Vote for the best verboticism.

'I may not have the body of a peacock...'

DEFINITION: n. An individual who is so self-absorbed and cocksure that they cannot understand why their mating calls, or "pick-up lines", do not generate the desired response. v. To repeatedly issue mating calls.

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Created by: ahwinters

Pronunciation: jock + rob + bin

Sentence: Clarency was a jockrobbin who really had no idea that he was nothing special.

Etymology: something to do with jocks

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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: wo-THAR-ee-oh

Sentence: Elmer snickered to himself as he watched Daffy strike out with yet another young lady. "Dat duck is such a wame woethario, eheheheheh"

Etymology: woe (sad) lothario (ladies man)


qwite witerary and wubbly - wordmeister, 2007-02-22: 15:19:00

Excewent! - Osomatic, 2007-02-23: 04:49:00


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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈnɑɹ.səˌlæps/

Sentence: Johnny Bravo is the ultimate narcilapse. He was disappointed that the word wasn't named after him.

Etymology: From Narcissus + lapse


I just realized how much this sounds like "narcolepsy." - ErWenn, 2007-02-23: 11:37:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: say lothario and just put a little n in it.

Sentence: Luther had no idea he was a lothariNO, but was tired of being shunned despite practising his pick-up lines.

Etymology: lothario (a man who obsessively seduces and deceives women) + No (antonym of yes)


I like the sound of this word. Sounds like one of those 11-year-old boys who can instantly and intentionally get the attention of every woman in the room by saying something "cute," possibly with an affected speech impediment. - ErWenn, 2007-02-23: 11:38:00


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Created by: chickenassassin




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Created by: jedijawa

Pronunciation: pomp-e-dolt

Sentence: The girls walked by a group of pompidolts who did not understand that their comments about "jugs" and "gams" were not complimentary.

Etymology: pompous + dolt

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Created by: aj3131

Pronunciation: Me-a-goo-lot

Sentence: WHAT A MEAGULAT!!!!!

Etymology: Me-a-Gulat

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Created by: CharlieB

Pronunciation: pee-kok-shore

Sentence: Dan winked at the girl by the bar, adjusting the huge collar on his white satin shirt. He was hot, confident and peacocksure.

Etymology: peacock (brightly coloured bird who displays feathers to attract mate) + sure (confident)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: boo-tee-kaw

Sentence: Ron got his final divorce papers last week so he is officially back in the dating pool. The problem is that he is so out of practice that his pick-up lines sound like they came from a really bad 70's sitcom. Nobody but nobody is answering his bootycaw.

Etymology: booty (any prize or gain) + caw (the harsh, grating cry of the crow, raven, etc.)

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Created by: officespace162


Sentence: I'm tired of these drewcareyesque lines that people come up with

Etymology: i chose drew carey because he had some pretty bad pick-up lines, which is why he was great on who's line

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Created by: sodium

Pronunciation: im-pose-ter

Sentence: The popped collar on the pink polo shirt was a major sign that Ophelia was dealing with an imposeter.

Etymology: poser + imposter

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: kah sah noh noh

Sentence: John dear was such a casanono, his chat up lines had him arrested twice and he once spent three days in hospital when he developed an allergy to spider pheramone.

Etymology: casanova, no no

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Created by: curvedhand




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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: chick-mag-not

Sentence: despite his recent attempts to 'get with it', he remained a chickmagnot

Etymology: chick magnet, not


funny! also sounds like chick maggot - wordmeister, 2007-02-22: 09:56:00

this is great because it even refers to a bird - Jabberwocky, 2007-02-22: 12:24:00

hilarious - Mobelia, 2007-02-23: 14:09:00


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Created by: ekath

Pronunciation: schmo-bliv-i-o

Sentence: No wonder he gets turned down, that guys a schmuck. I agree... hes a schmoblivio of the worst sort.

Etymology: from schmo + oblivious

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Created by: bettyann9

Pronunciation: swahv-mon-key

Sentence: Look at that dude in the polyester pants goin all suavemonkey on that hot girl. Somebody rescue her!

Etymology: Suave + monkey

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Created by: paintergrl1313


Sentence: That repulsup's pick up line was terrible!

Etymology: Repulse + pick up= repulsup

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: cro-stur

Sentence: Reginald is a real crowster, always yammering about how slick and desirable he is and thinking that all the babes are swooning over him, not realizing that they are not swooning but are actually fighting off revulsion.

