Vote for the best verboticism.

'When I said that you're a loser, I meant it as a compliment.'

DEFINITION: v. To exercise power through the strategic use of personal insults, while pretending to offer encouragement. n. A leader who motivates people by insulting them.

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Created by: LindsayStar

Pronunciation: E-go-strick-pep



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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: DEE-meen-NIP-yoo-lash

Sentence: I watched with sadness as my co-workers shuffled meekly to the multipurpose chamber for yet another meaningless motivational meeting with the horrid hag. This would be the last time she would DEMEANIPULASH the library staff. Today, her snidespotism would end. Her cretin-nice remarks and jocular jibes had had crushed the spirit of too many good trenchmates. Now she would pay. As the belittlement began, I silently switched on the timer that would detonate the briefcase full of gelegnite after we left for our coffee break..............SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS !

Etymology: DEMEAn+maNIPULate+lASH=DEMEANIPULASH___ Demean:to debase or degrade; Middle English demenen, from Anglo-French demener to conduct, from de- + mener to lead, from Latin minare to drive, from minari to threaten___ Manipulate: to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage___ Lash: to punish with a whip; a cutting remark


metrohumanx - metrohumanx, 2008-08-05: 07:05:00

metrohumanx disregard previous link-it's incomplete. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-05: 07:27:00

metrohumanx Try this one instead: - metrohumanx, 2008-08-05: 07:32:00


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Created by: kendriveset

Pronunciation: su-per-snide

Sentence: Joseph thought that he was doing a great job, until the supersnide Nancy congratulated him with verbal punishment.

Etymology: super + snide


supersniderrific! - Nosila, 2010-01-07: 01:01:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: trole model

Sentence: Alexis was the ultimate trollmodel. She thought if you stimulated people by making them angry, intimidated and resentful that she could manoeuver them to her whims. She apparently had never heard the adage, "Do unto others..."

Etymology: Troll (Scandinavian creature, human-like, lives under bridges or in caves...can be nice outwardly, but can be deceptive, thieving and untrustable) & Model (someone worthy of imitation) & WordPlayon Role Model (someone to set good example; to be copied)

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Created by: devans0




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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: in sul tiv ayt

Sentence: When Joan Collins played Alexis Carrington on "Dynasty", she regularly would insultivate the other actors. They were sure that the vixenish Joan was using reverse psychology on them to improve their performances and make their reactions to her onscreen more lifelike. They never did realize that Joan relished abusing them, thanks mainly to another Collins always in her dressing room...frequent stiffeners of Tom Collins.

Etymology: Insult (to treat, mention, or speak to rudely) & Motivate (to give an incentive for action)

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Created by: Katisms1

Pronunciation: hell-NO!-tive-ate

Sentence: Maintaining his hard-won reputation as a total S.O.B., the department manager would sneeringly "hellnotivate" his sales team into action with an endless stream of backhanded compliments.

Etymology: "(Oh) hell, no!" [Indignant reaction to the realization that the compliment one thought one just received was actually an insult.] + motivate

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Created by: whazat29




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Created by: bubbos

Pronunciation: de-rog-o-lit-tle

Sentence: Nancy derogolittled Billy's inability to please her in bed. "At least you're incompetency is not the worst I've seen."

Etymology: Derogatory + Belittle

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: lee - dur - snip

Sentence: Patricia knew how to practice leadersnip. This skill was honed over a period of time as a manager in the Marketing Department at Pepper Hill Cosmetics. All good ideas were her own and if someone else started to believe in their writing skills a bit too avidly, Patrice knew how to snip their copy - - and them down to size; thus yielding a better slogan authored by "herself"

Etymology: leader - a person who demonstrates the ability to motivate and manage people. snip - cut, reduce or chide

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: f'-lan-TREE-uhl-ik

Sentence: Although seemed always seeming warm and friendly, it was not her mellow mien, but her canditoxic philantriolic tongue that told the true tale of her feelings.

