Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A momentary feeling of relief mixed with lingering dread, which occurs when your boss marches past the piles of unfinished work on your desk. v. To sigh with relief after your boss marches past your desk
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: kendriveset
Pronunciation: cir-cle-sherk
Sentence: Debbie liked to circleshirk whenever her supervisor, Bob, tried to micro-manage. Sometimes it even made the boring day at work kind of exciting, yet fearful.
Etymology: circle + shirk: to hide amidst the piles of work to avoid work/the boss.
cute - Nosila, 2010-01-05: 18:47:00
Created by: ohwtepph
Pronunciation: fuhk - sahy
Sentence: Anna let out a fachsie upon seeing that his boss was out to get not Anna, but her evil twin sister, Anne.
Etymology: fuck [interjection meaning surprise or dread] + sigh [relief]
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: underachievement - just replace the v with a f
Sentence: Memo To: All Staff From: The chief On Thursday at 9.00am all staff whose in-tray is more than 20cm high, are required to attend a training course. "7 skills to put underachiefment behind you". Eligible staff who do not attend will be fired. This is your last chance. Have a nice day.
Etymology: under + a + chief + moment & underachievement
i was wondering what under a chief meant! - galwaywegian, 2007-06-11: 05:49:00
Good word! - Clayton, 2007-06-11: 17:27:00
Created by: pungineer
Pronunciation: shirk+load
Sentence: Elijah realised the open plan office vortex of no to slow productivity had struck again and that there were actual dust particles on the shirkload piled up on his desk. The Henderson files on the top were supposed to have been completed an hour ago and on the bosses' desk by now - 'Oh look a paper clip on the floor!' - he dived and held his breath as his stomach churned - he could smell the halitosis...his boss was back from lunch...
Etymology: shirk - to avoid honest toil + load - a unit of honest toil [used as a noun and or a verb - a heavy shirkload or to be caught shirkloading]
SHIRKLOAD- nice ring to it... - metrohumanx, 2008-08-04: 06:42:00
Created by: couv78
Pronunciation: Repent-ah-facebook-ah-phobia
Sentence: Evrytime Mr. H comes by my desk its a mad dash to shut down my internet explorer. I think I have repentafacebookaphobia...but it passes.
Created by: Alicia
Pronunciation: dred/ nuff/ mest
Sentence: as bill sat at his desk with all the unfinished paper work crowding around him, he started to feel dreadnuffmest because he knew at any time his boss would arive back.
Etymology: from the word dread: nuff as in he knows that his boss will of had enough (e"nuff") of him.... and mest as in his life messed (mest) up.
Created by: ziggy41
Pronunciation: Dis-ah-mis
Sentence: I couldn't help but feel disamiss when my boss flew past my stack of unfinished applications with his head in a cheeseburger.
Etymology: Dismiss (to be fired from ones job) + amiss (faulty or wrong; as in not doing ones paperwork)
Created by: protothor
Pronunciation: fres-PO-tism
Sentence: This uncanny sense of frespotism slowly began to fade as the boss marched away; I knew I had a week's workload ahead of me.
Etymology: From 'freedom' and 'despotism'.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: stresh/er/rush
Sentence: When the boss is on a rampage looking to yell and dump on someone and my desk is backlogged and piled high, I go into a stressurerush when he storms past.
Etymology: stress + pressure + rush
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: dawdge-work
Sentence: Cybil had lots of dodgework last week ever since the new guy Chip came to the team. He was so dreamy.
Etymology: dodge + work
Created by: Mrgoodtimes
Pronunciation: peek - to - do
Sentence: After the third peektodo, Bob knew he had to get some of his work done or he might get a stopnfire.
Etymology: Peek - To-do (similar to peekaboo)
Created by: mweinfeld
Pronunciation: slack - en - frud
Sentence: Tom felt a perverse sense of slackenfreude at having missed his deadline yet again.
Etymology: slacken- to be lazy; and freude- joy
Created by: administraitor
Pronunciation: hai-per-mai-spac-ti-vi-ti
Sentence: Realizing that he'd spent an entire morning on the Internet, George experienced a flood of hypermyspactivity when he noticed his boss contemplating his remaining workload
Etymology: hyperactivity + "My Space"
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: in-tray-pid-ay-shun
Sentence: whenever i became too overwhelmed with intraypidation i would head to the kitchen for a bit of subterfridge
Etymology: in tray, intrepid, trepidation
well deskribed - galwaywegian, 2007-06-11: 05:17:00
I like. - Clayton, 2007-06-11: 07:14:00
I have to vote for this one because of the excellent usage of subterfridge - porsche, 2007-06-11: 13:05:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: bin-san-uh-teez
Sentence: Julie felt a moment of binsanitease when her boss walked past the huge stack of papers in her in box, but she knew it was just a matter of time before her coat rack cloaking device failed and she'd be the object of his anger.
