Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: To purchase a bauble, article of clothing, or major appliance, in order to alleviate anxiety or other psychological stress. Often leads to overspending.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Kyoti
Pronunciation: Noo-roh-WIDGE-uh-tize
Sentence: Cynthia liked most of her earrings, but none of them seemed to say "look at me, I'm the newest assistant marketing manager for Macy's catalog sales," so she simply drove down to COSTCO and neurowidgetized a pair that did.
Etymology: Neuro (psychology prefix) + widget (gadget or insignificant sundry item) + ize (suffix that turns nouns into verbs)
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: stoor gasem
Sentence: just becouse she needed regular storgasms didn't make her a hermesexual
Etymology: store orgasm.
Created by: mythman
Pronunciation: feh-durr-LIHN-ih-tee
Sentence: Britney didn't have new shoes, and was hoping for a man with some Federlinity to solve that problem.
Etymology: How else would a backup-dancer earn the love of such a diva?
Created by: pwincess9430
Pronunciation: dunno
Sentence: i have ovemorspennedingy this month
Etymology: wot duz dis meen?
Yes, will etymology kind of means "what does this mean". You can explain the derivation of the words (history of the words) if you like. - petaj, 2007-08-20: 06:49:00
Created by: jesster
Pronunciation: Angz - es - o - rise
Sentence: Angie tended to compulsively anxessorize whenever she had a bad hair day. At last count she had 431 fashion barrettes, 1,327 assorted scrunchies, 32 banana clips, 14 sets of hair extensions (none of which matched her natural color), 7 bun wraps, a dozen beaded hair strings, 43 hair sticks, 68 jaw clips, 82 headbands, 3 tiaras, and a lifetime subscription to Madame Tress's Hairoscope.
Etymology: Anxiety + Accessorize
Created by: Uccxxxv
Pronunciation: Psycho-over-spend-ill-evy-ahe-shun
Sentence: "I'll give you some pills for your psychoverspendilleviation, but if all else fails i'll have to take your wallet.
Etymology: Psychological + Over + Spend + alleviation
Created by: sparkles510
Sentence: Renee will depressplurge after every bad relationship.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: bye/pohl/ar
Sentence: Her buypolar personality was responsible for her extravagant spending habits.
Etymology: buy + bi-polar
Buyagra may help. - purpleartichokes, 2007-08-20: 11:33:00
This is an awesome word! Me thinks I suffer from this disorder. - buggy96, 2007-08-20: 22:04:00
How much can a buypolar bear? Good word - OZZIEBOB, 2007-08-20: 23:24:00
A little word recycling I see. - petaj, 2007-08-21: 05:12:00
best word in ages! - galwaywegian, 2007-08-21: 05:38:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: ang-zi-binj-E-tee
Sentence: Roxy used shopping as a quick fix for the blues. Each spurgisode was squandipitious:whenever she saw for sale something stromboid, she had to buy it to slake her anxibingety. Also her squandapathy, whilst at times an all consuming passion, became afterwards a pangfull prodigall, with terrifying squandread.
Etymology: Anxibingety:(anxiety+binge)"anxiety for binge-buying). Prodigall(prodigal+gall)"vexed by waste." Squandapathy:"indifferent to waste."