Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To focus on your weaknesses, rather than your strengths. n. A person who is obsessed with their perceived deficiencies, and works hard to ensure that everyone else understands and appreciates their failings.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: beek rut shurr eee
Sentence: He was a master of becrutchery. His company car park was twice the width of his car. The technical department started his computer five minutes before his arrival. his colleagues did his photocopying rather than spen thje morning pulling crumpled staples out of the works. His father, the chief executive, was responsible for this shlepotism.
Etymology: begrudgery, crutch
I think he works here - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-29: 12:25:00
He's worked in several companies I do they do it??? - Nosila, 2008-04-29: 23:15:00
Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-30: 21:34:00
Created by: Rutilus
Pronunciation: sat-dis-funk-shun-al
Sentence: Greg was tardy, lazy and incompetent. He was quite proud of his lack of drive and uselessness and his satdysfunctional outlook was worn like a badge of honour.
Etymology: Satisfaction - fulillment Dysfunctional - abnormal (behaviour)
nice blend - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-29: 12:23:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: fôltastik
Sentence: Alex is a faultastic boss. In an effort to appear humble he constantly pointing his own foibles. Whenever he is called on to present his accomplishments he sings his own praises in faultsetto.
Etymology: fault (an unattractive or unsatisfactory feature) + fantastic (extraordinarily good or attractive)
Created by: Moonstar
Pronunciation: KI-My-Hest-shion
Sentence: "You're such a Kaimaihestian" or "Bill was very much a Kaimaihestian, and loved nothing more than telling people about how he aand they would inevitably fail".
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: MAN gah lo MAIN ee ak
Sentence: Dexter Knott made sure that everyone knew how difficult most tasks were for him and how slowly he worked, so that they wouldn't ask much of him. He was a notable manglomaniac, pointing out how he would probably mangle whatever responsibility was laid at his doorstep, and then suggesting that someone else would do a better job. He made such comments as, "Why don't you give the project to Lee Derr? He thrives on 'management opportunities.'" As a result, he mostly got to slack off while his more capable and ambitious colleagues basically got used. In the end, since they were all on a set pay scale, they all got paid the same.
Etymology: mangle + megalomaniac
Lee it! - Nosila, 2010-07-03: 22:43:00
Created by: steveo772
Pronunciation: per-sur-fail-ing
Sentence: Frank was persistently perserfailing in order to get laid off.
Etymology: Perservere + Fail.
like it - Jabberwocky, 2009-06-10: 11:46:00
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: Pes - a - misetr
Sentence: Peter was such a pessimeister. He was always pontificating on the possible negative outcome and preached about his problems and flaws.
Etymology: Pessimist (one who focuses on the negative) + Meister (master)
hahaha it. - mweinmann, 2009-06-09: 17:28:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: dare/og/ah/voe/cay/shun
Sentence: He made it his life's derogavocation to belittle himself as much as possible and present himself in the least attractive way.
Etymology: derogation + vocation
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Dow-nan-showt
Sentence: Mark knew he was a failure from the start, when he was expelled from nursery school at the tender age of three! But could not resist telling all who would listen about them. His reasoning for being a downanshout was that he would rather shout his failings from the rooftops before people around him discovered them for themselves.
Etymology: Down(depressed about ones own failures) an(short for and) Shout(to air ones opinions in a loud manner), down and out (one of lifes complete failures) =Downanshout.
Created by: hyperborean
Pronunciation: flawd-cahst-ur
Sentence: John was a prolific flawedcaster, but only Mary enjoyed receiving his weekly flawedcast -- everyone else deleted it right away. Reading about his problems made her feel strong.
Etymology: flawed (defective) + broadcast (to make widely known)
Favorite so far. Truly fits! Esp. the verb - DrWebsterIII, 2009-06-09: 14:38:00
like it!! - mweinmann, 2009-06-09: 17:27:00
Created by: Pyrrhocephalous
Pronunciation: Mig'-nif-ai
Sentence: "Could you wash the dishes for me, dear?" "Sure, Mommy! Hopefully I won't drop any like I did yesterday. Or bend the spoods too hard. Or accidently toss any on Fluffball..." "Actually, Suzie, why don't you go play with your friends? I can wash them" Suzie successfully mignified her way out of doing the dishes.