Etymology: bin, insanity, tease
love the sentence - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-11: 13:20:00
Created by: unreal5
Sentence: Totally slackawinned my boss. He never knew a thing!
Created by: bubbos
Pronunciation: a-void-e-lea-fear
Sentence: At the sound of the thundering footsteps, a sudden feeling of avoideliefear has overwhelmed my pretty blonde head.
Etymology: avoid - the boss relief - he doesn't know it's you fear - that he will find out
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: DAH - dl - angst
Sentence: Having frittered away much of the afternoon on the assumption that his boss was away for the day, Bernard suffered a sudden and severe attack of dawdleangst when his boss walked by and saw the mounds of unfinished paperwork on the desk.
Etymology: Blend of 'dawdle' (to waste time; idle; trifle; loiter) and 'angst' (a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish)
DAWDLEANGST is best cured by a "donut run"... - metrohumanx, 2008-08-04: 06:44:00
Better still, a coffee! - Wordotwist, 2008-08-05: 10:51:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: ree - slax - sa - shun
Sentence: Noreen felt a few moments of reslaxation when she became aware that she had again dodged her boss. He was about to talk to her about the reports that she should have had done that morning but one of the salespersons grabbed his arm and walked away talking with him.
Etymology: relaxation, slacks, lax
Created by: jadenguy
Pronunciation: HI rar ko THRILL
Sentence: Hierarchothrill was the order of the day, though their anarcho-ad-hoc often lacked the resources to entice anybody to fight for control. It would be a long time until another visionary of Jilo's calibur took hold of the reigns.
Etymology: Heirarcy + Thrill
They would know when another such visionary came along. Whosoever pulls this letter opener from this paper weight will be the one true king of the office -- the modern equivalent of excalibur. - petaj, 2007-06-11: 04:40:00
great sounding word - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-11: 13:08:00
that would be an impressive feat indeed! most exalted would his triumphant rise be! and thanks, jabber. - jadenguy, 2007-06-11: 15:22:00
all hail the new king of human resources - HRthur and his good friend Outsourcealot - rikboyee, 2007-06-11: 20:20:00
It's good to know that shiftalry is not dead, but it's good riddance to Middieval Managers. - petaj, 2007-06-12: 07:46:00
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: lo-PROD-uct-EEN-gull
Sentence: Sensing an evil presence nearby, Casper threw a spreadsheet over his Minesweeper game just in time to see the Library Director sweep past like the grim fog from a defiled graveyard. Slowly, a LOPRODUCTINGLE spread over him as every cell in his database quivered like a child caught in a lie. "I hope you're working on those usage reports." Pat said with a pseudofriendly voice that belied the hateful look in her cold grey administrative eye. "OH YEAH !" He stammered, only to regret his lack of a more creative reply. Casper's eyes never wandered from the monitor until she floated wraith-like into her office. Relieved that the moment had passed, he began to relax, but the LOPRODUCTINGLE returned like the rising tide of fear he felt in his coffee-filled bladder. An out-of-body sensation stupefied his mind as he catalogued all the woes this encounter could bring to his pleasantly mundane life. He minimized the screen which mocked his defiance and resumed play in the minefield of academic employment...
Etymology: LOw+PRODUCTivity+tINGLE=LOPRODUCTINGLE low: relatively small BS output.... productivity: a measure of useful work....tingle: to feel a ringing, stinging, prickling, or thrilling sensation
The above incident is a product of fiction and bears no resemblance to any persons, living or undead. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-04: 06:33:00 - metrohumanx, 2008-08-04: 06:34:00
Live it or live WITH it! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-04: 06:35:00
WOW! Verbotomists get up pretty early ! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-04: 06:44:00
Loproductingle...I thought it was a stroke (of genius!) - Nosila, 2008-08-04: 17:52:00
Some of us verbotimists go to bed late...depends on your time zone! - Nosila, 2008-08-04: 23:39:00
Sounds like a jingle! - Wordotwist, 2008-08-05: 10:56:00
Created by: Wordotwist
Pronunciation: Rel agony
Sentence: Unemployed for the last three months,Mariam was left in a state of relagony when the power company accepted her application for a job - but told her that the appointment letter would be issued in a month or two.
