Vote for the best verboticism.

'I knew you didn't want anything fattening...'

DEFINITION: n. A valentine gift which does not cause weight gain. v. To give a non-fattening gift as a symbol of love, which should not be interpreted -- under any circumstances -- as a comment on the recipient's weight.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: CAR-bo-rayt-ehr

Sentence: Much to the chagrin of his wife Lucy, Clarence was overly concerned about her health and her weight and he was a meticulous carborater and only upon careful examination of the listing of ingredients would he buy the least fattening foods, including Valentines day candy offerings.

Etymology: Blend of 'carbo' or (carbohydrate) and 'rater' (one who rates or assesses) A play on the word 'carburetor' (a device that meters 'fuel' to an engine)

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Created by: catalina

Pronunciation: UN-FAT-TER-ING

Sentence: I knew that you would be flattered by the unfattering gift I gave you for valentines day.

Etymology: Flattering

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: jool-er-ee

Sentence: As Carmella stared at the softly gleaming string of pearls in front of her, she knew she had invented the perfect Valentine's gift. She would apply for the patent today! The hard, round vitamin-packed, sugar-free morsels she had meticulously drilled holes in would be called "joulery." Her company would be called Aunty's Joules because, of course, she was against anyone gaining weight from eating her creation. She knew she had a winner in these tough economic times. Dinner and a gift, all in one!

Etymology: A play on JOULE, meaning the energy created by caloric intake.


When Carmella discovered her pearls weren't real, was she shocked? - silveryaspen, 2009-02-09: 10:47:00

Yes, especially as they were cast before swine! - readerwriter, 2009-02-09: 15:14:00

LOL - silveryaspen, 2009-02-09: 19:48:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Ro-w-man-sing-the-bowns

Sentence: Noticing his wife had put on a few extra pounds over Christmas, Steve decided on a romancingthebones gift for Valentines Day. Instead of the usual large box of chocolates, he bought her a pair of trainers. He did also buy a huge bunch of flowers to bring out, just in case she tried to hit him with the footwear.

Etymology: Romance(Court the favour of) SEE ALSO Romancing the Stone(1984 Romantic Comedy starring Michael Douglas


terrific - Jabberwocky, 2009-02-09: 08:43:00

Darling! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-09: 10:37:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: hart/lee/any/cal/or/ees

Sentence: Heartlyanycalories is the newest sensation to hit the shelves this Valentines day. Each box of these chocolate peanut butter hearts is generously laced with salmonella that will ensure not only that you don't gain an ounce but guarantees that you'll lose plenty.

Etymology: heart + hardly any calories


Great - TJayzz, 2009-02-09: 07:52:00

Sizzling sentence, better than the news has done! Your verbotomy is a confection of perfection! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-09: 10:42:00

good play on words...liked it. - mweinmann, 2009-02-10: 09:36:00

That's so funny. - kateinkorea, 2009-02-12: 21:25:00


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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: CO vert CARB cur bur

Sentence: I know my boyfriend is worried about me getting fat like the other women in my family, so he was kind of sneaky about how he gave me my present. That covertcarbcurber gave me chocolates but he made sure I opened them around my mother and sisters...and they ate most of them.

Etymology: COVERT:to do something and try to go unnoticed or stay hidden CARB: short for carbohydrate CURBER: a person who curbs, or stops or limits an activity or thing

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: gooddahyva

Sentence: Will's ample-figured girlfriend loves her chocolate. Valentine's Day puts him in a quandary. Does he support her desire to be healthier or her vices? He may have found a way to do both as long as she doesn't notice the slight labeling change on the big box of sugar-free knockoff brand of Goodiva chocolates.

Etymology: good (of high quality) + Godiva (brand of high-end chocolate)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sweet naw things

Sentence: Why was it when James whispered sweetgnawthings into Jenny's ear,she felt hungry. He called her his Sweetie Pie; his Lamb Chop, his Tutti Frutti, his Honeycakes and his Chocolate Passion. Luckily these sweetgnawthings cost her no calories, but left her feeling hungry and needing something tasty.

Etymology: Sweet Nothings (to whisper inconsequential expressions of affection into her ear) & Gnaw (to bite or chew on with teeth)


Mind play with word play! Wow! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 02:37:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: val en thin

Sentence: Not a word by Peter was said, as on her valentine card, Bunny read: "Lettuce see if you carrot all for me, or if you'll just turnip your nose at my gift for thee." Bunny opened the boks, and to her choy, liked the long green, better than chocolate or soy. Together they crunched and munched, enjoying a great din-din. "Oh! Peter! You're some bunny! There's nothing wrong with your valenthin!"

Etymology: VALENTINE, THIN. Valentine - gift given to express love on February Fourteenth of each year. THIN - to be slim, or to keep being slim, that is to have, and keep on having, very little body fat.