Etymology: Blend of PHILANTHROPY: Love of humankind in general. Something, such as an activity, intended to promote human welfare; thoughtfulness; benvolent. & VITRIOLIC: Biting, bitter or caustic; having or expressing strong and unpleasantly negative feelings; -- of speech or feelings.


metrohumanx Yikes! Bad Candy kills. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-05: 07:14:00


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Created by: giveaphuk




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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: fass add ist

Sentence: When Joan Collins played Alexis I-don't-Care-ington Coldby on "Dynasty" everyone thought she was a great actress, as well as an 80's clothes-horse supreme. She could work a room of naive men and fool millions of viewers. That is until those cat-fight scenes with her arch-rival, he ex Blake's new wife,Krystle (Linda Evans)...then they realized that those kissy, kissy, let's do lunch real soon, have your people call my people overtures were the mark of a real facadeist. Yes, they should have named the series after her, Die-Nasty!

Etymology: facade (a showy misrepresentation intended to conceal something unpleasant or being two-faced, not showing what you really feel) & sadist (someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain on others)


metrohumanx Latent loathing lingers. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-05: 07:17:00

Spot On ! - Wordotwist, 2008-08-05: 09:34:00

Great word AND soap opera sniglet! - lumina, 2008-08-05: 12:26:00


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: kun-dem-ah-gog

Sentence: At the meeting, we counted six insults proffered by Frank, the condemnagog, including one subtle double-slam on the presenter's mentor.

Etymology: condemn, demagog


How appropriate. This actually happened yesterday. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-12: 05:20:00

wasn't magog a god of war as well? Even moooore appropriate. - galwaywegian, 2007-06-12: 06:24:00

petaj He went presentimental over the attack on his advisor. - petaj, 2007-06-12: 07:54:00

Love it! Really splendid. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 08:30:00

Excellent! - ErWenn, 2007-06-13: 00:35:00


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Created by: jadenguy

Pronunciation: un spire a terian

Sentence: On the high seas, it was often that Horatio asked himself what his greater destiny was, his raison d’etre. The captain always told him that he wasn't as dumb as he looked, that the only good decision he'd ever made was to find himself a place onboard because the real world would eat him alive, that keeping storage room clean was one thing even he couldn't screw up, that at least he had more facial hair than his wife, but not much. This unspiritarian had all but destroyed the ferocity of crew, but Horatio continued to believe that this was where he needed to be, that great things were going to happen. Few and far between have there been greater moments of forsight.

Etymology: un + inspire + totalitarian


wow, that was a long'un. - jadenguy, 2007-06-12: 09:57:00

perhaps he should have become a unspirational unmotivational speaker - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-12: 12:01:00


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Created by: pungineer

Pronunciation: Meanie + ger

Sentence: Tarquin pondered whilst refrying the fries, he was on a fascinating 'Work your way round the Deep South' US gap year, the Himalayas had been fully booked, unfortunately... yes absolutely he though to himself, yes the OED have really missed a trick there, because, right, Bubba, is quite mean, I mean you could call him a meanie even, and he's my manager, well it says so on his badge so, right, well, actually he should be called a Meanager, because that's absolutely so what he is! Maybe i will study classics at Oxford next year, I've certainly got the language skills he ruminated further as he scrapped the grits off the gumbo....

Etymology: Just like Tarquin said in the story Mean or Meanie + Manager = Meanager


metrohumanx When there was no crawdads, we ate dirt. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-06: 16:33:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: pepskwôk

Sentence: Week after week the manager would deliver a pepsqualk to her staff. Her crew’s response has been to adopt a hedgehog as a mascot. They told her that a hedgehog is an industrious critter that will ”dig in” and defend its home. The fact is that the picture they posted for motivation is actually a shrew.

Etymology: pep talk (a talk intended to make someone feel more courageous or enthusiastic) + squawk (make a loud, harsh noise)

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Created by: rephil

Pronunciation: dis-en-CUR-adj

Sentence: Martha made it a point to disencourage everyone in her office before noon every day.

Etymology: dis -- not; encourage -- to support

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Created by: Clayton

Pronunciation: MAS-terd

Sentence: H. Clancy Pettigrew was a mastard of insultimate penuriousadism. His misanthrapaciousness was rivaled only by his truculentertaining friendishness.