Etymology: A combination of the words relief ,lagging and agony.In the sense of relief followed by lingering agony
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: stresh/er/rush
Sentence: When the boss is on a rampage looking to yell and dump on someone and Jenny's desk is backlogged and piled high, she goes into a stressurerush when he storms past.
Etymology: STRESSURERUSH - noun - from - STRESS + PRESSURE + RUSH
STRESSURERUSH...the hidden killer. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-04: 06:39:00
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: blawss
Sentence: Julie felt a huge sense of bloss after her manager rounded the corner without spotting her behind the unfinished weekly Sales Reports.
Etymology: bliss + loss + bless
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: re spyte full
Sentence: Lolly had a momentary feeling of being respiteful when her boss stormed past her desk, piled high with incomplete work. He ranted but did not look at her direction. This relief did not last long, as the boss had not had his glasses on. Once he donned them, he noticed Lolly's desk and bolted straight for it. Luckily, she had snuck off for her lunch break just in time. And also luckily, he had a very short attention span.
Etymology: Respite (the act of reprieving; postponing or remitting punishment;a (temporary) relief from harm or discomfort) & Spiteful (the quality of threatening evil)
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: an-sigh-e-ty
Sentence: Tish worked in a perpetual state of ansighety. Her boss would periodically come storming around the room trying to make sure his people were working hard, but she was trying to get through the day hardly working. The minute he went back into his office she exhaled, pulled her Blackberry out of her pocket and resumed twittering.
Etymology: anxiety: state of uneasiness and apprehension + sigh: audible sound of relief
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: bôsīnōvə
Sentence: Tony*s boss dosen*t understand concepts like encouragement, pat on the back or motivation. He feels it is his job to root out the mistakes his workers make and correct them publicly and loudly. Whenever the boss passes by without stopping to chew on his ego, Tony does his own little internal happy dance, his bosssighnova.
Etymology: boss (a person in charge of a worker or organization) + sigh (emit a long, deep, audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or a similar feeling) + bossa nova (a dance like the samba, originating in Brazil)
Created by: Zer22
Pronunciation: Rel-eh-dread
Sentence: I had a relidread feeling as I was not caught for having a lot of work to do.
Etymology: Relief + Dread
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: bl-aw-k
Sentence: "You know when you're totally blorking 'cos your boss didn't talk to you? I had it three times today. I nearly died of blork." "OMG! I had a major blork just then. My boss is a total slave driver but he didn't notice me slacking for a change."
Etymology: The words 'boss', 'pile' and 'work' all squashed together into a semi-coherent sounding sort of word.
Is she having a blockage or a blorkage? Great word. - Discoveria, 2012-09-09: 14:34:00
Created by: XLilDevilGirlX
Pronunciation: Dre/boss/st/relief
Sentence: omg i think i have drebossstrelief!
Etymology: if u take all the lil bits of drebssstrelief and split them up like i did in how 2 pronouse it then u get its meaning the stress,relief and dread that gets made by ur boss.
Created by: rephil
Pronunciation: yoo-FO-nee-ah
Sentence: The sense of euphonya enveloped me like a fog, as Katherine stopped at Matt's desk, rather than mine, to ask how the weekly report was coming.
Etymology: eu - beauty (Greek) phony - false, after "euphoria" -- i.e., a false sense of beauty or relief.
Created by: geoamnesia
Pronunciation: rE + sI - k + ment
Sentence: The day was going quite well until Dan passed my desk, (did he notice the report that was due last week?) the rest of the day went by in a cloud of deep repsychment.
Etymology: A recurring psychological moment best known to proficient procrastinators.
Created by: lumina
Pronunciation: pair/a/joy/a
Sentence: Bill always found himself filled with parajoya each time the owner of the company would visit. While he knew this meant shuffling papers near his opened file drawer, as well as his Oscar worthy pretend phone converstations which always made him sweat, he also knew that once the owner made his rounds, it was smooth sailing...until next month.
Etymology: Paranoia: a disorder in which a person becomes overly suspicious and emotionally sensitive. Joy: the emotion of great happiness .
