Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A lost thought; v. To become distracted and lose track of what you were thinking.
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Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: mush-brayn
Sentence: People over 35 begin to receive mushbrains more frequently as they age and this usually marks the onset of rotting from the inside- otherwise known as the aging process.
Etymology: mush (a thick, soft mass, can mold into a loaf for slicing and frying) brain (the grey & white matter between your ears)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: sliptkägnəzənt
Sentence: Much like the old quote from the Three Stooges, ”I’m trying to think but nothing happens” John can lose a thought before it he can even finish formulating it. In a slippedcognizant moment he can even forget the Alamo.
Etymology: slipped cog (mental mistake) + cognizant (having knowledge or being aware of)
Created by: ldikarev
Pronunciation: THink slip
Sentence: As I was about to win the noble prize for general awesomeness of ideas I had abrupt thinkslip and lost all memory of my idea.
Etymology: think slip
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: roo/muh/nee/zhuh
Sentence: He was contemplating the most brilliant idea for a new e-company when ruminesia set in and all he could remember was that he really wanted a chocolate ice-cream cone.
Etymology: ruminate (think about, ponder) + amnesia
good one - Nosila, 2009-12-04: 18:16:00
Created by: whipspeak
Pronunciation: gon-sept
Sentence: Now I can't remember why I liked this word - it's goncept.
Etymology: concept: Something formed in the mind; a thought or notion + gone: departed; left.
immaculate gonception? - Nosila, 2009-12-04: 18:17:00
:-) inarticulate gonception - whipspeak, 2009-12-04: 19:07:00
Created by: fredm
Pronunciation: deja-lost
Sentence: As soon as she heard it, she had the feeling of dejalost - it was a thought she would never remember.
Etymology: dejalost - from deja (Fr.: already) + forgotten antonymn: "deja vu"
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: div err shunnt
Sentence: he always had something cute and witty to say to her, but when he walked into her office, her scent and her smile caused a major divershunt, leaving him simpering while withdrawing to the safety of the men's room.
Etymology: diversion, shunt
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: re-memb-er
Sentence: Sophie racked her brains to try and recall the witty comeback she was about to make to her nemesis at work. Unfortunately, her thoughts had switched inconveniently to what she needed to get at the shops on the way home and could only rememberr something totally inadequate.
Etymology: remember (the act of memory) + err (to make a mistake) + er (an expression which indicates uncertainty)
Created by: guesser
Pronunciation: dis-brain-Ea
Sentence: I don't know which is worse, disbrainia or brain freeze, both make my head hurt!
Created by: serendipity9000
Pronunciation: thred-rift
Sentence: I had just the perfect final thought for my paper, but then I lost hold of it and the next minute it was threadrift.
Etymology: Thread (as in thread of an idea or thought) + drift (to move away)
Created by: LMR1991
Pronunciation: brain-i-tick
Sentence: Ugh! I have a brainitch.
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: n. thot-bot-oh-mee
Sentence: During his presentation, Bob had an unscheduled thoughtbotomy; the slide was before him, yet he couldn't think of a single word to say.
Etymology: thought, lobotomy
yikes - just thought of a witty retort and then lost it - I gusess it was a verbothoughbotomy - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-21: 09:40:00
I also forgot how to spell guess - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-21: 09:41:00
I can sympathize - I suffer from spellth with alarming frequency lately. - purpleartichokes, 2007-05-21: 18:07:00
Created by: mgood
Pronunciation: th-urp
Sentence: I hope I can recover the thurp I just endured!
Etymology: combined thought with burp!
I've had a thurp before myself. - texmom, 2007-05-23: 00:22:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: thnort
Sentence: yet another thnought had slipped through the cracks in his brain
Etymology: thought, nought
This is lovely to say out loud. - petaj, 2007-05-22: 03:06:00
Created by: treyb
Pronunciation: Ey-dee-dee
Sentence: Arg, aydeedee, I forgot what I was going to tell you.
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: think - ho - el
Sentence: In trying to remember what she meant to tell her husband, Marnie encountered a thinkhole. She could not retrieve the thoughts that had been preoccupying her for the last day and a half. She felt like her mind was wandering the desert.
Etymology: think, sink, sinkhole
I must thay, that's a thuper word! - whipspeak, 2009-12-04: 08:07:00
Love it! You got my vote! - artr, 2009-12-06: 06:53:00
Created by: texmom
Pronunciation: ah ten shun e see ya
Sentence: During her speech a spell of attentionesia swept the next thought from her mind
Etymology: attention + amnesia
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: breyn-dreyn
Sentence: Jill had a lot of great ideas going into the meeting but her braindrain was pulled when she saw Brian sitting in the conference room. She had such a crush on him that she just felt numbstruck.
