Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v., To imply that person is usually unhelpful when asking for their assistance. n., An unwilling, unproductive and uninhibitedly useless helper.
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Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: know + you + don't
Sentence: I hate to knowyoudont you, but you've never been helpful before so I have no expectation of assistance with taking this splinter out of my toe.
Etymology: I know you don't.
Created by: hank1234
Sentence: I just coachactivated myself - go away!
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: cowtch-slouch
Sentence: Jeremy rarely lifted a finger to help with anything or to fend for himself, and made no effort to suggest that he was anything but a dedicated couchslouch.
Etymology: Blend of 'couch' (divan or sofa) and 'slouch' (n. one that is unimpressive; especially: a lazy or incompetent person)
Created by: Daneslarue
Pronunciation: Dee - Lump - E- Cant
Sentence: He is such a delumpicant! I can't get him to do anything!
Etymology: Lump - Useless, lazy "I can't" - not willing to do any chores
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: comp - luh - muh - lyn
Sentence: Marjorie was always frustrated with Brad because of his refusal to look for a job and she took every opportunity to complimalign him when she asked for help with a task.
Etymology: Blend of compliment and malign
Created by: Inniscor
Pronunciation: slel-per
Sentence: "George, I asked you to give me a hand with this but you're just sitting there. You such a slelper!"
Etymology: sl(ack)+ (h)elper
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: lem un AYD
Sentence: The kindergarten teacher, Ms. Loving, was hoping that her new teacher assistant, Eve, would be as energetic as her previous one had been. Instead, Eve was lazy, had no initiative, and proved be more of a lemonaide. Ms. Loving took to calling her Eve Aide behind her back, because that's what Eve did every time there was a bulletin board to be made or shapes to be cut.
Etymology: lemon (something that is unreliable or doesn't work; a disappointment) + aide (helper)
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: slak-ass-uh-sist
Sentence: Because he was such a seasoned slackassassister she refused to give in this time and bought a supply of paper plates, plastic cups and utensils all because of the dishwasher emptying incident.
Etymology: slack + ass + assist
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: bum-plore
Sentence: I bumplored for his slothsistance, but all I received was a guttural belch.
Etymology: bum, implore
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: sloth-AR-jik
Sentence: If John was any more slothargic he would require dusting. His girlfriend had gotten into the habit of selecting his cloths for him so that he would match the color scheme of the couch pillows.
Etymology: sloth (reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness) + lethargic (affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic)
Like it! - TJayzz, 2008-09-05: 13:19:00
very descriptive - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-05: 13:35:00
good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-08: 19:39:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: uh/sist/kant
Sentence: Because of family politics and pressures, I had to hire my useless, lazy, out-of-work again cousin as my assistcant.
Etymology: assistant + can't
Created by: Filthy
Pronunciation: \ˈfyü-təl-\ˈād\
Sentence: Glenn was such a FUTILAIDE that when he did get around to taking the trash out of the apartment, he only bothered to set it on the balcony.
Etymology: FUTILE + AIDE (a person who helps a more skilled person)= FUTILAIDE
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: dis-a-lak-rite
Sentence: Despite Roxie's hinderantic tirades, Bob remained an uninhibited dysalacrite, and an alcomatose couchroach.
Etymology: Dysalacrity: antonym of alacrity: state of ready, willing and eager to act & -ite: one connected with. Verbal form: dysalacriate.
nice one - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-05: 10:54:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: dis-ri-kwest
Sentence: Jane's boyfriend isn't the best at helping around the house. In fact, her pet name for him is Sloth. Her disrequest for help most often includes a dig that is designed to shame him into action. It rarely works.
Etymology: disrespect/dis (regard or treat with contempt or rudeness) + request (the act of asking for something to be given or done)
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: HIN-d'uh-lent
Sentence: The haunty spectre of Bob's growing ignavia, convinced Roxie's that he was rapidly turning into a hopeless hindolent like his father.
Etymology: HINDER: to cause delay, interruption, or difficulty in; hamper; impede; to be an obstacle or impediment & INDOLENT:Indulging in ease; avoiding labor and exertion; habitually idle; lazy; inactive; easygoing; layback
fantastic - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-05: 13:31:00
Created by: vmalcolm
Pronunciation: /brætvəri/
Sentence: * vb. (To bratver) That afternoon, Diana bratvered to her boyfriend:- "Now that you've done such a good job filling up your stomach, you should consider going to the supermarket and filling up the fridge!!" * n. (Bratvery) When she saw him pleasantly resting on the couch, she couldn't help thinking he was a complete spoiled bratvery...
