DEFINITION: n., Second-hand sound which has escaped from a headset. v., To play music on personal listening device so loudly that it leaks out of the earphones.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Audiocreep: /aw – dee – ooo – kreep/ Tonya felt that she was suffering from audiocreep. Because her dad was losing his hearing, she could not escape his television, music or computer as he increasingly amplified everything around him. Etymology: audio, creep (grow or spread) Created by: mweinmann.
Audioruption: /aw-dee-oh-rup-shun/ I couldn’t sleep on the plne because of the audioruption coming from the passenger next to me. Etymology: “audio” related to hearing; “ruption” from “interruption” – to break into. Created by: grondak.
Groovage: /gruv-age/ Grandma got her groove on with the new iPod, but there was a lot of groovage because she didn’t have her hearing aids in. So we all got down and got funky while she baked pies for the church supper. Etymology: groove: a situation or activity that one enjoys, is especially well suited for or performs exceptionally well + groovy: pleasing, trendy, cool ( a colloquialism from the hippy era meaning very pleasing, wonderful) + age: length of life + leakage: act or instance of leaking Created by: mrskellyscl.
Podlution: /pod-loo-shuhn/ The podlution emanating from fifty different passengers on the subway this morning was not only deafening, but also migraine irritating.
Etymology: iPod + pollution
Created by: Stevenson0.
Comments on Podlution:
Nosila, 2010-01-23: 00:55:00
good one
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