Etymology: brain (mind; intellect) + drain (to exhaust the resources of)
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: GAWN-sept
Sentence: Dexter was usually full of ideas, but his latest one rapidly turned into a gonecept when his manager suddenly asked Dexter to describe it.
Etymology: Gone (vanished) + concept (idea)
love it! - galwaywegian, 2012-09-14: 08:02:00
Created by: angelheart
Pronunciation: Crania-FLAT-u-ence
Sentence: "I'm really suffering from a bad case of craniaflatuence"
Etymology: Crania-pertaining to the head or brain Flatuence-having excess gas in the system
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: pond + err + or
Sentence: I had this great idea for a new flavor of frozen yogurt but then my brain had a ponderror and I don't know what it was any more.
Etymology: ponder + error
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: brain-drop
Sentence: Um, I forget what I was going to write.
Etymology: Braindrops keep falling from my head. And just like the guy whose thoughts are too big for his head, nothing seems to stick....
funny petaj - I like the song too - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-21: 09:35:00
Listen to the rhythm of the falling brain, telling me just what a fool I've been. - Clayton, 2007-05-21: 15:32:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈbɹeɪnˈfjuːdʒətiv/
Sentence: I wanted to use my latest personal brainfugitive as an example in this sentence, but it escaped, and I haven't been able to track it down yet.
Etymology: A fugitive thought that's escaped from the brain.
good one! - toadstool57, 2007-05-21: 07:34:00
Created by: newworldview
Pronunciation: sin-apt
Sentence: Their loud talking on the train synapped my idea for a new invention.
Etymology: synapse + kidnapped
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: miss/trak/shun
Sentence: He suffers from serious misstraction
Etymology: distraction + miss
Created by: Carria
Etymology: From latin pēnsāre "think " and amnesia
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: flee th ink
Sentence: He thought the thought was fleethink but he wasn't sure.
Etymology: fleeting think
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: ēvapidərāshən
Sentence: Joan has given up any thoughts of thinking. She has resigned the real world, where you have to remember stuff, to join the e-world, where your IQ can be measured in gigabytes. Her **smart phone** is brighter than she is. If she has a thought, she better get it down in her notes app or it will succumb to evapidoration. A friend asks if she wants to meet at a particular restaurant. Before you can blink, she is reading the menu and texting a reservation. Just don*t ask her to share her thoughts. She doesn*t have time for those anymore.
Etymology: evaporation (cease to exist) + vapid (offering nothing that is stimulating or challenging - made of vapors)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: am nee zhe ayk
Sentence: When stressed, Maggie became distracted and found herself with an amnesiache. When that old train of thought gets derailed, it's a pain in the caboose.
Etymology: Amnesia (partial or total loss of memory) & Ache (have a desire for something or someone who is not present)
Created by: toadstool57
Pronunciation: brAin-fart
Sentence: Jill had a brainfart only 20 minutes into her speech. People noticed her distant stare and puzzled looks as she tried to recall the topic and reason for being at the podium.
Etymology: brain/fart, escape of bodily gas.
Created by: daisy
Pronunciation: blank-i-fide
Sentence: I was blankified during the big test - was it George Washington or Dick Cheney who sailed across the Delaware?
Created by: JayBaldo
Etymology: A terrible combo of lost and thought.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: blink/ling
Sentence: Several times a day I get an earth shattering blinkling but then in an instant, it's gone
Etymology: inkling + blink
Hey Jabber... Congrats on your win last week! Well deserved! - purpleartichokes, 2007-05-21: 18:02:00
Created by: geoamnesia
Sentence: The thought came, saw and fled in a nanosecond, leaving me with that familiar feeling of ifonlyness.
Etymology: If + only - a mental and emotional condition common to people with short memories, or no memory at all.
Created by: grasshopper
Pronunciation: idea-otomy
Sentence: Dr.'s have recently put a name to the symptoms of a constant lose of though now known as ideaotomy
Etymology: idea-to have a thought otomy- the removal of something idea/otomy
That's a pretty cool word.I suffer from it a lot!! - angelheart, 2007-05-22: 16:14:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: roo/muh/nee/zhuh
Sentence: He was contemplating the most brilliant idea for a new e-company when ruminesia set in and all he could remember was that he really wanted a chocolate ice-cream cone.
Etymology: ruminate (think about, ponder) + amnesia
That's what happens when the rumen takes over from the brain. Probably wanted some rumenraisin sauce on his icecream - petaj, 2007-05-21: 03:52:00
not enough room in his IA (intelligent area) - galwaywegian, 2007-05-21: 06:18:00
Created by: ohwtepph
Pronunciation: thaw - tuh - TAH [just say the last two syllables in a staccato accent] phonemic symbols: /θɔːt - tʌ - tɑː'/
Sentence: Thalia thautatad and her thought then turn to a thorough thautata. Thin thoughts turn out to be thautatas when thoughtless Thalia thinks thin thoughts-- a thoughtless thinking method we know now as thautata.