Nice ring to it... - Nosila, 2008-08-04: 17:52:00
Thanks nose. :) - lumina, 2008-08-05: 00:59:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: bigwigjig
Sentence: Mary’s bigwigjig was short-lived as the company ”suits” passed by her desk without so much as a glance. She got all the attention she could stand later when her supervisor passed along the corporate concerns over productivity.
Etymology: bigwig (an important person)+ jig (a lively dance with leaping movements)
:-D - CharlieB, 2011-05-16: 06:47:00
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Bos-sy-d
Sentence: Tom was feeling really bossighed when the managing director made an impromptu visit to the office, he was so busy talking profits that he missed the huge backlog sitting on the desk waiting for Tom to deal with.
Etymology: Boss(a person in charge of an employee or organization) ORIGIN Dutch Baas 'master'+ Sighed(to let out an audible breath expressing relief) = Bossighed
Created by: CharlieB
Pronunciation: dem-ploy-ment
Sentence: Neil's fixed stare at his computer screen had fooled his boss once again. He chuckled under his breath at this successful demployment strategy.
Etymology: employment (work, occupation) + deployment (to act strategically, particularly in battle)
Created by: guesser
Pronunciation: Quota - sigh - er
Sentence: Quotasighering leaves me feeling perplexed about my job security.
Etymology: Quota ( work load required ) + Sigh (murmur) + Cower ( dread )
And no doubt the quota's higher. - petaj, 2007-06-12: 07:40:00
good eye. - guesser, 2007-06-18: 13:55:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: a/lay/off/ment
Sentence: A wave of allayoffment passed over him as he narrowly escaped being asked to produce last week's revenue figures.
Etymology: allayment (relief) + lay off (as in being fired)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: SKWURM-pahyl
Sentence: As files began to stack higher and higher in Bob's in-tray, fellow workers realized that it was a clever ploy to avoid the boss's glare and hide his own squirmpile.
Etymology: SQUIRM: to feel or display discomfort or distress, as from reproof, embarrassment, pain, etc & PILE: an assemblage of things laid or lying one upon the other: a pile of papers.
SQUIRMPILE...disturbingly vivid image. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-04: 06:40:00
Is that also what you get from cold office chairs and too many donut runs? - pungineer, 2008-08-04: 09:18:00
Good word...I think most people have squirmpiles at work! - Nosila, 2008-08-04: 17:48:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: eks hayl too the cheef
Sentence: Miriam worked for the President of their firm. Technically called an Executive Adminstrator, she soon learned that the title actually meant slave and dog's body to Mr. Stinkin' Lincoln. He did his MBA tour each day (Management By Annoyance) and harassed her and the other staff to work harder and faster. The irony was that he did not even know what Miriam did for him in a day. After his morning passover, she would exhaletothechief and get on with her real work. If only Mr. Lincoln knew how much energy and productivity was utilized by his staff in avoiding him and his daily tours and that they could get more done when he was not around.
Etymology: Exhale (heave or utter a sigh; breathe deeply and heavily) & The Chief (The Boss,a person who exercises control over workers) & play on "Hail to the Chief"(which is a march primarily associated with the President of the United States. Its playing accompanies the appearance of the President at many public appearances.)
Very good! I especially enjoyed MBA. - artr, 2010-01-05: 04:30:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pur plecks fyles
Sentence: Suzy had that perplexfiles feeling again. What to hide away, what to look busy doing and what to let her boss see her working on. Her boss, Alvin, was on one of his rampages again. It was his idea of motivating and supervising his staff, he thought. He'd roam through the office, looking for flaws and then act all dramatic about what he found. Most of the staff kept out of his way when he went on these rants...bathroom breaks, lunch at 10:00 am or going to that doctor's appointment. Alvin was such a diva, like he was the one upon whom all productivity depended. Luckily for Suzy and staff, he only did it when he was sober, so it did not happen very often!
Etymology: perplex (bewildering, mystery,complcated) & files (a set of related records (either written or electronic) kept together) & for rhyming X Files (The truth is out there...I want to believe...)
The grunts are gruntled. Good worl, Nosila! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-04: 06:38:00
It must be a case for Moldy & Scolder! - pungineer, 2008-08-04: 09:22:00
Created by: Clayton
Pronunciation: BAWS-guhmps
Sentence: Jeremy got bossgumps every time Mr. Schmidt passed his desk to examine his ever-mounting horriPILEation. (D'oh!) It was getting so he didn't even have a chance to play Dr. Mario anymore.