Etymology: Minimum + Magnify, since a mignifier is magnifying his minimum ability.
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: im-purr-fekt-shine
Sentence: she reasoned that the world needed some ugly models and she would damn well imperfectshine her way to the top!
Etymology: imperfection, shine
Well thought out! - TJayzz, 2008-04-29: 11:13:00
good for her - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-29: 12:20:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: in-COM-pet-it-tah
Sentence: Marty's ambition was to be the incompetitor of the month. So he launched into self-demotion at every opportunity until the entire staff was well aware of his every foible.
Etymology: incompetence + competitor
on a roll petaj - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-29: 12:19:00
thanks jabber. I though blooprint was pretty good, but had my doubts this would be popular - petaj, 2008-04-30: 02:59:00
Nice word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-30: 21:33:00
Created by: youmustvotenato
Pronunciation: lack-a-saav-eh-cull
Sentence: Larry, lackasavvical as usual, didn't want anyone to ask him to do anything since he seemed like he couldn't do anything.
Etymology: lackadaisical*(lacking+savvy)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: wim per fek tor
Sentence: Wayne was such a wimperfector that when he was absent, his productivity at work went up. His boss wrote on his annual review:"I can assure you that no person would be better for this job. We are very fortunate to get this person to work for us."
Etymology: Wimp (a weak person) & Imperfect(not perfect; defective or inadequate) & Perfector (a person who completes or makes something perfect)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: neg-uh-tron
Sentence: In the land of Transformers, after a sound defeat by the Demobots a new faction of Decepticons was formed; the Republicons. Their leader, Negatron utilizes a newly-developed weapon that allows him to dig in his heels in such a way that he can almost always block any forward progress especially initiatives from Obamas Prime.
Etymology: negative (expressing refusal to do something) + Megatron (Megatron is the founder of the Decepticon uprising and their most feared leader)
Created by: Tigger
Pronunciation: /flung-kerd/ (pronounced like 'drunkard')
Sentence: Larry would often set low standards for himself and then consistently fail to meet those standards. As a habitual flunkard, Larry found that there were very few tasks entrusted to him at the office. Management, having noticed this, were quick to assume that he was quite skilled at delegating assignments, and offered him a promotion.
Etymology: Flunk - failure to meet minimum performance standards (English slang, from alteration of British university slang, funk "to be frightened, shrink from") + Drunkard - a chronic, habitual drinker (from Old English, druncen, pp. of "to drink"); Flunkard = a chronic, habitual failure.
great sentence Tigger - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-29: 12:21:00
Great word! - Mustang, 2008-04-29: 23:23:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: nōkwändō
Sentence: Nelson is not only a practitioner but is the grand master of a new martial art, nokwando. Rather than teach new skills, this art concentrates on what a student cannot do. His dojo is not finished yet and may not be unless someone else take on the project. Nelson even practices his art at work. When his boss suggests some action that he should be undertaking, he can almost always defer or deflect this effort with phrases like "I'll have take that under study" or "My predecessor never showed me how to do that".
Etymology: no (not any) + taekwando (a modern Korean martial art similar to karate)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: FLAW-plan
Sentence: Bob spelt out his career plan with acronymical alacrity. It read: "F" for frustrating and thoughtlessness; "L" for lethargic and litigious; "A" for aimless and antediluvian; "W" for workshy and weaseling; "P" for plastic and procrastinating; "L" for lackadaisical and laconic; "A" for asinine and anal-retentive and "N" for neglectful and nepotistic. He was elected - maybe - for his honesty; or, more likely, by the "donkey" vote!