Etymology: "thought" + tata [goodbye in a more smexi manner]
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: dam nee sha
Sentence: You know the go into a room, but forget why you went. You see someone familiar but cannot recall their name. You put your keys down, but cannot find them as you race around getting ready to go to work. Yes, it's that damnesia. You used to have a photographic memory...but now you keep forgetting to buy film for it. Your memory is now like a pen that runs out of ink. You have crossed into a new dementia, The Whywrite Zone.
Etymology: Damn (expletives used informally as intensifiers) & Amnesia (total or partial loss of memory)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: men-sab-sen-she-a
Sentence: On your 50th birthday you become eligible to join Mensabsentia. Members of this society can be identified by the blank look on their faces upon walking into a room, followed by an abrupt turnabout as the person goes back to where he or she started to see if they can remember why they went there in the first place. Members can often be heard saying "I used to be smart -- I even went to college and got my Master's!" Other characteristic phrases may be: "Turn that thing down -- are you deaf?" "Where the hell is my..." "Why, when I was your age..." and "What does it mean when the screen is black?"
Etymology: mensa: an exclusive society where the membership must have IQ test results better than 98% of the population + in absencia: in absence
Created by: Scattercat
Pronunciation: de-NEH-mon. Similar to denouement, with which it shares some aspects of connotation as well.
Sentence: He opened his mouth to begin the presentation, and his mind went blank; if he hadn't had his notecards ready, it would have been a total demnemonstration.
Etymology: The word has roots in 'demon', such as might be responsible for the phenomenon, and 'mnemonic', which in this experience is conspicuous in its absence. The prefix 'de-' and the root 'mnem' also combined to play a certain role here.
Created by: katytee
Sentence: "Sorry, had a bit of a baffling little psyskip there...what was I saying again?"
Etymology: psych (i.e stuff to do with the mind) + skip (like what a CD might do)
Created by: boomslang
Pronunciation: flab-u-luss
Sentence: you look flabulous today dear!
excellent! - boomslang, 2009-12-05: 19:11:00
Created by: pinwheel
Pronunciation: tad/ull/d
Sentence: I had rubber gloves on and three foot of garden hose in my hand but for the life of me I was so taddled I couldn't think what I had intended to do with it.
Etymology: tad ( a small amount) + addled (confused)
that reminds me - I have to do some gardening today and if I get taddled, I can just wash the car - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-21: 09:37:00
Created by: Clayton
Pronunciation: mis-ley-DEE-uh
Sentence: No one could recall the name of Gabriel's play; Randall chalked it up as a meager mislaidea, but Julia was determined to overcome the rememberference.
Etymology: mislaid + idea
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ir ret treev ab ilitee
Sentence: It happened again. Brianna had another irritrievability session. Her train of thought had become derailed again. It was like being an amnesiac in a soap opera. She could not remember anything from a second ago, nevermind longer. It all started when she began dating her co-star, Drew A. Blanc. He seemed to have no memory at all. Probably a good thing in Hollywood, but a bad thing for her...had they had their first kiss, gotten married, had a child? Who knew??? All that Brianna did know was that she would have to get back on the Ginko-Biloba again soon, or her career might be over! Whoulda thought????
Etymology: Irretrievable (impossible to recover or recoup or overcome) & Irritate (annoy;disturb, especially by minor irritations) & Ability (possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done).
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: Trayn-mash
Sentence: Now, what did I come into this room for? Argh! I'm having a total trainmash!
Etymology: train - train of thought mash - crush, squash, smash wordplay on train crash
Created by: cohenarie
Pronunciation: dis kon THIN kyu
Sentence: Partway through my presentation, I completely disconthinkued, causing me to stop mid-sentence. (One might also experience a "disconthinkcuance")
Etymology: discontinue + think.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: BLANC-owt
Sentence: Cynthia and Rupert seemed to be on a connected wavelength, both having moments of blankout where their thoughts just dead ended in confused mental disarray.
Etymology: Blend of 'blank' and 'out', play on the word 'blackout'.
Created by: weareallbeautiful
Pronunciation: k-ah-s-t-uh-th-ough-t
Sentence: Jenna tried to remember her castathought but she had lost her concentration.
Etymology: castaway+thought
Created by: ziggy41
Pronunciation: Forg-thot
Sentence: Because of her constant blather about crustaceans and underpants, I complete forgthought of my metaphysical essay topic Nature of Time ... hey I remember now!
Etymology: Forgot (failed to remember) + forgo (do without, ie. the thought) + thought (idea produced by thinking)
like it!! - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-21: 09:43:00
Verbotomy - 2007-05-21: 01:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by ziggy41. Thank you ziggy41! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-12-04: 00:02:00
Today's definition was suggested by ziggy41. Thank you ziggy41. ~ James