Etymology: boss + goose bumps (sorta)
Wow...that's I think that may be the best verboticism ever. I'm going to have to steal that spoonerism technique in the future. - ErWenn, 2007-06-11: 02:51:00
Thanks! I guess I'll be on the lookout, too. I was going to use "horripileation" instead, but this one works better. - Clayton, 2007-06-11: 05:08:00
stunny fuff Clayton - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-11: 09:34:00
Too cute! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-11: 16:21:00
Thanks, guys. Maybe one of these days I'll win the coveted "tries too hard" award. - Clayton, 2007-06-11: 17:26:00
ahh...'the verbwannabe trophy'...we all want that - rikboyee, 2007-06-11: 18:02:00
Indeed, to be followed by the customary frontal verbotomy. Oh, wait. Been used already. - Clayton, 2007-06-11: 22:06:00
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me... - ErWenn, 2007-06-11: 23:12:00
...than a frontal lobotomy! - ErWenn, 2007-06-11: 23:12:00
Created by: cafisher
Sentence: I was phoverwhelmed as I recognized my boss's staccato heel taps coming down the hall. I cowered behind the stacks of paperwork and breathed a sigh of relief when I realized she was only going to the ladies room.
Etymology: phew! + overwhelmed
Created by: happyhippy
Pronunciation: dread/el/ief
Etymology: dread - as in dreading something, relief- relived about something put them together to get the meaning or dreadelief
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: al/ay/off/ment
Sentence: A wave of allayoffment passed over him as he narrowly escaped being asked to produce last week's revenue figures.
Etymology: allayment (relief) + lay off (as in being fired)
wonderful! - jadenguy, 2007-06-11: 15:23:00
Hey Jabber - congrats on your win (AGAIN!) Another great word week! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-11: 16:10:00 just keep throwin' punches...your like wocky balboa - rikboyee, 2007-06-11: 20:15:00
Subhan Allay wa Bihamdih. - Clayton, 2007-06-11: 22:16:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: desk ape isum
Sentence: the euphoria of deskapism evaporated when the vp's number lit up his intercom.
Etymology: desk, escapism
Darn it, it's just too good. - Clayton, 2007-06-11: 22:18:00
Created by: texmom
Pronunciation: did ent do it ism
Sentence: Because of his didntdoitism he hid in the bathroom most of the day.
Etymology: Didn't+do+it+ism
Created by: hatman003
Sentence: Good sloozing when the boss went past
Created by: Katisms1
Pronunciation: dee-MOE-shun-ull
Sentence: He became completely demotional as he realized the fruitless struggle to conquer the mountain of work on his desk was inevitably leading to an ugly fall down the corporate ladder.
Etymology: demotion + emotional
Very good! - Clayton, 2007-06-11: 17:29:00
Very good! - Clayton, 2007-06-11: 17:30:00
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈhibi-ˌmænəˈdʒibiz/
Sentence: The fact that my boss has yet to figure out that I'm still working on last November's TPS reports really gives me the heebie-manageebies.
Etymology: From heebie-jeebies + manager
very cute! - rikboyee, 2007-06-11: 17:57:00
Gives me the creeps just saying it out loud. - petaj, 2007-06-12: 07:48:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: stresh/er/rush
Sentence: When the boss is on a rampage looking to yell and dump on someone and my desk is backlogged and piled high, I go into a stressurerush when he storms past.
Etymology: stress + pressure + rush
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: work + shmerz
Sentence: I always get a sense of werkschmerz whenever the boss notices all the work I haven't been doing.
Etymology: From the German, n.: "I just can't take all this damned paperwork any more."
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: spass/mee/dik
Sentence: His face contorted in a spassmedic grimace as his boss pounced on the cubicle beside him.
Etymology: spasmodic + pass me
Created by: sanssouci
Pronunciation: Eg Sec Trick Aysion
Sentence: "I experienced a moment of pure exectrication as my boss walked past my desk without noticing the serious lack of work I had done all day, I really must conceal the piles of overflowing documents that need filing just in case I get busted."
Etymology: Exec, The boss. Extrication, To free or release from entanglement; disengage: to extricate someone from a dangerous situation.
Verbotomy - 2007-06-11: 01:33:00
Today's definition was suggested by cohenarie. It is also inspired by Timothy Johnson's book "GUST" where he advises that the first thing you have to realize about office politics is that it's a game. Thank you Cohenarie and Timothy! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-01-05: 00:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by cohenarie. Thank you cohenarie. ~ James