Etymology: FLAW: fault(s), defects, imperfection(s) & PLAN: to have a specific aim or purpose; a scheme or method of doing something put together in advance.
very clever - petaj, 2008-04-29: 04:58:00
Hmmmmm, is that a thinly veiled political swipe! - pieceof314, 2008-04-29: 09:44:00
love the sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-29: 12:22:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ped an tik hik
Sentence: Billy Bob was not making his transition from country bumpkin to slick city dweller very easy. He only opened his mouth to change feet and was known as a pedantichick, because he seemed determined to show off how naive and unsophisticated he was while going to college in a big city. He typified the stereotype of a big dumb farm boy. Case in point was when he was given a new protractor as part of his course equipment. He reckoned he wouldn't need a protractor, since he didn't have to plow the fields no more!
Etymology: Pedantic (marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects) & Hick ( not very intelligent or interested in culture; awkwardly simple and provincial)
good one - Jabberwocky, 2009-06-11: 15:48:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: dera/vo/cay/shun
Sentence: He made it his life's derovocation to belittle himself as much as possible and present himself in the least attractive way.
Etymology: derogation + vocation
Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: pree/zent/a/blah/ness
Sentence: His presentablahness said it all.
Etymology: presentableness + blah
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: neg/ah/siz/sist
Sentence: John is a negacissist always telling everyone his weaknesses, short comings and inabilities.
Etymology: negative + narcissist
Good one. - Mustang, 2008-04-29: 23:24:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: fal - tur - ee - go
Sentence: Stephanie has a strong faulterego. Those who know her well realize that she is an intelligent, capable woman. She is so good at downplaying her strengths in favor of her weaknesses that at times, she seems like another person.
Etymology: fault, falter, alter ego (An alter ego (Latin, "the other I") is a second self, a second personality or persona within a person. It was coined in the early nineteenth century when schizophrenia was first described by early psychologists. A person with an alter ego is said to lead a double life)
good one - Nosila, 2009-06-09: 11:08:00
Got my vote - DrWebsterIII, 2009-06-09: 13:33:00
Very good! - Mustang, 2009-06-09: 18:15:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: neg/ah/siz/sist
Sentence: John is the ultimate negacissist, always bragging and raving on about his weaknesses, short comings and inabilities.
Etymology: negative + narcissist
Excellent! - Mustang, 2009-06-09: 18:14:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: reckt - you - TAY - shun
Sentence: Warburton had a very flimsy sense of self worth and would often engage in wreckedutation, a form of verbal self abuse and degredation.
Etymology: blend of wrecked and reputation
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: dee-fekt-shun-ehst
Sentence: Wilbur had at one point in his life been a perfectionist but over time after suffering some setbacks, he became a defectionist, concentrating on his perceived defects rather than building on his strengths.
Etymology: Blend of 'defect' (imperfection) and suffix 'ist' (indicates a person involved in the activity or field)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pry vat dee tek tiv
Sentence: Yeah, she could not shoot, she did not take great photos and she had great trouble solving cases, but Sue Dopol Eese was a privatedefective. She fell asleep at stakeouts, she lost tails by being distracted with signs of upcoming sales and straying husbands and dishonest employees everywhere knew she was rubbish at her job. She could not find a lost sole in a shoe factory. She was therefore delighted when she was accepted for CIA Basic Training Camp...and she knew she would graduate top of her class.
Etymology: private(concerning one person exclusively or concerning things deeply private and personal) & (defective(markedly subnormal in structure or function or intelligence or behavior) & for rhyming: private detective (you know like Mannix, Magnum PI,etc).
Created by: rebelvin
Pronunciation: sure+fail
Sentence: He always surefails at the start, even before giving himself a chance to succeed at a project.
Etymology: sure+fail
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: mor-on-ik-dud
Sentence: Doodderick Doknowgood was such a moronicdud at work and was constantly pointing out his if he were a special kind of dumb.
Etymology: Moronic - a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment. & Dud - one that is ineffectual; also a failure, having little or no worth.
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: de-fect-ta-tude
Sentence: Sally's defectitude about her skills ensured that she would remain at the bottom of the typing pool for her entire career because she convinced everyone else that she lacked the ability to perform competently.