Etymology: master + bastard


Interestingly, there is a rhetorical term for the art of insulting people without them knowing it: Charientism. Traditionally it means "the act of stating something objectionable in an agreeable manner." - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 08:25:00

petaj I love this sentence. It's a cornucopious assemblerection of tonguetwisting verbsmithery. - petaj, 2007-06-12: 08:41:00

I get it from years of reading Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty. Please don't tell anyone! - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 08:48:00

you're secret's safe with me. - jadenguy, 2007-06-12: 10:01:00

Nooooo! The only way three people can keep a secret is if two of me are already dead! Now I'll have to start reading other lunatics with undying affinities for pointless displays of frantic hippopotomonstrosesquipedalianism. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 10:11:00

Wow! love the sentence - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-12: 15:00:00


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Created by: Zer22

Pronunciation: Ir-Go-Nog-A-Tism

Sentence: The irgonogatism tone in her voice made me feel unworthy.



Etymology = Ignorance + Noggin(Head) + Tism. - Zer22, 2007-06-12: 14:35:00


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Created by: Wordotwist

Pronunciation: Ouf en spire

Sentence: The offenspirational capabilities of our supervisor keeps the entire workforce at the stitching factory on tether hooks.Only yesterday she humiliaded Nancy with the most flattering comments about her eyes ; followed immediately by the advise on how she could deliver more acceptable results if she kept them on her stitch – rather on the nearby ‘slicks’ for most of the time !

Etymology: A combination of offend - as to offend through an insulting,demeaning etc remark; and inspire - through encouragement,praise etc.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: SCOFF-i-sir

Sentence: MEMO To: All Staff From: Scofficer Martin %%%%%%%% It is with great pleasure that I can tell you all about Mary Jane's excellent performance. Due to her repulsive smell brought on by inadequate personal hygiene, she has single handedly reduced the number of complaints submitted at the customer service desk to zero. Congratulations Mary Jane.

Etymology: scoff + officer + sir


HA! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-12: 07:51:00

This one's excellent, too. So many good words today. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 08:31:00

that mary jane must have nulfactory senses! - jadenguy, 2007-06-12: 10:02:00

Great sentence! - mplsbohemian, 2007-06-12: 14:00:00


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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: dee - meen - ee

Sentence: Amy was known as a demeanie around the office because she seemed to always find a way to make those around her feel bad about themselves. Her insults were always couched inside of a bit of sweet talk so she got away with it quite a bit.....

Etymology: demean (degrade or make one aware of their shortcomings), meanie (a person of mean disposition)


mrskellyscl fun word - I'll have to share it with the kids - mrskellyscl, 2010-01-06: 14:17:00


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Created by: Matt99

Pronunciation: Cr-it-ic-er

Sentence: The boss sure is an accomplished criticer. Also- The string of criticerally charged words left him feeling abused.

Etymology: Critic + er

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Created by: couv78

Pronunciation: Com-pli-min-sult

Sentence: She just told me that the report looks good but she reckons she could have had a monkey do it and get the same result - I think she just compliminsulted me?

Etymology: From Compliment and Insult

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Created by: nynaeve




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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: mort/fort/i/fye

Sentence: The sales manager managed to mortfortify his team on a daily basis. He told them they were all stars, outperforming last years numbers to such a degree that he would hire more staff and thus reduce their bonuses

Etymology: mortify + fortify

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Created by: Roubicek


Sentence: I receive nothing but preyse from my boss.


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: pro_CURS-tin-ayt=er

Sentence: Elaine was a hard core procurstinator, using insults that she dressed up as compliments in order to motivate her staff.

Etymology: Blend of prefix 'pro' (for, or positive) and 'curse' (v. to swear or condemn). Play on the word procrastinator

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Created by: texmom

Pronunciation: Ob shew ur in sult

Sentence: After that obscurinsult she didn't know whether to thank her boss or cry

Etymology: obscure + insult Yes, I misspelled it and can't go back


I meant it to be obscurinsult... but maybe... I should just leave it like it is. - texmom, 2007-06-12: 07:23:00


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: duh-meen-aj-err

Sentence: he liked his job but he couldn't stand his new demeanager

Etymology: demean, manager


petaj Was the demeanager a good derision-maker. - petaj, 2007-06-12: 08:00:00

Slurly you can't be supercilious. The demeanager was emcloyee of the smear. Don't friendsult his inelegance. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 09:31:00

great word rikboyee - I'll definitely use this one - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-12: 10:57:00


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Created by: administraitor

Pronunciation: deny-a-grate

Sentence: Her manager's constant efforts to deniagrate her performance finally led Carol to implement her exit strategy.

