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DEFINITION: n. A momentary feeling of relief mixed with lingering dread, which occurs when your boss marches past the piles of unfinished work on your desk. v. To sigh with relief after your boss marches past your desk
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Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: bl-aw-k
Sentence: "You know when you're totally blorking 'cos your boss didn't talk to you? I had it three times today. I nearly died of blork." "OMG! I had a major blork just then. My boss is a total slave driver but he didn't notice me slacking for a change."
Etymology: The words 'boss', 'pile' and 'work' all squashed together into a semi-coherent sounding sort of word.
Is she having a blockage or a blorkage? Great word. - Discoveria, 2012-09-09: 14:34:00
Created by: sanssouci
Pronunciation: Eg Sec Trick Aysion
Sentence: "I experienced a moment of pure exectrication as my boss walked past my desk without noticing the serious lack of work I had done all day, I really must conceal the piles of overflowing documents that need filing just in case I get busted."
Etymology: Exec, The boss. Extrication, To free or release from entanglement; disengage: to extricate someone from a dangerous situation.
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: dawdge-work
Sentence: Cybil had lots of dodgework last week ever since the new guy Chip came to the team. He was so dreamy.
Etymology: dodge + work
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: spass/mee/dik
Sentence: His face contorted in a spassmedic grimace as his boss pounced on the cubicle beside him.
Etymology: spasmodic + pass me
Created by: cafisher
Sentence: I was phoverwhelmed as I recognized my boss's staccato heel taps coming down the hall. I cowered behind the stacks of paperwork and breathed a sigh of relief when I realized she was only going to the ladies room.
Etymology: phew! + overwhelmed
Created by: kendriveset
Pronunciation: cir-cle-sherk
Sentence: Debbie liked to circleshirk whenever her supervisor, Bob, tried to micro-manage. Sometimes it even made the boring day at work kind of exciting, yet fearful.
Etymology: circle + shirk: to hide amidst the piles of work to avoid work/the boss.
cute - Nosila, 2010-01-05: 18:47:00
Created by: Zer22
Pronunciation: Rel-eh-dread
Sentence: I had a relidread feeling as I was not caught for having a lot of work to do.
Etymology: Relief + Dread
Created by: rephil
Pronunciation: yoo-FO-nee-ah
Sentence: The sense of euphonya enveloped me like a fog, as Katherine stopped at Matt's desk, rather than mine, to ask how the weekly report was coming.
Etymology: eu - beauty (Greek) phony - false, after "euphoria" -- i.e., a false sense of beauty or relief.
Verbotomy - 2007-06-11: 01:33:00
Today's definition was suggested by cohenarie. It is also inspired by Timothy Johnson's book "GUST" where he advises that the first thing you have to realize about office politics is that it's a game. Thank you Cohenarie and Timothy! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-01-05: 00:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by cohenarie. Thank you cohenarie. ~ James