Vote for the best verboticism.

'Yeah, I do have a lot of online friends.'

DEFINITION: v. To be so immersed in a virtual world that you forget about your responsibilities to the physical world -- like your job, your family, or even feeding and washing yourself. n. A person who lives exclusively in their imagination.

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Created by: gregoryba

Pronunciation: dis-ee-chanted

Sentence: i've become disechanted with the real world, time to immerse myself in irc.

Etymology: i dunno, i just made it up

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Created by: lauramy

Pronunciation: sy-ber-spay-see

Sentence: If you need help, don't ask Stacey -- She's too cyberspacey.

Etymology: cyber + spacey

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Created by: br0wn

Pronunciation: hwĭp'əld

Sentence: I can't go to the store because the (virtual world) has wippled me. This new fiber optic connection has turned me into a wipple.

Etymology: Web, cripple

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Created by: verysimplegame

Pronunciation: Ahv-ah-tar-ded

Sentence: His aparment was a wreck - food strewn about the floor in a semi-intelligent arc tracing from the door to the computer. And the place REEKED. Johan wondered if Mike could be... avatarded.

Etymology: Avatar + retarded

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: eee murst

Sentence: she became so Emmersed in her second life that she would have festered away altogether had her broadband coverage been anything as good as she was told it would be.

Etymology: immersed, e as in electronic

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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: PUR-mah-jakd

Sentence: Man, ever since Troy got his high-speed cable, he's been permajacked into World of Warcraft. He THINKS he's an elf paladin, but he smells like an ogre...

Etymology: permanent, jacked

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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: fig MENT i tee

Sentence: Ava Tar ran an online business, ordered most things she needed on the Internet for home delivery, and "socialized" mostly with her online "friends," so she rarely left the house because she didn't need to. She existed mainly as a web-based figmentity. Unfortunately, she realized too late that her online "friends" couldn't help her with moving to her new apartment.

Etymology: figment + entity (being, existence, something or someone having a real existence)


Love her name. too! - Nosila, 2009-11-24: 23:19:00


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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: vee-ahr-GEHT

Sentence: Alex veeargot his school assignment because the file was tucked behind his Sims screen.

Etymology: vee + ar [(v)irtual (r)eality] + forget

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: SY-ber-myrd

Sentence: For the last couple years Linda has been absolutely cybermired, deeply immersed in communication on the internet thru Twitter, Facebook, and public forums, as well as being heavily involved in texting on her cellphone.

Etymology: Blend of the words 'cyber' (a combining form meaning “computer,” “computer network,” or “virtual reality,”) and 'Mired' (mire To hinder, entrap, or entangle as if in mire)

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Created by: moscop

Pronunciation: sigh-bur-sloth

Sentence: Completely unaware of the demolition of his house, in a true cybersloth manner, Jim continued surfing the internet for the best deal on a comfy computer chair.

Etymology: cyber (internet ala William Gibson) + sloth (as in the seven deadly sins)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-08: 02:33:00
Today's definition was inspired by Cory Doctorow's short story "Anda's Game" which is published in Overclocked. It was also suggested by HubbMU.
Thank you Cory and HubbMU! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-08: 09:53:00
Weeklink rants again and uncovers a few lost words from last week's verbacious verbuttle. Read: The Cup of Verbotomy, Part Deux.

HubbMU - 2007-05-08: 10:08:00
Thanks for using my definition!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-08: 10:31:00
Thank you HubbMu. It's a great definition. A lot of people can relate to it -- especially if they are gamers or bloggers. ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2007-05-08: 12:52:00
Great to see all the new Verbotomists!

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-07-08: 16:04:00
ECLUSIONIST is pretty good.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-11-24: 00:34:00
Today's definition was suggested by doctorow. Thank you doctorow. ~ James

cybersloth - 2010-01-02: 06:40:00
I would like to rebut your comments on the definition of cybersloth seen here ( 'cybersloth' is methodical and accurate, knows what move to make but it may take time. Not the friend of the impatient. From a theological view point I feel that you are free to think what you will about any subject; however you must be careful because all actions have consequences. Luckily I am not easily offended. I believe that I am not the only cybersloth, I may be the only one that is spelt exclusively with all lower case. By the way, I don’t use social networking sites and spend more time working on local resources both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’, if this does not make sense to you………. cybersloth. 02-01-2010