Etymology: denial + denigrate


your name, administraitor, would have worked well with this definition - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-12: 16:29:00

What a difference a vowel makes! - administraitor, 2007-06-12: 16:32:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: co - WHOP - ehr - ayt

Sentence: Hillary delighted in using her status as supervisor to cowhoperate with her subordinates, employing seemingly sweet outpourings of sympathy for their problems while delivering sarcastic and crude insults.

Etymology: Blend of cooperate and whop...( A sudden sharp, powerful stroke)..verbal in this case


metrohumanx Ouch! Cuts me to the quick. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-05: 07:19:00

I read that as Cow + Operate which i think is a perfect word for such office bovines - pungineer, 2008-08-05: 10:56:00


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Created by: ohwtepph

Pronunciation: zih-nger-zatz-purr

Sentence: Berta fired zingersatzpurs out of his mouth at 200 zingersatzpurs per minute at her lover, just like any professional zingersatzpurs would. She ended her wild volley of insults with, "Keep on doing that and I will love you for the rest of my life."

Etymology: [German... LOL. i keed, i keed] (insult) zinger + ersatz (false) + spur (encourage)


I am both frightened and elated by this word of yours. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 10:03:00

ohwtepph Glad to know you're having mixed emotaunts! - ohwtepph, 2007-06-13: 08:48:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: gode/dig/ur

Sentence: Our new MD is such a goaddigger that he simultaneously hurls insults and backslaps with lightening speed, "Builds moral" he screams as he steps over a flattened colleague

Etymology: goad + digger (supervisor) + gold digger (bully, vixen, tease)

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: no/ti/vay/shun/al

Sentence: June was so insecure in her position as team leader, that each year when it was her turn to "pump up" her team at the company's annual banquet, she would make sure to have the best notivational speech prepared. Armed with about 15 minutes of subliminal messages, she would also politely reject any ideas and suggestions with a smile, followed by a rolling of the eyes as she pointed to the next raised hand.

Etymology: Motivation: Stimulation of a salesperson's, dealer's, or employee's innate desires and personal objectives by a program of recognition. Notivational: The "antithesis" of the above. :)


metrohumanx subtle yet sweet....powerpoint to the people! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-05: 07:12:00

Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-06: 04:56:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: win sult

Sentence: When Alxis wanted to motivate her top sales people, she used reverse psychology on them. She'd treat them so badly and abased them, that they would prove her wrong by outdoing themselves. Their success was their best revenge on her. Her winsult approach opened up a whole new career for her on the self-help book and lecture circuit.

Etymology: Win (be successful, attain a goal) & Insult (treat, mention, or speak to rudely)

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Created by: headlibrarian

Pronunciation: \vin-ˈspī(-ə)r\

Sentence: Coach Jensen, the high school tennis coach, would vinspire me with cheers of "With big-ass feet like yours, Haggerty, you're gonna foot-fault your way to a forfeit. You'll score more points by just standing still."

Etymology: Vindictive (intended to cause anguish or hurt) + Inspire (to spur on; motivate)

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈmɑkləˌmɛnt/

Sentence: It wasn't the fact that he mocklimented everyone that was so annoying; it was the fact that he seemed to think everyone was too stupid to notice.

Etymology: From compliment + mock


good one ErWenn - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-12: 12:04:00

son does that to me all the time. At least now I've got a word for it! Thanx! - administraitor, 2007-06-12: 15:08:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: lamm bass tarrred

Sentence: He had the smile of an angel as he chaired the weekly meetings, but as the new recruit Ida Lovett was to discover, beneath the smarmy exterior, he was a complete and utter lambastard!

Etymology: lambast, to loudly criticise, bastard


petaj He was much worse after a few glasses of Italian red wine. Then he was lambrusqueo - petaj, 2007-06-12: 07:52:00

petaj Also a wolf in sheep's clothing? - petaj, 2007-06-12: 08:02:00

Damn, I didn't see yours before I posted mine. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Good word there, too. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 08:27:00

And the ignoramus who put BBQ sauce on the mutton chops. - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-12: 08:31:00

Hahaha! "Lamb baster." Incidentally, the Basters of Namibia get their name from the Dutch word for "bastard." - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 09:05:00

Maybe he had the smile of an angel because he was really 'Tiny Tim' in disguise and he was a lamebastard as well as a lambastard - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-12: 10:44:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: duhm-oh-tuh-vey-shuhn

Sentence: Lucy thought she could use dumotivation to get her staff going. If she acted like they were stupid, they would strive to prove her wrong. A good number of her employees showed just how smart they were by finding new jobs where they were treated with respect.

