Vote for the best verboticism.

'I'm calling to tell you that I'm doing my toes.'

DEFINITION: v. To compulsively describe, in excruciating detail, the minute events of one's everyday life as it happens; especially when assisted by modern information technology systems. n. A person who feels compelled to "share" every detail of their life, with everyone.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: twētsikstēn

Sentence: Katie is just sure everybody is hanging on every facebook status update she makes. If she changes the color of her toenail polish, her world of friends knows about it. She recently stepped it up a notch by opening a Twitter account. Her account name is tweetsixteen despite the fact that she is 56 years old.

Etymology: tweet (a post on Twitter) + sixteen (one more than fifteen) Sweet sixteen (used to refer to the age of sixteen as characterized by prettiness and innocence in a girl.)


CharlieB :-) - CharlieB, 2011-03-17: 04:03:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dya ree ya

Sentence: Dahlia talked on the phone all day about nothing. But then with the advent of the Internet...she carried her blethering unto the rest of the world. The trivial details of her boring life were best expressed on her blog, called "Dahlia Diaryhhea". Her mental constipation also included poor spelling. The one thing positive thing was that Dahlia Diaryhhea made others appreciate how exciting their own lives were by comparison.

Etymology: Diary (daily bog or log of one's activities, no matter how trivial) & Diarrhea (runny bowels; also verbal diarrhea is when people talk way too much...they run on and on).


funny and clever - mweinmann, 2009-10-29: 08:54:00

karenanne Good one - karenanne, 2009-10-30: 09:35:00


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Created by: arms60




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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: web + bore

Sentence: I don't read his blog, it's just a webbore about what happened to him every single day.

Etymology: Guess!

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: PER-sun-uh-lyrt

Sentence: Madge felt compelled to provide all her friends with a highly detailed personalert whenever they got together causing some of them to go to great lengths to simply avoid her.

Etymology: Blend of the words 'personal' and 'alert'

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: yak-bair-eee

Sentence: Sue is such a yackberry that she felt the need to call and tell me how many licks it was taking to get the the center of her tootsie pop.

Etymology: yack, blackberry

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /dij-uh-rah-TEE-dee-um/

Sentence: Ken and Julie would blog about everything — detailing all of the digeratedium of their lives that nobody else really cares about. When they got engaged, they started a website, and wrote about all the minutiae of their wedding planning. Then they started a new blog when they got a cat, and posted pictures and stories about what it did that day, and what it might be saying if it could talk. Now they have a baby. Reading the daily pregnancy updates were mind-numbing, but the pages of text they'd write each time baby Ryan spit up or filled his diaper were enough to induce a coma.

Etymology: Digerati - people who often use, or are knowledgeable about, digital technologies (from dig[ital] + [lit]erati "computer literate") + Tedium - the quality or state of being wearisome; irksomeness; tedious (from Latin, tædium "weariness, disgust")


digerati is a new one on me, and it works well with this. - stache, 2008-06-17: 06:21:00

To me too; nice word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-19: 05:38:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: chronicle-2-point-O-verkill

Sentence: Twittering, blogging masses are frittering away their first lives with chronicletwopointoverkill. "Now I'm just logging into Second Life", "must blog this, my fingernail just broke in the keyboard" etc. etc.

Etymology: chronicle + 2.0 (from web2.0) + overkill


Tune in tomorrow for Detail of 2 Geocities. - purpleartichokes, 2007-04-11: 06:43:00


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Created by: erasmus

Pronunciation: blo giv i a

Sentence: Frank stopped reading Janes' online diary because it was packed full of blogivia

Etymology: from blog and trivia

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Created by: CharlieB

Pronunciation: twit-erk-sum

Sentence: Molly didn't realise how twittirksome her obsession with photographing her meal and posting it on Twitter before the starter even arrived had become. It was why Jim dumped her. Not that she really minded: she could now tweet every 30 seconds as she went through the five stages of grief, from denial to acceptance.

Etymology: Twitter (social networking site) + irksome (irritating, annoying)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-11: 00:31:00
Today's definition was suggested by Alchemist.
Thank you Alchemist! ~ James

lumina - 2008-06-17: 10:39:00

lumina - 2008-06-17: 10:40:00
Great! Love it!

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-06-17: 14:25:00
MANECDOTAL is very good...kind of intuitive and rolloffatistic.

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-06-17: 14:48:00
MONOTOLOG is another classic. Simple yet funny.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-10-28: 00:44:00
Today's definition was suggested by Alchemist. Thank you Alchemist. ~ James