Etymology: BRATVERY. Vb. n. From Brat (a child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one) + Bravery (the condition or quality of being brave; courage)
Created by: ajnemajrje
Pronunciation: Nehlp
Sentence: I asked John to do the dishes and they did not get done. John is a Nelp! John, quit your nelping and get to work!! Do you realise how much of a nelper you are John?
Etymology: a contraction of "no help". A synonym of useless.
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ʌndɚˌmaɪmˈplɔɪ/ /under-mime-ploy/
Sentence: Sometimes you can undermimploy someone into giving enough of a crap to do a decent job, as drill sergeants everywhere will tell you, but most of the time it just makes people annoyed.
Etymology: From undermine + employ
great words this week ErWenn!! - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-05: 10:52:00
Thanks. I feel like I'm on some sort of roll, though I wasn't too satisfied with what I came up with today. It looks like it should be pronounced under-mim-ploy. - ErWenn, 2007-10-05: 14:09:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: dis-beer-chan-ted
Sentence: Ray was so disbeerchanted with Liz's demands that he couldn't move.
Etymology: Added beer in the middle of disenchanted after taking off the 'en' using only dis and chanted with beer in the middle- Disappointed or disillusioned and doesn't care because the beer has numbed that part of your brain.
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: dally-hint-ask
Sentence: Bruno was tired of his mother dallyhintasking, but he was too apathetic to get off the couch. He was a solicishirk, and many had insinulazed that he was incompethindrance.
Etymology: dally + hint + ask + task
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: hin-drayed
Sentence: Despite an excellent pay packet, the hindraide avoided all tasks that involved raising his heart rate.
Etymology: hindrance + aide
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: pro-CRAHS-ti-nag / ap-a-THEH-tro-pist
Sentence: Maddy procrastinagging drove Thomas to finally confront the fact that he was a apathethropist and he vowed he would get right to reversing it...tomorrow.
Etymology: v: procrati(nate) + nag n: apathy + philanthropist (one who gives unselfishly)
Created by: polopony
Pronunciation: dead + wait + ist
Sentence: Josh was such a deadwaitist that Sheila knew he would procrastinate permanently rather than perform any task.
Etymology: Dead (non functional) Wait (procrastinate) -Ist (individual)
Created by: TJayzz
Pronunciation: Slobb-i-dol
Sentence: When it came to being a slobidle, Jane was convinced that David had a first class degree with honours. The weekends were the worst, he would spend all day eating and drinking beer and would conveniently fall into a stupor when she uttered the words mess and tidy up.
Etymology: Slob(a lazy person, verb,to behave in a slovenly manner) + Idle(avoiding work,lazy) ORIGIN Old English empty, useless = Slobidle
nice combo - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-05: 15:39:00
Created by: Batavier
Pronunciation: UN-HELP-UR
Sentence: Jack was still sitting behind his game console, playing games. His mother, who had asked him to do the dishes several times before, shouted at him: "Jack! You big unhelper! Get your behind in the kitchen. NOW!"
Etymology: Un (denial) + Helper
Nice and simple. - ErWenn, 2007-10-05: 14:10:00
Created by: DrWebsterIII
Pronunciation: 'slak ee
Sentence: Rhonda sure knew how to pick 'em! Another boyfriend who was a useless slackey , who could barely lift a finger to helm himself, let alone Rhonda, with the exception a lifting a beer to his lips!
Etymology: slacker (shirker, loafer, lazybones, bum) + lackey (servant, footman, man/gal Friday)
Created by: darknightess
Pronunciation: wais-pay-cee-us
Sentence: You are so waspacious; you never help with diaper duty!
Etymology: From the phrase "a waste of space".
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: SOO - pin - man
Sentence: Sprawled on the sofa and unconscious to the world about him, supineman George was once again a non contributor to the days happenings.
Etymology: Supine, laying down, + man
Created by: radiogirl
Pronunciation: LEIZI/kju:z
Sentence: She went on lazycusing me all summer. I don't get it, why does a Cristmas tree in the flat bother her so much?