Etymology: defect: imperfection, deficiency, shortcoming + attitude: belief, outlook, approach
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: degh-reh-TAY-shun
Sentence: Carletons sense of self worth was flimsy at best, bordering on nonexistent, and he would frequently abase himself in his self styled degretation, using verbal self abuse and humiliation.
Etymology: Blend of degrade and reputation
Created by: arrrteest
Pronunciation: miss-conf-ih-doh-sis
Sentence: Jeff's misconfidosis could easily be explained by what he had seen around him. Whenever his bosses ever messed up, they ended up getting promoted.
Etymology: mis,prefix meaning "bad, wrong" + confident, sure of one's self + osis, suffix expressing state or condition, in medical terminology denoting "a state of disease"
The old addage here is F-up, move up! - arrrteest, 2008-04-29: 01:05:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: vul ner abil is me
Sentence: Chuck sat at his desk telling Denise, the new receptionist, how his reports were brief and he was not strong in public speaking or doing up a presentation. She thought it very strange given he was the Marketing Director and he had to give presentations, public speeches and detailed reports all the time. His vulnerabillisme was cute until she figured out how much they were paying him to do so little, when she could do the job and be a success!
Etymology: Vulnerability (susceptibility to injury or attack; the state of being vulnerable or exposed) & Is Me (it's all about you...)
Created by: chingbangwa
Pronunciation: wee-kon-sen-tray-shon
Sentence: Mike's weakoncentration is getting out of control. He has no legs and he has joined a running team
Etymology: Weak = lacking strenght + concentration = focus
So he's legless? Interesting word,chingbangwa - Nosila, 2008-04-29: 23:13:00
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: DORK- my-ster
Sentence: We don’t need convincing – The self- analyzer… Who mocks himself daily’s A real DORKMEISTER!
Etymology: DORK+MEISTER= DORKMEISTER.....Dork: perhaps alteration of dick Date: 1967.....MEISTER: one who is delusionally knowledgeable about something specified; Yiddish mayster & German Meister master, from Middle High German meister, from Old High German meistar, from Latin magister.
I'm not surprised that nobody likes the DORKMEISTER. What's to like? - metrohumanx, 2009-06-10: 05:52:00
Created by: stache
Pronunciation: ant'ē'gō-ĭst
Sentence: Marlene was an accomplished dancer and visual artist, and her mechanical skills were amazing. She could dance her way through a brake job or a tuneup, and her pin-striping designs were renowned. But she was such an antegoist that when Herschel asked her to help him at the hot-rod show she declined because, she said, "I'm just not a 'people person.'"
Etymology: ant, any of numerous black, red, brown, or yellow social insects of the family Formicidae [Middle English amte, from Old English ǣmete]; eg, var. of egg, as in to have egg on one's face, or to lay an egg; oist, practitioner of zero.
Created by: verbherder
Pronunciation: preyz-er-heyt-er
Sentence: "John, your memo moved me to tears. I never thought unisex restroom liquid soap policy could cleanse my soul as well as my hands," gushed Sally. "Yeah, but I always leave the seat up and use a baker's dozen hand towels before I even get going. It's a big problem for me." "Ugh! You're the biggest praiserhater in the whole office," exclaimed Sally.
Etymology: Don't hate the praise, hate the game.
Created by: pieceof314
Pronunciation: in comp am bih shun
Sentence: Jake was no stranger to incompambition. He learned quickly in his youthful slacker days that hard work and brains only stiffled one's rise to the top. If you become too important for your position, there is no incentive to promote you. Jake never put his best foot forward and thus he carefully fumbled his way to the top.
Etymology: incompetent + ambition
Verbotomy - 2008-04-29: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Johnny Bunko's Career Secret # 2: "Think strengths, not weaknesses". See: "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by Dan Pink. Thanks Dan! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-06-09: 00:01:00
Today's definition is inspired by Johnny Bunko's Career Secret # 2: "Think strengths, not weaknesses". See: "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" by Dan Pink. Thanks Dan! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-07-01: 00:08:00
Today's definition was suggested by johnnybunko. Thank you johnnybunko. ~ James