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'Ooopy goopy poopy poo.'

DEFINITION: n An invented language similar to baby talk, used by pet owners to communicate with their pets. v. tr. To speak to an animal using such a language.

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Created by: Niktionary

Pronunciation: prim-uh-prat-ul

Sentence: My sister does nothing but primapratil to her dog, it's a wonder he doesn't doesn't tell her to "shutty-whaty-uppy-wuppy."

Etymology: primative+prattle

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Created by: gemmgemms

Pronunciation: poo-ch-ee-low-va-spee-ka

Sentence: I happen to be fluent in poochylovspeak because I have a dog. Here let me try asking him. "gooshy mushy goo? moggy woggy shoogms! google ashiwah!! yesh yer! yesh yer! pooshy wooshy mugy wugims!"

Etymology: pooch:dog + love:affection + speak:langauge

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Created by: freakystyley

Pronunciation: Any-A-B

Sentence: If Susan starts Aniaby-ing the dog again, I'm gonna shave its hair tonight!

Etymology: Animal + Babying

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: pet spur anto

Sentence: her version of petsperanto involved adding "chkins" to any word of more than one syllable and relegating all "r"s do lingo linmbo, weplacing them with woubleyoos.

Etymology: pet esperanto


funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-12-27: 17:42:00

If Joseph Stalin was alive today would he ask if "Petsperanto" is the language of flies? - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-27: 23:29:00

Funny sentence and a nice word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-27: 23:30:00


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Created by: asdfg





t - asdfg, 2007-12-27: 15:18:00


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Created by: Maxine

Pronunciation: poo chee poo

Sentence: Mariana always speaks poochiepoo with her pet pooch.

Etymology: pooch (from English), coochie coo (from baby talk)

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: PET-wah

Sentence: Bob was zoetic in petois from Foxxidental to Pigeon Henglish.

Etymology: PATOIS: "A provincial dialect" - from O Fr "patoier" to handle clumsily, to paw. Perhaps imitative of the sound made by a paw. 2. Non standard language. & PET 3. ZOETIC (zoo & poetic) 4. FOXXIDENTAL (fox & Occidental- an invented language)


I was going to use this word. - xirtam, 2007-12-27: 13:29:00

love zoetic - Jabberwocky, 2007-12-27: 17:42:00

I will use this word every time the baby talk to a cat is used ... short, sweet, and right on the meaning. Great creation! - silveryaspen, 2007-12-27: 19:21:00


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Created by: imashelcha

Pronunciation: Like "derrogatory", only condenced.


Etymology: From derrogatory, applied to dogs.

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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: dawg-uh-lekt

Sentence: Tom had a distinct dogalect when he used to communicate with his dog. And somehow the she seemed to understand, although everybody else thought he was quite insane.

Etymology: Dog: a domesticated canid. + Dialect: a special variety of a language.

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Created by: looseball

Pronunciation: goony+goo+age

Sentence: Heck man her goonygooage is taking all my time. I'm going to through that mut out the window.


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