Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: To have a favorite article of clothing with which you develop a personal, and even a deeply fulfilling, relationship.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: en/rap/tured
Sentence: She was so enwraptured with her grandmother's old mink stole that she named it and carried it with her everywhere.
Etymology: enraptured + wrap
I read this word and instantly knew it was the right one. - jadenguy, 2007-07-09: 13:10:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: sole-mate
Sentence: Tony attributed his success in Prime Minister's question time to the support he received over 18 years from his solemate, a pair of lucky brogues.
Etymology: soulmate + sole (of the shoe) --
Oh sole mio.... - galwaywegian, 2007-07-09: 07:51:00
if he ever lost them, he'd have to do some serious solesearching - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-09: 13:00:00
Created by: Kyoti
Pronunciation: Strap-luh-siv-ee-us-ness
Sentence: Monica and the formal evening gown she discovered at Macy's drew each other inexorably from the sales rack to the changing room in a straplesscivious way that could only be described as destiny.
Etymology: Strapless+lasciviousness
can I see you in a strapless number? LMBO gmv - amysmiles2000, 2007-07-11: 15:58:00
Simple answer... no! ;D - Kyoti, 2007-07-11: 17:17:00
Created by: callie17
Pronunciation: Cloth-a-dora
Sentence: Emily had a spasm of clouthadora as she relized her favorite sweatshirt was getting too small...
Etymology: originating from the english word "cloth" and a form of "adore"
hope you like it... - callie17, 2007-07-09: 20:06:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: ah-door-drohwb
Sentence: her career had stalled and her love life was non existant, but no-one could stop her from adoredrobing like a wild woman
Etymology: adore, wardrobe
Created by: nchilliest
Pronunciation: k-l-u-fr-end
Sentence: These shoes are my new clothfriend because I am so obsessed with them.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: soot/tuh/muh/see
Sentence: He had such a strong suitimacy with his Hugo Boss that his wife bought one for herself to wear around the house to get some attention.
Etymology: suit + intimacy
Created by: jadenguy
Pronunciation: hab er dash ar dor
Sentence: It was on many occasions in which Luis would stroll out in those favorite jeans of his. As he reached for change at the vending machine, his hand glided over the blood stain that remained an alter to his first true love. As he walked past the subterranean bistro, onlookers could observe the back of his left knee, a sewing scar mass a testament to his willingness to defend his friends. He kneels to help a young lady with her papers; the oil stain so near his Pumas explained his haberdashardor, a fervor she understood, one that they would share for years to come.
Etymology: haberdashery + ardor
great story jadenguy - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-09: 11:05:00
Hardcore authors like to do exercises of writing a story in exactly 55 words. You should so try that! You'd be good. - mplsbohemian, 2007-07-09: 22:29:00
ziggy41 - 2007-07-09: 14:04:00
I miss the Verbotonews. :(
Verbotomy - 2007-07-09: 22:54:00
I was at UC Berkeley last week, as one of the speakers the Language Creation Conference. See: it was great fun and I met some amazing people! I will catch up on the Verbotomy news posting tomorrow ~ James
ziggy41 - 2007-07-10: 00:06:00
Oh, that conference looks really fun, can't wait for the wonderful news. And I loved the cartoon last week (great job!)