Etymology: dumb (lacking intelligence or good judgment; stupid; dull-witted) + motivation (inspiration, inducement)

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Created by: protothor

Pronunciation: fall-ree-int-ism

Sentence: An expert of falrientism, even as the young boy in the back of the opposing car audited his middle finger, his smile led to unspoken compliments.

Etymology: From 'falsity' and 'charientism', a word that means basically the same thing.

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Created by: CharlieB

Pronunciation: gal-van-eye-a-late

Sentence: The staff were conflicted by their boss. "You fat &*!£s need to show me what ya got!" she would yell. After a team hug and a pep talk they'd rush back to their desks feeling excited. But there was also a lingering sense of humiliation. They'd been well and truly galvannihilated.

Etymology: galvanise (to stimulate or excite) + annihilate (to destroy)

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: duz-en-ate; duz-en-a-tor

Sentence: She came on like she was from the hood, street-smart, street-wise, getting it on, taking us down with her tongue. Man, she thought she was original Dozenator, the Queen of Put Downs. But, it was all a show. "Heh, heh...Just jivin' ya," she always said in quick retreat.

Etymology: From the slang, "dozens," meaning to put others down + ate/ ator, giving action and/or title

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Created by: Rosshowey

Pronunciation: complesult

Sentence: She totally dissed me, but later she tried to play it all like a complesult!


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Created by: kymar

Pronunciation: lapse - o - judgement

Sentence: I could tell by the look on my bosses face, that what she was about to say to me would be yet another example of her lapsojudgment.

Etymology: Momentary lapse in judgement

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: hyoo/mil/ee/eyd

Sentence: Rachel would humiliaid every salesman in the department. She ripped every salesman apart personally then pushed them to exceed last month's sales targets.

Etymology: humiliate + aid


I think Rachel and Scofficer Martin should be charged with humiliading and abeating - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-12: 10:50:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: gode/diggur

Sentence: Our new MD is such a goaddigger that he simultaneously hurls insults and backslaps with lightening speed, "Builds moral" he screams as he steps over a flattened colleague

Etymology: goad + digger (supervisor) + gold digger (bully, vixen, tease)


very goad - galwaywegian, 2007-06-12: 06:22:00

petaj incellent in fact! - petaj, 2007-06-12: 08:06:00

Someone needs to inform Jim Goad. Very apropos. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 08:52:00

hey Clayton - I didn't even know who Jim Goad was so I googled and guess what - today's his birthday! doo doo doo doo - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-12: 09:42:00

That's some really serious weirdness right there. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 09:48:00

also creepy, appearantly he was a total jerkface. what a coincidence! - jadenguy, 2007-06-12: 10:09:00

An auth-hole? - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-12: 10:22:00

Depends on who you ask. That's the reason I said it was apropos, though... because Goad's writing is plenty insulting and misanthropic at times. But then again, so was Mark Twain's, Celine's, and Vonnegut's at times. If you ask me, Goad's material is terribly funny. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 10:28:00


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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: SUHB-lihm-hayt

Sentence: Alex, unaware of the powers of sublimhation, couldn't understand why he always felt worse after his boss's "pep talks".

Etymology: subordinate + subliminal + sublimate + hate


oooo, an irony fisted word! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-12: 13:19:00

Excellent word. - ErWenn, 2007-06-13: 00:34:00


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Created by: guesser

Pronunciation: Power + dissplay

Sentence: To powerdissplay your employee in front of your customers is an awful thing to do.

Etymology: Power (of a boss)+ Diss (slang --> to put down + play (display)

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: nayle-nyce

Sentence: Many nailnicers learn from the greats such as Joan Collins from Dynasty fame.

Etymology: nail (as in to be nailed or hit) + nice

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: hyoo/mil/ee/eyd

Sentence: Under the guise of motivating her sales team, Jenny would humiliaid every salesman in the department because she was a power tripping bitch.