Etymology: lazy + accuse
Cuse... I thought it would be from excuse. :) - Batavier, 2007-10-05: 10:23:00
Created by: astorey
Pronunciation: fak-NO-tum
Sentence: Jeremy moved into his sister's basement will all sorts of earnest promises to help around the house, but, after a mere three days, he showed himself for what he truly was...a factnotum. No dishes, no garbage, no laundry, no dog-walking--facts that Melissa took to noting sarcastically each day as she waded through Jeremy's detritus in the living room.
Etymology: Factotum: A person employed to to a variety of jobs, combined with "no"
Created by: LoftyDreamer
Pronunciation: slowth (long o)
Sentence: Hey, stop slowthing around and help me clean up after your mother!
Etymology: slow (not speedy) + sloth (iconically slow or inactive animal)
Created by: lalaland
Pronunciation: All-ser-been
Sentence: Last night when i asked my daughter to help clean up the kitchen, she was very alserbeen. Turns out she was on verbotomy creating new words.
Etymology: This word has come from 1840's. It was created by one of own founding fathers. Tomhas Jefferson.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: birāshənship
Sentence: Since his layoff from the shoe string factory Rodger*s berationship with Judy has beteriorated. His new job seems to be laying on the sofa besmirching the name of Velcro. Her new job is to bewhittle on his already-weakened self-esteem with her sharp tongue.
Etymology: berate: scold or criticize someone angrily + relationship (the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected)
Created by: hellohime
Pronunciation: Slappinghand - sla'pin'hand
Sentence: rather than being a helping hand, edward was known as a slappinghand by most of his friends as his idea of "help" usually ended in disaster.
Etymology: A play on the phrase "Helping hand". Rather than being helpful the aide received from this person usually ends with others cleaning the mess
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: lie-uh-BILL-uht-ont
Sentence: Sally tried to LIEABILLETAUNT Oscar into getting off his chromium sofa and helping her compose a winning sentence to submit to Verbotomy, but he chose to lie around in a semi-catatonic state and dream of imaginary guitar notes that would irritate...his irritatingly overproductive girlfriend Camouflossie. No amount of LIEABILLETAUNTING could make Oscar expend even a single erg of his preciously guarded energy...if he ever HAD any.
Etymology: LIE+ABILITY+BILLET+LIABILITY+TAUNT=LIEABILLETAUNT......... LIE: to be or to stay at rest in a horizontal position : be prostrate on someone’s couch-Middle English, from Old English licgan; akin to Old High German ligen to lie, Latin lectus bed, Greek lechos..... Ability: the quality or state of being able yet reluctant-Middle English abilite, from Anglo-French, from Latin habilitat-, habilitas, from habilis apt, skillful..... Billet: an official order directing that a slacker be provided with board and lodging (as in a private home)- Middle English bylet, from Anglo-French billette, diminutive of bille bill..... Liability: one that acts as a disadvantage to all..... Taunt: a sarcastic challenge or insult
- metrohumanx, 2008-09-05: 11:51:00
can't argue with such a persuasive etymology - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-05: 15:39:00
Thanx, Jwock...I guess i did get carried away. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-05: 23:08:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: no kom o dator
Sentence: Aiden had not yet found his purpose in life. While he awaited destiny, he watched TV all day long, drank the house dry and ate everything in the fridge. His girlfriend, Bet, worked full-time, went to school, bought the food and drink and cleaned the house. Finally fed up with the nocomodator known as her boyfriend Aiden, she gave him an ultimatum. Either get a job and contribute to their finances or stay home and do all the housework and shopping or get out. Aiden searched his soul and got himself a real job, paying great money. The thoughts of his mastering homemaker mode was overwhelming. Now he could Aiden a Bet!
Etymology: No (negative; not in any degree or manner; not at all) & Accomodator (someone who performs a service or does a favor)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: pro/crass/tin/aid/ur
Sentence: Jim was a procrastinaider, full of good intentions but unable to get anything done.
Etymology: procrastinator (someone who dawdles, defers) + aide
Created by: deaninc
Pronunciation: less-gree-ant
Sentence: What a lessgreeant individual
Etymology: it sounds good
Created by: wordslikevenom
Pronunciation: Nought-tee
Sentence: Sid's noughtiness left Kelly wondering whether she'd kissed the wrong toad.
Etymology: Nought - Nothing.
