Vote for the best verboticism.

'Why can't I google my socks?'

DEFINITION: The inability to find, organize, or keep track of, simple physical objects. Often occurs when an individual has developed a search-engine dependency.

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: cat-ah-logd-off

Sentence: he wandered aroung the house completely cataloggedoff, unable to even remember what he was searching for in the first place

Etymology: catalog, logged off


petaj A vote from an ex-cataloguer - petaj, 2007-07-20: 05:03:00


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Created by: KristinA

Pronunciation: sigh-burr-space-E

Sentence: Since being diagniosed as cyberspacy, John has begun riding his bike to work because keys are "too much responsibility." He's also given up on the sock thing and only wears sandals. Even then, he's been seen barefoot, one shoe in-hand and searching for the other.

Etymology: "cyber" for the tech dependency + "spacey" for the absentmindedness, also the play on "cyberspace"


Is that Kevin Spacey's brother? - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-19: 12:41:00


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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: In + ter + nut + ee

Sentence: I'd probably be able to find my keys if I could go online and search for them... I guess I'm a bit internutty.

Etymology: internet + nutty

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: dat/a/dic/tion

Sentence: It is not difficult to odour out those suffering from dataddiction. They are usually wearing smelly socks and dirty underwear.

Etymology: data + addiction

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Created by: princessmg

Pronunciation: as-fel-ep-i

Sentence: My asphelipi broke.



it's a cool word. - princessmg, 2007-07-19: 16:50:00


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Created by: gonzo


Sentence: I´m crazy, all I can see is kippelization around me

Etymology: kippel - organization

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: in/lap/ti/tude

Sentence: Chris' inlaptitude at sorting socks resulted from leaving his laptop at the office.

Etymology: ineptitude + lap top

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Created by: penguinssean

Pronunciation: poo-po-do-do

Sentence: a dog took a poopododo


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Created by: leaffan001

Pronunciation: gu-gol-o-shis

Sentence: Dependance on search sites.

Etymology: From the web site google.


Good Word - leaffan001, 2007-07-19: 19:39:00


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Created by: ziggy41

Pronunciation: Oh-ver-pask-jeevs

Sentence: I'm sure whoever made up "Where, oh where, did my little dog go" is suffering from a sever case of Overpaskjeeves.

Etymology: Overpass/overlook (to pass over something unnoticed) + Ask Jeeves (a popular search engine)

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: ihn-kap-ASK-jee-vay-tuhd

Sentence: When Alex reached for a mouse when searching for his can opener, he realised he was thoroughly incapaskjeevated.

Etymology: incapacitated + Ask Jeeves ( search engine)


funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-19: 14:41:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: dot/compromized

Sentence: He was so dotcompromised that he couldn't function at all without being hooked up to his umbilical mouse.

Etymology: dot com + compromise

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Created by: irminem

Pronunciation: dys-goo-gli-ah

Sentence: Chris suffers from dysgooglia; he is unable to perform any basic task that does not involve the use of the computer to assist him.

Etymology: dys- from dysfunctional + googlia- from google

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: yaaaa wheyr

Sentence: he could google it ask jeeves it and yahoo it, but he just couldn't yawhere it. So he made a donation to Saint Anthony via paypal, and lo and behold, it was down the back of the couch, even though it wasn't there the last time he checked.

Etymology: yahoo, ya who, ya where

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: dawg-pi-uhled

Sentence: He had Googled, Yahooed, MSN'd, and Asked Jeeves, but he was dogpiled and still couldn't figure out which slot in the drawer the spoons went.

Etymology: Dogpile "All the best search engines piled into one."; dog pile - what my mother used to call my bed


One can only imagine why your bed was called a "dog pile" ;) - ziggy41, 2007-07-19: 04:49:00

hehe! - purpleartichokes, 2007-07-19: 06:51:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: loo + s

Sentence: Jon felt like such a loser beause he was a loowwwser. He realised that he had put six pairs of contact lenses in both of his eyes again, layering and layering day after day....

Etymology: to lose + www (as in world wide web)

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: All-tuh-viss-tuh-furs

Sentence: Danny usually found things in the last place he looked, which he presumed was all the confirmation that he needed to prove he was joining the ranks of the world population of altavistuffers.

Etymology: Altavista + Alzheimer's + stuff + suffers

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Created by: halimay

Pronunciation: mor-g-in-obb-set

Sentence: Oops! I Morginobbset my sock again!!

Etymology: Come Again?

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Created by: kellii3

Pronunciation: fin-in-able-y

Sentence: mr.travers was one of the few sufferers of fininabley who needed constant help finding things.

Etymology: fin-(find) inable-(inability) y-(coz it sounds better)


woo i like this word lots - kellii3, 2007-07-24: 14:47:00


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Created by: geoamnesia


Sentence: I hit another 404 today, looking for my socks, and wished Google could just tag and file my laundry.



Could you use your word in the (or a) sentence? Thx! - scrawlspacer, 2007-07-21: 19:25:00


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Created by: dancerxoxox

Pronunciation: gog/tech/hel/pendo

Sentence: The girl could not find her homework and in anger screamed. The teachers knew she had Gogtechelpendo.

Etymology: Google/technology/help/Dependant.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: ill-in-vent-o-rat

Sentence: Billy's ilinventoracy hindered his career plans to become a search engine programmer.

Etymology: il (as in illiterate) + inventory

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Created by: jadenguy

Pronunciation: yah umm

Sentence: “Where is Tiberius? Where is he?” Julius exclaimed. The makeshift portable canopy from umbrellas and duct protected the penguin he was holding from the harsh morning sun. They new taking this long to load them into the truck would be trouble. “Christ, I’m holding him here, you yahumm. Your wikipenguina is of no help, eh?”

Etymology: yahoo (person and service) + umm


this whole continuous story writing thing has been an interesting experience. i'll probably talk about it in depth this weekend on tomorrow's word. man, i never realized how much i could enjoy it, though. - jadenguy, 2007-07-19: 11:29:00

we're enjoying it too jadenguy - now I know what the umbrellas are for - Jabberwocky, 2007-07-19: 11:54:00

But what ever happened to the farmer's daughter? - purpleartichokes, 2007-07-19: 13:50:00

hopefully tomorrow's word will lead me in that direction? - jadenguy, 2007-07-19: 15:10:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: dis-TRO-vent

Sentence: Every morning was the same for his family. His tie was not in the wardrobe where put it, one of his socks was missing and the lunch he had definitely put in his briefcase a moment ago was no longer there. He was distrovent-but wouldn't admit it!

Etymology: Dis (OFr)-"lack of", trov (Anglo-Fr)-"found" & -ent a suffix forming adjective from nouns or verbs.

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Kyoti - 2007-07-19: 10:25:00

Kyoti - 2007-07-19: 10:26:00
Wow, look at that. I need a drink! ;))

petaj petaj - 2007-07-20: 04:57:00
Does alcohol have a salutary effect on boxlexia?