Etymology: HUMILIAID - verb - from HUMILIATE (to cause a person a painful loss of pride, self-respect, or dignity) + AID (to give help or assistance)


metrohumanx Stalinesque salesladies slander slouches. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-05: 07:16:00

Wow ! Perfect - as for example a "a sweet verbal lashing" - Wordotwist, 2008-08-05: 09:29:00

Nice word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-06: 04:56:00


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Created by: Rhyme79

Pronunciation: mow-tee-hate

Sentence: I like to motihate Busby by calling his work horrendous and his hair style effeminate.

Etymology: A play on motivate.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: lēdərhōzən

Sentence: Whenever folks get too uppity the boss administers a good leaderhosin.

Etymology: leader (the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country) + hose (metaphorical term for screwing someone) a play on Lederhosen


mrskellyscl My morning chuckle. Thanks, artr. - mrskellyscl, 2010-01-06: 07:57:00


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Created by: bigdog


Sentence: My team lead always makes me look like an idiot during meeting when he sandbags me with a public show of slurport for my work.

Etymology: slur - impugn one's character or ability + support - to encourage


petaj Good one. - petaj, 2007-06-12: 07:51:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: en-slur-age-ment

Sentence: Margot was always ready to give ensluragement whenever someone got above their raisin by thinking they could do her job as well as she did. That way she could eliminate the competition and still sound like she was trying to help her underlings.

Etymology: encouragement: to inspire hope, courage or confidence + slur: to talk about disparagingly or insultingly; to cast a disparaging remark


artr It takes slurrage to stand up to your subordinates. - artr, 2010-01-06: 09:20:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Sny-dee-pray-ze

Sentence: Rebecca thought she was a great boss, she didn't even realise by the way she encouraged her staff by mixing encouragement and insults in the same sentence, her staff could actually see right through her and knew all along that she was using the snideypraise method.

Etymology: Snidey(derogatory or mocking in an indirect way) + Praise(to express warm approval of) ORIGIN preiser Old French to prize, from Latin pretium 'price' = Snideypraise

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Created by: trunktickle




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Created by: XLilDevilGirlX

Pronunciation: U got lovely Yacht

Sentence: wow UGotLovelyYacht!

Etymology: this 1 is reli sneeky. Look @ the capital letters and u get the insult but u also have the compilment by the words that come wiv the Capital letters

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Created by: sanssouci

Pronunciation: Slam ayd

Sentence: "The best way to get the most out of your new employees is to slamaid them right from the start, if they are strong minded and determined then they will make it to the end of their training without running a mile."

Etymology: Slam - to criticize harshly; attack verbally: He slammed my taste mercilessly. Aid - to offer encouragment and motivation.

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Created by: ziggy41

Pronunciation: Fab-remp-ah-kayte

Sentence: Our boss elucidated to us that from her country what we thought crude was, infact, a normal "hello" gesture. Once we found out she was born in America we knew she was fabrimprecating the whole time, and was just giving us the finger.

Etymology: Fabricate (to fake or lie) + imprecate (to utter a curse)

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Created by: badsnudge

Pronunciation: \up-ˈsəlt\

Sentence: "Sure, you're lazy. But its the ambitious people who are destroying the planet.", he upsulted.

Etymology: up (from uplift) sult (from insult)


Good one, badsnudge...compact! - Nosila, 2008-08-05: 22:24:00

Very Good. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-06: 04:55:00

metrohumanx Succinct and bound to become trendy. Bravo! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-06: 16:28:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: hyoo/mil/ee/eyd

Sentence: Rachel would humiliaid every salesman in the department. She ripped every salesman apart personally then pushed them to exceed last month's sales targets.

Etymology: humiliate + aid

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-12: 01:52:00
The second step in Timothy Johnson's GUST process is Understanding. And apparently, based on the number of definitions we received on this topic, everybody understands what it is like to have a bad boss. Today's definition was suggested by ohwtepph , suzanne, and remistram. Thank you ohwtepph, suzanne, remistram, and Timothy! ~ James

lumina - 2008-08-07: 13:49:00
Wow! So fun and an honor to have come up with the "winning" word. "I'd like to thank the Academy, my parents and of course Jesus." ha Thanks to the voters! (she says as the music starts playing and the tap dancing man with the hook from the gong show comes into view...)

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-01-06: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by ohwtepph. Thank you ohwtepph. ~ James