Well, it was news to me! - wordslikevenom, 2011-06-17: 06:37:00
Wow! Super alchololicbrainfade day. - wordslikevenom, 2011-06-17: 06:47:00
Created by: Scrumpy
Pronunciation: sluhg-toos
Sentence: Ken was a slugtuse person, even unwilling to help carry his weekly supply of pork rinds into the house.
Etymology: slug + obtuse
funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-05: 10:53:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: uh/sist/kant
Sentence: Because of family politics and pressures, I had to hire my useless, lazy, out-of-work again cousin as my assistcant.
Etymology: assistant + can't (the game won't let me put in the apostrophe however)
Excellent. - ErWenn, 2007-10-05: 14:10:00
Created by: emdeejay
Pronunciation: meh cyst ant
Sentence: "Now look, just hold the thing still while I cut through this..." !@#$$%!!!! Joey was the worst partner to have in any project around the house. Not only was his inattention almost legendary, he usually managed to make even simple tasks end in disaster. He was the quintessential Mehsistant.
Etymology: Meh - an expression of indifference. Mess - disorder created by those afflicted with indifference. Assistant - essential accessory for those afflicted.
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: lack-ee-day-zik-ul
Sentence: he knew by now that whenever 'so you think you can dance' was on, she was going to be very lackydaisical
Etymology: lacky, lackadaisical
lovely! - galwaywegian, 2007-10-05: 07:16:00
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: hehs-SIHS-tuhnt
Sentence: Alex's lovely young tutor proved to be a mere hessistant, cancelling their sessions as soon as he mentioned that they'd be by candlelight.
Etymology: hesitant + assistant
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: slug-jest
Sentence: At first Nan quietly sluggested that Ron may want to get off the couch and help clean the apartment. When he didn't move, she threw him, his skateboard and his 6 pack out the door.
Etymology: suggest: to imply or offer for consideration + slug: a lazy, slothful person
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: no sis tant
Sentence: When Gayle had married Larry, he had been all flowers and candy, willing to do whatever to please and help her around the home. Fivew years and two children later,apparently the honeymoon is over, because he is now her nosistant. All he seems capable of doing is drinking, sleeping and not clearing up after himself. Larry better watch out, as Gayle is going to figure out how to get a refund on him. She lost a husband and gained another child somewhere along the way.
Etymology: No (negative, not) & Assistant (helper, aide)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: gōfərlōfər
Sentence: When Harry hired his nephew as an office assistant, he thought he would get some much-needed help. What he got was a goferloafer. Where Harry saw somebody to run errands, the nephew saw the insides of his eyelids.
Etymology: gofer (a person who runs errands) + loafer (a person who idles time away)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: pro/kras/tin/aid
Sentence: Jim was a procrastinaide, full of good intentions but unable to get anything done.
Etymology: procrastinate (dawdle, defer) + aide
i love that word! - pungineer, 2007-10-19: 15:05:00
Created by: fourgirls
Pronunciation: sloth azee
Sentence: Craig has just been slothazy these last few times my computer needed fixing.
Etymology: sloth and lazy
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: ass hoe liss tants
Sentence: She would have asked him for assholistance after her accident, but she was in a hurry, and she still had the partial use of one arm.
Etymology: assistance, asswhole.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: u sless
Sentence: When she came home from a hard day at work, Sylvia, was upset to find her boyfriend, Kermit, had not only done her honey-do list, but had passed out on the couch, surrounded by 8 of his green glass bottled friends. She shouted at him that he put the you in yousless. She turfed him since he was neither functional nor decorative to keep around the house anymore.
Etymology: You (refers to the person addressed) & Useless (having no beneficial use or incapable of functioning usefully)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: uh/sist/kant
Sentence: Because of family politics and pressures and because he's out of work again, I had to hire my useless, down on his luck cousin as my assistcant.
Etymology: ASSISTCANT - noun - from ASSISTANT (someone who aids and supplements another) + CAN'T (cannot, like my cousin)
Created by: mitchdb
Pronunciation: mahl-s&-'mer-&-t&n
Sentence: Hundreds of speeding motorists buzzed by the stranded woman; none of those malsamaritans even bothered to slow down to see if she needed help.
Etymology: Mal (bad) + samaritan

Today's definition was suggested by ChristopherAndersen. Thank you ChristopherAndersen! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by ChristopherAndersen. Thank you ChristopherAndersen. ~ James