Etymology: Blend of 'crow' (v. 1.To talk with excessive pride) and rooster (a male bird who is known for 'crowing' daily)

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Created by: Discoveria

Pronunciation: Con-fidd-e-ut

Sentence: James thought his chat-up line "How about we bust some moves on the dance floor, then I move some bust on YOUR dance floor!" was a guaranteed winner. It won the confidiot two black eyes.

Etymology: Confident + idiot


Rolls off the tongue _just_ right. - ErWenn, 2007-02-23: 11:40:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: närsəsilē

Sentence: Andy thought of his pick-up lines were narsuccinct, brief and clear and, of course, about him. Most women thought of them as narsisilly. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Not in Andy\'s case. The nothing that happened in Vegas was the same nothing that followed him home and took up residence in his bedroom.

Etymology: narcisism (excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one\'s physical appearance) + silly (having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: pom/pass

Sentence: Women labeled that self-absorbed and cocksure individual with his lame pick-up lines, as a pompass.

Etymology: pompous + pass + ass


good one! - wordmeister, 2007-02-22: 15:15:00

It describes self-absorbed, pick-up lines, and what he really is. Very good! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-22: 18:50:00


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Created by: adbern

Pronunciation: ver-stuper

Sentence: Who know them not, the verstupers!!

Etymology: very stupid person

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: ree/cah/pit/you/late

Sentence: As one gorgeous bird after another flew past his perch, all he could do was recawpitulate.

Etymology: recapitulate + caw

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Chirp-ah-tude

Sentence: Charlie Chirpchipper had a bad case of chirpatude when it came to clucking with the chicks.

Etymology: Chirp; : to make a chirp or a sound resembling a chirp or could be just :to utter with a cheerful liveliness Tude;Shortened for attitude; An organismic state of readiness to respond in a characteristic way to a stimulus (as an object, concept, or situation or chick :) : a negative or hostile state of mind : a cool, cocky, defiant, or arrogant manner

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Created by: tommyboy

Pronunciation: kok-uh-ditt-uh-muss

Sentence: that jackass is such a cockadittamus. his rap is weak but his perseverance is strong. (like mine was trying to spell perseverance!)

Etymology: latin for river-dick ?

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: caw lig yula

Sentence: He was a cawligula and plied his cawrting rituals all over his territory. So in love with himself, he could not understand why the chicks did not reply to his mating cawls. He always gave them a saucy look and holding his wing to his ear would say, "Cawl me".

Etymology: Caligula (debauched Roman Emperor who succeeded Tiberius and whose uncontrolled passions resulted in manifest insanity) & Caw (cry of a crow or other corvine avian)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: am eye grate

Sentence: his continued amigrating led to his ultimate turkey trussing.

Etymology: am I great & Grating

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: eye-dolt

Sentence: Carl actually thought that appearing in that commercial for an erectile dysfunction medication would make him an instant hit with the chicks; he was such an idolt.

Etymology: idol, dolt

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Created by: allwise

Pronunciation: flurr-tard

Sentence: Simon could not understand why women avoided him. Unfortunately he was a complete flirtard and was certain that his sexy t-shirt with the words "My dick is down here" and an arrow printed on the front should have attracted them!

Etymology: to flirt + retard = flirtard


I wasn't going to make a word for my own definition, but when I though of this, I just couldn't hep it ;-) - allwise, 2007-02-22: 02:20:00

Where can I get one of those t-shirts? - Alchemist, 2007-02-22: 04:14:00

maybe on - allwise, 2007-02-22: 04:30:00

allwise - I was going to tell you to submit it there! - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-22: 06:44:00

can you actually submit suggestions there? - allwise, 2007-02-22: 08:28:00

Yep! You might have to sign up for their monthly newsletter tho. - purpleartichokes, 2007-02-22: 09:24:00


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Created by: tenunda

Pronunciation: O-BLIH-vee-ass

Sentence: Calvin has no idea that whole group of guys is laughing at his attempts to hit on them; he is an obliviass

Etymology: From oblivious

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: casa/no/way

Sentence: He prided himself on being such a casanova but he was actually a casanoway

Etymology: casanova + no way


that one made me laugh. - paintergrl1313, 2007-02-22: 15:51:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: loo-sure

Sentence: Lenny the losure bird would sit on his perch night after night issuing the same call, "heybay-bee, heybay-bee!" The fact that he never got a response didn't deter him from trying. He truly believed that one day a gorgeous chick would be attracted to him and agree to check out his nest.

