Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. To gasp and go rigid with shock when someone unexpectedly hugs you. n. The gasping sound, and associated rigid body reaction, which a person who is "not comfortable with physical intimacy", emits when they are unexpectedly hugged.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Biscotti
Pronunciation: sh-awk-word
Sentence: Robin, who never gave hugs or expected them in return, was struck with shockward when Justin, whom she barely knew, gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek!
Etymology: Shock (unexpected, sudden) + awkward (strange or uncomfortable)
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: shud-ehr-hug
Sentence: Seeing the breach of protocol in the inappropriate touching of a monarch by the new first lady, the Queen and many who saw it experienced a gasping shudderhug in response to such a major no no.
Etymology: Blend of shudder and hug
Major No No.....wasn't he second-in command to Chairman MOE? - metrohumanx, 2009-04-06: 01:40:00
Yep....and was the older brother of the dissident, Yu Gno Hu - Mustang, 2009-04-06: 01:50:00
Pol Pot = Top Lop - metrohumanx, 2009-04-06: 01:53:00
Yep....and was the older brother of the dissident, Yu Gno Hu - Mustang, 2009-04-06: 03:10:00
That's the one....Hung Chow....was constipated most of the time. - Mustang, 2009-04-06: 03:11:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: skwēzwēz
Sentence: Tom's family was not very good expressing intimacy. When he married Sunshine his family collectively developed a squeezewheeze. In the receiving line Tom's mother gasped so much that Sunshine's folks were convinced that she had asthma. At the reception there was so much oxygen being sucked in that the caterer had trouble keeping candles on the tables lit.
Etymology: squeeze (a hug) + wheeze (breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest)
How did Tom and Sunshine ever get together? - otherguy, 2009-04-06: 07:47:00
I think we're ALL Bozos on this bus! - metrohumanx, 2009-04-08: 02:38:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: ass teee reee ah
Sentence: His assteria made her the butt of jokes in the shower room
Etymology: hysteria, ass
Your Assteria "cracks" me up! :) LOL - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-06: 09:05:00
HOW did that happen? perfect example of Illogicalrambugifications as I hit enter once...:)) - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-06: 09:08:00
very funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-07: 09:43:00
Profundo rotundo. Funny word! - metrohumanx, 2009-04-08: 02:42:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: klin-ch-oak
Sentence: The klinchoak Lizzie let out echoed down the hall. Every head turned in her direction to observe Michelle imitating Paul Keating by breaking protocol.
Etymology: clinch (embrace, hug) + choke (gasp)
Very clever and pronounceable, too! - metrohumanx, 2009-04-07: 01:15:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: shock-and-paw
Sentence: Larry was the office touchy-feely guy, known for his flagrant practice of shockandpaw hugging manuvers on unsuspecting women. He snuck into the office one day and found Martha, the new receptionist, alone at her desk. What Larry never realized, though, was that Martha carried creepaway spray in her purse for just such an occasion.
Etymology: shock: surprise + paw: fondle, grope (wordplay on shock and awe a la G.Bush)
nice one! - galwaywegian, 2009-04-06: 08:48:00
Love it! - artr, 2009-04-06: 13:09:00
Excellent!! - Mustang, 2009-04-06: 20:39:00
Good one, Miss Moneypenney! - metrohumanx, 2009-04-08: 02:39:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: stiff + cum + fert
Sentence: Grandpa Proctor went into shock when Emily Lincoln gave him a hug. He felt extreme stiffcomfort, had trouble breathing and his whole body became rigid. Although Emily was a covergirl for Oui Magazine, everyone was sure that he reacted this way when Grandma touched him too.
Etymology: stiff (rigid, incapable of or resistant to bending, not moving) comfort, discomfort.
excellent - Jabberwocky, 2009-04-07: 09:45:00
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: rig-ORTHO-hiss
Sentence: Mama Obama’s outgoing, they say… To protocol spin doctors it was okay- To fistbump Sarkoszy and hifive the Prince… But hugging the Monarch made everyone wince. Forgetting that Bush was a world-class dunce, Her touch was derided and talked of for months… Clearly her gesture was somewhat amiss.. Tho the world’s on the edge of a dark bleak abyss, The papparatzombies just focused on this: A Regent’s reaction- Her RIGORTHOHISS.
Etymology: RIGORmortis+orTHO+HISS=RIGORTHOHISS....RIGOR MORTIS: temporary rigidity of muscles (occurring after death); New Latin, stiffness of death [1847].....ORTHO: straight, upright, vertical, perpendicular,correct; Greek, from orthos straight, right, true; akin to Sanskrit ūrdhva high, upright.....HISS: to express disapproval of by hissing, to make a sharp sibilant sound; Middle English, of imitative origin [14th century].
WOW! The word is great, the poem hysterical. Great work. - mrskellyscl, 2009-04-06: 05:10:00
Great word as always Metrohumanx ;) - abrakadeborah, 2009-04-06: 08:30:00
Words you chose to make rhyme, entranced me for quite a time. While at your wit, I laughed a bit, and enjoyed all of what you writ! - silveryaspen, 2009-04-06: 17:36:00
Your ode may not be legal, but it certainly is regal! - Nosila, 2009-04-06: 19:10:00
Thanks to you all! James :) - metrohumanx, 2009-04-06: 23:17:00
I would like to thank The Lone ranger who gave me a vote on each of my words last week. I may be offline for a little while, as i have chosen to move to the headlands of the foothills... - metrohumanx, 2009-04-07: 01:13:00

Today's definition was suggested by abrakadeborah. Thank you abrakadeborah. ~ James
abrakadeborah - 2009-04-06: 07:50:00
Thank you! My former husband's family didn't hug and I hugged his Mother and she let out a loud gasp and went rigid... They all changed and became more loving towards each other, after I married into their family. It changed them forever and they all hug each other now. :) (I hug people I care about and love) Hugs are great! ;)
readerwriter - 2009-04-06: 10:22:00
Sounds like you were on a Mission Accomplished!
Perhaps you should consider a taking a position with the Royal Family -- seems like they need a lot more hugging. ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by abrakadeborah. Thank you abrakadeborah. ~ James