Vote for the best verboticism.

'It didn't use to bug you'

DEFINITION: n. A personality quirk or habit, which at first blush seems "cute", but which can quickly become so annoying that it undermines personal relationships. v. To be habitually irksome.

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /'tik-&l-"mE/

Sentence: While the toddler quickly learned that affecting a lisp was a good way to get adults to do what she wanted, it wasn't until long after it started having the opposite effect that she realized it for the tickleme it was.

Etymology: As in the "Tickle-me Elmo" doll. Some (not all) may have found it once cute, but no talking toy with less than a 50-sentence vocabulary can help but become annoying after awhile.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: seks-uh-pall

Sentence: Over time, Sue realized that Bob had developed sexappall; not only did he pass gas in public, he loudly rated his emissions on a scale of 1 to 10.

Etymology: sex appeal, appall


maybe that explains the wilted flowers - Jabberwocky, 2007-02-15: 13:22:00

Very likely. Who would want a fartner with such a terrible characteristink? - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-15: 14:43:00

You'd better be careful purple - this infiltration of verbospeak may require a verbotomy lobotomy - Jabberwocky, 2007-02-15: 15:40:00

Lingosuction? OHNOOOOOOOOOO!!! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-15: 17:27:00

this is getting wordiculous...absword even - rikboyee, 2007-02-15: 19:31:00

(Methinks rikboyee needs lingosuction more than I.) - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-15: 19:42:00

very funny! - wordmeister, 2007-02-15: 21:11:00


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Created by: ahwinters

Pronunciation: pro-clear-rit-ta-shun

Sentence: His proclirritation to fart without excusing himself used to be cute to her, but now it was just an annoyance.

Etymology: proclivity + irritation

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: vex-i-ta-ting

Sentence: Sam was the most vexitating man I ever knew. He had more bad habits than an alcoholic nun.

Etymology: vex: to cause annoyance by minor irritations + irritating: chafe; aggravating


artr Lol. I\'ve known a few Sams too. - artr, 2009-09-09: 12:21:00


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Created by: megmehtab

Pronunciation: heɪt ˈhæbɪt

Sentence: I am not going to bother you with my hateabit anymore.

Etymology: Taken from simple english; hate + habit = hateabit A habit you dislike now.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: id eeeot sin kras ee

Sentence: she was amazed at how quickly his idiosyncrasies became idiotsyncrasies in the morning light,

Etymology: idiot + syncrasy

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Created by: shrimp

Pronunciation: penni-killa

Sentence: a times of a romantic evening, the dirty looks of the girl will pennykilla my heart

Etymology: first thing I thought of when I read the description :-)

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Created by: alphabetapolothology


Sentence: His intimesstation of uncontrollable gas had become a black cloud in their relationship.

Etymology: intimate + mess + irritation

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: ənoiəlāt

Sentence: Genny really didn*t know how break up with Peter, so she set out to annoyhilate their relationship. He was able to tolerate the **dainties** hanging in the shower and the load of laundry where she **accidently** washed all his whites with her new red blouse. He could even grin and bear it when she picked her teeth in public. What finally put it over the edge and sent him packing was her laugh/snort. And she hadn*t even planned that one.

Etymology: annoy [irritate (someone); make (someone) a little angry] + annihilate [destroy utterly; obliterate]


good word...well describes all those annoyhellations! - Nosila, 2009-09-09: 14:39:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: en-DEER-a-front

Sentence: Connie's neighing laugh had at first seemed endearing, but Jerry was so endearaffronted by it that he was planning to desert her.

Etymology: endear (attract) + affront (offense) + Ends here (it's all over as of now)


petaj Better late than never - petaj, 2007-02-16: 02:12:00


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wordmeister - 2007-02-15: 23:50:00
It was tricky to come up with right word for this one...

ErWenn - 2007-02-16: 10:44:00
Lots of good words for annoying habits today. It seems to be much harder to come up with a good word for an annoying habit that starts out as endearing.