(Long green with a short future could also refer to money, double meanings from this funnybunny) - silveryaspen, 2009-02-09: 00:35:00

GlobalGallery Very clever. Hehe. - GlobalGallery, 2009-02-09: 02:03:00

lovely sentence - Jabberwocky, 2009-02-09: 13:28:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: Xe/ro/fat/gy

Sentence: A xerofatgy Valentine gift is perfect for that Jenny Craig bound partner.

Etymology: XEROFATGY - from XEROPHAGY (a fast observed among the primitive Christians) + FAT


Thanks for introducing me to another new word. Apt and unique! Super originality. - silveryaspen, 2009-02-09: 10:44:00


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Created by: GlobalGallery

Pronunciation: yo-mumma-sow-gurt

Sentence: Brandon had made a special effort cooking for his wife Kylie for their 10th wedding anniversary. A seafood salad and some fine wine followed by fresh fruit and yomammasoghurt. "What's this?" asked Kylie. "Urm, the kids ate all the double choc-fudge ripple icecream" he sheepishly replied.

Etymology: 1. A play on the Yo' Mamma so fat jokes. eg 'Yo' Mamma so fat she aint got a waistline, she got an equator'. 'Yo' Mamma so fat they gotta take her licence picture with a satellite'. 2. yoghurt - a food product made from curdled milk.


Never heard any Yo' Mamma jokes before, so thanks for for something new. Yoghurt is a word I'll be using as I don't like it. Well-crafted, punsome, funsome! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-09: 10:35:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: luv lyte

Sentence: On their first date, he took her to a fast food restaurant. She left the ordering up to him, while eyeing the juicy triple bacon burgers, milkshakes and fries. He came back with exactly that as his order, but got for her instead a Coke Zero and a lettuce and tomato salad with no dressing. What she saw as his lovelight turned out to be a lovelite.

Etymology: Lovelight (a brightness of the eyes characteristic of someone in love) & Lite (diet, low calorie)

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: fan - nee - may - not

Sentence: With Burt's Valentine's gift, Gloria's fanny may not become larger..... He gave her a fannymaynot heart, filled with little gifts instead of candy.

Etymology: Fanny + Fanny May + May Not >> Fanny (another word for buttocks) Fanny May (A popular brand of Candy, often given for Valentine's day) May Not (a prohibition, might not, not allowed to)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kar at kayke

Sentence: Eddie always gave Shirley a karatcake for Valentine's day. It was a no-cal styrofoam corn cake with a piece of gold jewellery lying on it. But the price of gold kept going up, so next year he would probably get her a caratcake instead... you know the marriage proposal type of diamond ring.

Etymology: Karat (the weight of gold) & Cake (small flat mass of chopped food)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: row mann thin

Sentence: his romanthin gesture followed her non-appreciation of his romanthick gestures of previous years

Etymology: romantic, thin


very funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-02-09: 13:26:00

Together ... thru thick and thin - silveryaspen, 2009-02-09: 19:52:00


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Created by: skampy

Pronunciation: low-cal-entine

Sentence: I got you this lowcalentine to show you how much i love you and the fact that you just lost 19 pounds on the master cleanse.



I like it! - kateinkorea, 2009-02-10: 09:12:00

Perfect blend of low calorie and valentine ... right on the definition ... superb verbotomy! Welcome! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-10: 18:07:00


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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: chalk-o-nots

Sentence: After hearing me lament about the Christmas weight gain and the impending doom of swimsuit season on the horizon, my husband really thought he was being considerate when he found a healthy alternative to Valentine's Day candy. However, he learned that the choconots were just the first of many denied pleasures of that holiday.

Etymology: The word "chocolates" altered to incorporate "not"


Super funny! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-09: 19:50:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: CAR-bo-rayt-ehr

Sentence: Much to the chagrin of his wife Sadie, Carmichael was overly concerned about her health and her weight and he was a meticulous carborater and only upon careful examination of the listing of ingredients would he buy the least fattening foods, including Valentines day candy offerings.

Etymology: Blend of 'carbo' or carbohydrate and 'rater' who rates or assesses. A play on the word 'carburetor'..a device that meters 'fuel' to an engine.

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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: all you need is love

Sentence: Allyouneedislove love, love is all you need...not chocolate.

Etymology: From a famous song by the late John Lennon.

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: sma-ten-ing

Sentence: Steven Stoopifidis, made sure to give a smattening Valentines heart to his sweetie, Miss Bootie Badonkazonker.

Etymology: Smack - To strike or slap smartly, with or as if with the open hand. Fattening - To make plump or fat.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: soōpər nōkal frajəl ēgō iz shē gônə kil us

Sentence: John knew he was taking a big risk giving Mary ultra-low-calorie chocolates for Valentine's Day. He wondered if it was a supernocalfragilegoisshegonnakillus move. With beach season looming, she was really focused on her figure but was he supposed to notice? He could be changing his last name to Doe (Doh!)

Etymology: derivative of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from the musical Mary Poppins


Fun mouthful! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-09: 10:38:00

Great, but I wouldn't like to attempt to say it after a few drinks! - TJayzz, 2009-02-09: 13:44:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-02-09: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2012-02-08: 00:37:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James