Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. An idea that pops into your head just before you fall asleep, which is so big and brilliant, or else so dark and scary, that it keeps you awake all night long. v. To lie awake in bed with a head full of big dreams.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: NITE-ware
Sentence: I was up all last night with the the craziest nightware...what if there was some kind of global supercomputer where anyone could look up any kind of knowledge?
Etymology: nightmare, aware
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: snor-til
Sentence: My wife kept snortling all night long and I could sleep either...
Etymology: snort-tell
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: bed-spi-ray-shun
Sentence: Clair's bedspiration helped her to finally finish her second symphony. All she had to do was move the piano into the bedroom and move Gustav out of it since there wasn't room for both him and the piano.
Etymology: bed + bedspread + inspiration: sudden creative act or idea; stimulation of the mind or feelings to special activity or creativity
Bedspiration can be hard on matressimony. - artr, 2009-10-26: 14:47:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: coj-ee-wake
Sentence: Instead of getting the much needed slumber before her big trial, Bianca spent the night cogiwaking about the prospect of spending the next ten years behind bars. Too tired to testify her defense well, poor Bianca was ultimately sentenced to life.
Etymology: cogitate + awake
Created by: Mrgoodtimes
Pronunciation: uh tom nee uh dee uh
Sentence: Boom!! The explosion of a fledgling thought seed hitting her lobes could be heard on the other side of the king size bed. She knew this atomniadea would not let her sleep tonight.
Etymology: Atomic - Insomnia - Idea
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: DRANE-storm
Sentence: Once again Filbert arose from his bed in the morning thoroughly exhausted from another long bout with a monstrous drainstorm....a flood of ideas that kept him awake and left him drained.
Etymology: Blend of the words 'drain' and 'storm' and a play on the word 'brainstorm.
Created by: Tanik
Pronunciation: BrAn-Ak
Sentence: She was up all night with a serious case of branake. She just couldn't shake the thought of Bob with Sally.
Etymology: brain + awake
Created by: darkXshadow
Pronunciation: sub/kog/neet/ans
Sentence: one of my briliant subcognitans kept me up all night last night.
Etymology: sub coming from subito, meaning sudden. cogn coming from cognito, meaning knowledge. itans coming from suscitans, meaning awakening.
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: in som nee a ha
Sentence: It's like Wayne's brain was frozen all day, but when he did get brilliant ideas, it was just before he was getting ready to sleep. Then he would get his insomniaha moment. He finally learned to write these brain revolutions down, as inevitably he would be so tired the next day that he would forget his inspirations. That's when he would get amnesiaohnooooo!
Etymology: Insomnia (an inability to sleep) & Aha (expression used to describe triumph, surprise or "I get it!")
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: away ken spir ay shun
Sentence: Not again, Joe moaned. He had nary a new thought all day long, but instead got one as he started to try and sleep. His awakenspiration not only kept him alert all night, but also his wife. "I'm going to have to get on the night shift at work", he thought...
Etymology: Awake (not asleep) & Inspiration (Idea;a product of your creative thinking)
Verbotomy - 2007-04-09: 00:03:00
Thank you to Dan Pink for sponsoring this week's Right-Brain Verbotomy Contest and creativity prize. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-04-09: 11:29:00
What happened last week? Read Verbotoweek! A look back at last week's wickedest words and funniest comments... Edited by "Weeklink", one of our top players who from some reason, perhaps self-preservation, prefers to remain anonymous! See: Verbotoweek in the Verbotomy Blog.
Bulletchewer - 2007-04-09: 15:52:00
Wonder if this happened to Thomas Edison. Oh, and in a related piece of propaganda, vote for Wordmeister's "Nightbulb"! PS Great (if slightly embarrassing) blog!
wordmeister - 2007-04-09: 18:04:00
Hey Bulletchewer, Thanks for the vote of support! I guess I managed to skip through my own premonstermare without getting trampled...
Bulletchewer - 2007-04-09: 18:37:00
Just wondering if anyone else is ineligible for this week's contest. Who's up for a Sir Geoffrey?
toadstool57 - 2007-04-09: 21:34:00
James - cool that you spotlighted CFLs.
Verbotomy - 2007-04-10: 00:07:00
Thanks toadstool57. We're just trying to create some environmentally friendly ideas. ~ James
OZZIEBOB - 2008-06-21: 19:35:00
Verbotomy - 2009-10-26: 02:14:00
Today's definition was suggested by wordmeister. Thank you wordmeister. ~ James