Vote for the best verboticism.

'I can read you like a book, baby!'

DEFINITION: v., To read a person's face and interpret what they are actually thinking, even if they are trying to conceal their true feelings. n., The skill of reading people's faces, especially micro-expressions.

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Created by: davegon

Pronunciation: ver-i-face

Sentence: By verifacing all the employees at the inservice, the boss decided that, although they said that they were willing to continue, he decided to let them out early for their lunch break.

Etymology: verify - to make sure that something is true or accurate. face - the front part of head where your eyes, nose, and mouth are.

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Created by: LotusB

Pronunciation: Pear-a-face

Sentence: To paraface her true reaction, Juan ignored Carla's fake smile and searched within her eyes. She was not as happy as she tried to seem.

Etymology: Paraphrase (interpret) + Face (the face) = Paraface


I like it! - lumina, 2008-10-19: 11:41:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: ĭ-mō-tĭ-kŏn-klōōd'

Sentence: When Vicky reminded Dave about the about their church's spaghetti dinner they were supposed to go to on Sunday, and he replied that he was looking forward to it, she correctly emoticoncluded that he'd rather be watching football instead, and that he'd be looking for any excuse to get him out of the event — she could tell by his too eager expression.

Etymology: Emoticon (English Slang: 1980–85; blend of 'emotion' and 'icon') + conclude - "to determine by reasoning; deduce; infer" (Latin, concludere - comb. form of claudere, "to shut")

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Created by: bzav1

Pronunciation: face + cracker

Sentence: There was no use lying to mom. Her skills as a facecracker were beyond compare.

Etymology: like a safe cracker - every great team of bankrobbers needs one


Great word! - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-19: 09:58:00

very nice - yellowbird, 2007-11-19: 10:27:00


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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: i/bol/is/tic

Sentence: There was no hiding anything from Kreskin. No matter how skilled one was at hiding emotions from most, if Kreskin was in the room, the person knew the jig would soon be up. Yup. He was a natual born eyeballistic, who some times infuriated those trying to "smile and wave."

Etymology: Eyeball. Ballistic-To become very angry or irrational.


Eye get it...good word! The eyes have it. - Nosila, 2008-10-16: 23:57:00

metrohumanx Remember Uri Geller? - metrohumanx, 2008-10-23: 17:24:00


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Created by: hendrixius

Pronunciation: grass-peck-u-late

Sentence: When the girl flashed Bobby a mischievous smile, he graspeculated that she found his geeky persona irresistible.

Etymology: grasp and speculate

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Created by: patrick12345





good job - patrick12345, 2007-11-19: 21:20:00

ya!!!! - patrick12345, 2007-11-19: 21:20:00

i like it - patrick12345, 2007-11-19: 21:20:00


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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: ESS-pee-vih-sahzh

Sentence: Sue used ESPivisage to successfully conclude that Bob wanted a burger and fries for lunch, and not the leftover tofurkey sandwich she suggested.

Etymology: ESP, visage, espionage


Nice blend with good use of ESP! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-19: 16:16:00


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Created by: zxvasdf

Pronunciation: Faces per

Sentence: She would sit in the middle of pedestrian traffic and be engulfed in emotion, her delicate talent facespering strains of thoughts from the expressions of strangers that streamed past her like writhing eels in a current. A facesper like her had a tendency towards a delicacy in bone structure and diminutiveness in size, as if the swell of emotion splayed on the faces of the world caused the body to shrink inwards. Facesperate attempts by non-sensitives were the subject of ridicule by true facespers.

Etymology: Face (anterior part of the skull) & ESP (Extra Sensory Perception)& -er (one that has)


I like how you incorporated the ESP into your word - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-16: 15:54:00

metrohumanx What a beautifully lyrical sentence. Bravo! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 12:24:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: meen-SAV-ee

Sentence: It seems that even without someone speaking, but just thinking about speaking, Roxie was able to interpret their faciaguile and see through their emociopacity with ease. Call it prosoperspicacity or - in layman's language - mugnous; or perhaps, even better, miensavvy, she could read others like an open book.

Etymology: blend of MIEN; Bearing or manner, especially as it reveals an inner state of mind: MENSA(?):M-, the name of an organization for people of IQs of 148 or more founded in England in 1946, & SAVVY.: Well informed and perceptive; n. shrewdness; practical understanding


great sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-16: 15:55:00

Very good. Clever wording in your sentence. - Mustang, 2008-10-16: 19:40:00

metrohumanx WOW- A whole buncha bonusisms there- all for the price of one. Good Word, and even better sentence. - metrohumanx, 2008-10-17: 07:52:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-19: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by aigle101. Thank you aigle101! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-11-19: 00:02:00
If you are interested in learning more about face reading and micro-expressions, check out The Naked Face. It's an article written by Malcolm Gladwell which originally appeared New Yorker magazine. ~ James

metrohumanx - 2008-10-16: 06:24:00
Clairvoyant wins lottery for second time!

artr artr - 2008-10-16: 19:13:00
Nobody ever really wants the fruit salad.:-)

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-12: 00:34:00
Today's definition was suggested by aigle101. Thank you aigle101. ~ James