Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A conclusion or an assumption developed after careful listening to, and analysis of one-half of a telephone conversation. v. To listen to one-half of a telephone conversation.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Marharyta
Pronunciation: The stress is on the first syllable. The last one is not accentuated, but, ob the contrary, is rather blured, for this word is mostly used by extremely busy people of the so-called A personality type (like myself).
Sentence: - What was the last consultation like& - OK. I could semiphel the usual seasonal depression. Of course, I did give him the necessary support through the secind part of the call, but it was more of the same, really. - I wish you did bot rely on your usual semiphels too much, but were attentive during the whole conversation. Perhaps there were unnoticed suicidal tendencies! - Oh no, he told me he was used to phone consultations during what he named ' his autumn spleens'...
Etymology: The first part of the word is a usual and obvious sem-- meaning half in many other words. As for the second part of the word, it combines tele- and -phone. This combination is used for the sake of brevity, but was developed quite naturally by people who, when in a hurry, would come up with 'word versions' like pheletone. The Freudian interpretation is being examined...
I wonder if the conversation can be counted as a sebtence. But I wanted to exemplify both meanings of the word. - Marharyta, 2009-08-22: 06:08:00
Created by: kyotonils
Sentence: He caveclutched that I was talking to Jen about our relationship when I was actually updating her about my sick hamster.
Etymology: Reaching haphazardly for understanding in a poorly-lit cave.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: sell/ah/no/mah
Sentence: His advanced stage of cellaknowma, worsened by listening exclusively to one-sided conversations meant that he always jumped to the wrong conclusion - which was very dangerous on the subway
Etymology: cell + Know + melanoma
Created by: blakyoshi7
Pronunciation: te-le-sum-sjon
Sentence: Jenny listend intently on his phonecall from across the room ,and could thus telesume he would take her out to dinner. Unfortunately for him, he had no idea about any such thing...
Etymology: tele - afar assumption - make a conclusion based on limited facts
Created by: toadstool57
Pronunciation: cell-a-fOn-e
Sentence: Jill hides, listening to a cellaphoney conversation. Thinking her friends refering to her, she storms in, yelling and making a fool of herself.
Etymology: cell phone/ phoney
Created by: pratyushprasan
derived from semiotics - pratyushprasan, 2007-01-18: 21:29:00
Created by: adbern
Pronunciation: Stu-fa-conc
Sentence: I think it's a stufaconc, I made
Etymology: STUpid FAst CONClusion
Created by: omista
Pronunciation: tela-fela-nE
Sentence: steven, who barely ever listens, jumped to conclusions by commiting another act of telephelony
Etymology: telephone + felony
Sounds like Steven relies on telephelony (i.e. he only half-listens) 100% of the time. - wordmeister, 2007-01-18: 07:53:00
haha, thats a very good one - ToblerOne, 2007-01-18: 10:21:00
Created by: w5lf9s
Pronunciation: demee.diuce
Sentence: "You heard what she said and you know who she was talking to - surely you can demiduce the rest!"
Etymology: from "demi" - half and "deduce" - derive logically
this is good! - wordmeister, 2007-02-09: 09:50:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: hem-eh-sneer
Sentence: Willard would often listen to his wife Wanda as she would chat with her pals on the phone and more often than not he would hemisneer at what he perceived the gist of the conversation to be.
Etymology: Blend of prefix 'hemi' (half) and 'sneer' ( smile or speak in a contemptuous or mocking manner)
pratyushprasan - 2007-01-18: 21:26:00
Verbotomy - 2007-01-18: 21:27:00
Thanks! ~ James
mrskellyscl - 2009-08-21: 07:18:00
Sending a hamster for a ride at the Wild Water Kingdom? Pretty extreme, don't you think? Bugs and goldfish, maybe....
jrogan - 2009-08-21: 08:19:00
Yes, it is cruel. And it would certainly be a good idea to flush twice. Especially is she's going to do the boyfriend too.
Krishna - 2009-08-25: 02:35:00
Just started