Vote for the best verboticism.

'Yeah, I do have a lot of online friends.'

DEFINITION: v. To be so immersed in a virtual world that you forget about your responsibilities to the physical world -- like your job, your family, or even feeding and washing yourself. n. A person who lives exclusively in their imagination.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: app ell op lex ee

Sentence: She suffered from appleoplexy . I I I

Etymology: apoplext apple

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ee bliv ee us

Sentence: Joanie become so addicted to her computer, that she became eblivious to everyone and everything else around her. Between her e-mails, surfing the Net, playing games, shopping online, ordering food electronically, competing on her daily Verbotomy site, gambling on-line, doing surveys and writing her own blog about the life she used to lead as a human, she had no time for anything else. Not only did she let her personal hygiene and appearance lapse, she was developing rectangular eyeballs and callouses on her fingertips from clicking and dragging all day and night. What would become of her when they shut off her e-lectricity and she had to face the real world once again? Oh, Joanie, how your eblivion has cost you...

Etymology: e - (shortcut prefix for electronic) & oblivious - (unaware of or paying no attention to somebody or something; forgetting about somebody or something)


Best of the day! - Mustang, 2008-07-08: 21:11:00

Another great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-09: 03:32:00


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Created by: br0wn

Pronunciation: hwĭp'əld

Sentence: I can't go to the store because the (virtual world) has wippled me. This new fiber optic connection has turned me into a wipple.

Etymology: Web, cripple

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: lap/trap/ed

Sentence: Jenny was no different from many of her friends, laptrapped and totally emersed and esnared in her virtual world, fingers poised at her keyboard ready to discuss and solve all her friends' problems.

Etymology: LAPTRAPPED - verb - from LAPTOP (a portable, battery-powered computer small enough to rest on the user's lap) + TRAPPED (to ensnare, or capture and prevent from escaping, or getting free)


metrohumanx LAPTRAPPED is good.Punchy, bold and dynamic. - metrohumanx, 2008-07-08: 15:46:00

For exercise she could always lap-dance! - Nosila, 2008-07-08: 19:35:00

So many excellent words today. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-09: 03:31:00


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Created by: Jeaneai

Pronunciation: Ner-diff-eh-kate-ed

Sentence: I haven't seen Robert around the office since he started playing Runescape. D'you think he's been nerdificated?

Etymology: Nerd, Something ending with -ificated

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Created by: jedijawa

Pronunciation: sigh-bur-slump

Sentence: Peter was so drawn into his virtual world of gaming and blogging that he was largely oblivious to things happening in the outside world - he was in a cyberslump.

Etymology: cyber (internet ala William Gibson) + slump


This made me LOL. - HubbMU, 2007-05-08: 10:11:00

Good one! It's what I'm in now!! - Stevenson0, 2007-05-08: 21:18:00


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Created by: Jeannie

Pronunciation: deny/a/line

Sentence: Her personal hygene had plummeted, she had become a slovern, her denialine was absolute!


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: o-ver-sim-u-la-ted

Sentence: Ben could become oversimulated while going on virtual dates online. He would take his laptop into his room and shut the door for hours on end. Mother was happy because she didn't have to worry about him running off with some hussy and Ben was happy because real girls were scarey.

Etymology: stimulated: to excite functional activity (sexual or mental) + overstimulated: a trigger or event that causes hyperactivity or over-excitement in children or adults + simulated: virtual reality; a model meant to resemble a real situation


good one Mrs. K. - mweinmann, 2009-11-25: 08:30:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: SYE - behr - transed

Sentence: Hector had become thoroughly cybertranced and during most of his waking hours was totally absorbed in online gaming, surfing the net, updating his blog and 'googling' one thing after another.

Etymology: Blend of the prefix 'cyber' and tranced, a form of trance (a state of complete mental absorption or deep musing)


Very clever - TJayzz, 2008-07-08: 08:27:00

very melodic word - Jabberwocky, 2008-07-08: 10:58:00

metrohumanx Good one...CYBERTRANCED is descriptive with just the right amount of new-age overtones... - metrohumanx, 2008-07-08: 15:50:00

Excellent. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-07-09: 03:10:00


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Created by: Clayton

Pronunciation: ab-STIM-yuh-leyt

Sentence: John's preoccupation with Second Life bordered on hopeless abstimulation. (A possible synonym might be "circumvirtuate" or "circumvirtualize.")

Etymology: Portmanteau: abstain + simulation

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-08: 02:33:00
Today's definition was inspired by Cory Doctorow's short story "Anda's Game" which is published in Overclocked. It was also suggested by HubbMU.
Thank you Cory and HubbMU! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-08: 09:53:00
Weeklink rants again and uncovers a few lost words from last week's verbacious verbuttle. Read: The Cup of Verbotomy, Part Deux.

HubbMU - 2007-05-08: 10:08:00
Thanks for using my definition!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-08: 10:31:00
Thank you HubbMu. It's a great definition. A lot of people can relate to it -- especially if they are gamers or bloggers. ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2007-05-08: 12:52:00
Great to see all the new Verbotomists!

metrohumanx metrohumanx - 2008-07-08: 16:04:00
ECLUSIONIST is pretty good.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-11-24: 00:34:00
Today's definition was suggested by doctorow. Thank you doctorow. ~ James

cybersloth - 2010-01-02: 06:40:00
I would like to rebut your comments on the definition of cybersloth seen here ( 'cybersloth' is methodical and accurate, knows what move to make but it may take time. Not the friend of the impatient. From a theological view point I feel that you are free to think what you will about any subject; however you must be careful because all actions have consequences. Luckily I am not easily offended. I believe that I am not the only cybersloth, I may be the only one that is spelt exclusively with all lower case. By the way, I don’t use social networking sites and spend more time working on local resources both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’, if this does not make sense to you………. cybersloth. 02-01-2010