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'Why can't I google my socks?'

DEFINITION: n. The inability to find, organize, or keep track of, simple physical objects. Often occurs when an individual has developed a search-engine dependency. v. To search for something that should be easy to find.

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Created by: jedijawa

Pronunciation: goo-gle-with-draw-al

Sentence: Bill suffered googlewithdrawal and was unable to organize or find anything without the familiar search engine.

Etymology: google + withdrawal

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Created by: erasmus

Pronunciation: sock nowl edgy

Sentence: brian just could not get his head around socknology, it completely alluded him.

Etymology: from socks and technology

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Created by: Javeson1

Pronunciation: uhn-owr-goo-gul-an-ized

Sentence: I have become very unorgooglanized ever since they cruelly decided not to make google's powers extend beyond the internet.

Etymology: unorganized + google

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Created by: Maureen

Pronunciation: nash - dig

Sentence: David you have spent all morning gnashdigging for your wallet; it is about time you got more organised.

Etymology: gnash - grinding teeth in frustration and dig - to search for.

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Created by: chris

Pronunciation: ab-sent-fine-did-ness

Sentence: Tristram's absentfindedness was steadily getting worse...he couldn't even find the note he'd written that told him where he'd left his glasses.

Etymology: absent + find (and echo of absent-minded)


Good word chris! - wordmeister, 2007-01-06: 11:41:00


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Created by: sarach

Pronunciation: click-ah-dik-ted

Sentence: I'm so click addicted I tried to Google the newspaper I was reading this morning.


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Created by: lebeast


Sentence: Struggling for years with his interlossabilia, he finally came to grips with his problem, and decided to seek help

Etymology: internet+lose

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Created by: whimsy


Sentence: After he finally lost the ability to track where his own home was without the use of Mapquest, his doctor started to recognize googloss as a serious disorder.

Etymology: Google + loss

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Created by: chofu67

Pronunciation: key de pen dent


Etymology: Over dependence upon use of key words to search for what one needs to find

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Created by: hairydoginparis

Pronunciation: dee-gull

Sentence: I wish I could deegle my car keys when I lose them.

Etymology: desire+google

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