01:01
Today's definition was inspired by one of my favorite university professors who would respond to complainers with what he said was an old Japanese proverb -- "In among the cherry blossoms, the woodpecker hunts for a dead tree." ~ James
silveryaspen - 2009-04-21: 01:43:00
Like today's definition and cartoon, that Japanese proverb, provides plenty of food for thought .... naughty knotty thoughts ... until I want to thought naught about it any more!
silveryaspen - 2009-04-21: 09:56:00
This thought provoking definition and cartoon certainly inspired every one today! Kudos to the professor and James and all the verbotomists who played today. All are terrific sentences and verbotomies, today.
readerwriter - 2009-04-21: 10:33:00
Do I live in the wrong hemisphere or does my day begin too late???? Either that, or you all are up past midnight EST! Fun word today to play with. How you do it, James, I will never are an artiste!
Verbotomy - 2009-04-21: 13:27:00
Thank you silvery and readerwriter. Fortunately, there not a lot of woodpeckers among us, but apparently there are a lot of night owls. ~ James
abrakadeborah - 2009-04-22: 06:03:00
This word and cartoon today was very descriptive! I LOVE the old Japanese proverb you added "In among the cherry blossoms, the woodpecker hunts for a dead tree." :) I have known a FEW toxic people like this in my life~