Etymology: looser (loser) + sure

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: kawww shh unnn

Sentence: most of the birds treated his cawshun with caution

Etymology: caution caw shun

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Created by: igho1207

Pronunciation: con-chat-ter.

Sentence: That guy's chat up lines never work, he's such a conchatter.


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Created by: FreakyDeak

Pronunciation: Moe-less-tuh-burn

Sentence: That poor boy is so molestubborn. His uncle was like that, too. I'm amazed he ever found somebody.

Etymology: Molest(bother,sexually assault) + Stubborn


he'll probably have to resort to molesturbation - galwaywegian, 2011-01-31: 15:37:00


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Created by: idonnathepiranha

Pronunciation: pea/body/brain/no/cock'

Sentence: Mr. Peabodybrainnocock just doesn't find his brain power these days.


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Created by: wordmeister

Pronunciation: ab-ball-ing

Sentence: He had an abballing habit of lifting up his shirt and wiggling his abs at the ladies... Unfortunately his abs were more like flabs, so the ladies averted their eyes, not from lust, but from disgust.

Etymology: appalling with the "p"s turned upside down.. also abs + balling

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Created by: w5lf9s

Pronunciation: fail.maite

Sentence: "Whow, I really like your earrings!" - "Failmate!" She didn't even turn around to look at him.

Etymology: like "stalemate". Could also be related to "check mate". Definitely "one who can move no further"


It'a all about that "mating" thing, checked or not... - wordmeister, 2007-02-22: 15:13:00

Yep! despite all attempts at hiding it in clever pick-up lines! - w5lf9s, 2007-02-22: 16:03:00


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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: ill - lit - tur - mate

Sentence: Barnie and Ollie were both illitermate when it came to picking up women. They would express thoughts that were illiterate and sometime offensive to the opposite sex and the wonder why they walked away.

Etymology: illiterate, mate

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: sīrənnoiz

Sentence: John’s favorite bar decided to have a ”lady’s night”. When he stopped by for a quick drink he found the sirenoise to be almost deafening.

Etymology: siren (a woman who is considered to be alluring or fascinating but also dangerous in some way) + noise (a sound, esp. one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance)

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Created by: quippingqueen

Pronunciation: cad/grad

Sentence: The cadgrad was so sure that his Casanova College diploma, his cocksure character, and his passionate pick-up lines would fetch a frisky feline that he was mortified when they all came to naught!

Etymology: cad + grad

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Created by: jillmccorkel

Pronunciation: ig-no-dork

Sentence: That ignodork has hit on every woman in here.


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Created by: Javeson1

Pronunciation: Skeevie Wonder

Sentence: Omg, this guy at the bar last night though he was so smooth, but really he was just a Skeevie Wonder

Etymology: Stevie Wonder + Skeevy. I don't think Stevie Wonder is skeevy at all, in fact I'm a huge fan. His name just works though.

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Created by: Mobelia


Sentence: His egosolicitic attempts to win her affections we both obtuse and narcissistic.

Etymology: egotistic - self-absorbed, conceited solicit - to seduce, attact, captivate

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Created by: erasmus

Pronunciation: kret in over

Sentence: Frank was a complete cretinova always flirting in the most appalling ways, even pinching the bums of the prettier ladies in the office.

Etymology: from cretin and casanova


Appalling? or Abballing? - wordmeister, 2007-02-23: 02:27:00

erasmus good point... - erasmus, 2007-02-23: 04:13:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-22: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by allwise.
Thank you allwise! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-22: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by allwise.
Thank you allwise! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-22: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by allwise.
Thank you allwise! ~ James

allwise - 2007-02-22: 02:21:00
You're welcome!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-02-23: 01:48:00
Thanks allwise. And thanks for submitting your word today! Flirtard is perfect. I'd love to get one of your T-shirts. I think it would look good on me... ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-09-16: 09:21:00
Today's definition was suggested by allwise. Thank you allwise. ~ James

abrakadeborah - 2009-09-18: 18:21:00
I enjoyed coming back on here James :) This one was a fun word to make up. Good job Allwise!