Being Clear About our Allegiances

I have recieved a suggestion that perhaps the allegiances of the young lady pictured with our definition today are not, that clear. In order to address this confusion, I have prepared two alternative portraits which may offer more insight.

For reference purposes, here is the definition provided by Bulletchewer:

DEFINITION: To carefully shave your facial hair into a style which advertises your political allegiance, sexual orientation, or taste in music.

Option #1: Which whisk is hers?
Here is the original illustration published withe definition (Option #1) :

Option #2: Which whisk is hers?
Here is my second attempt with (Option #2)

Option #2: Which whisk is hers?
And here is a third alternative (Option #3) :

Please let me know if you have any preferences, sexual or otherwise… And I will update the official image accordingly.

~ James.

3 thoughts on “Being Clear About our Allegiances”

  1. #2 – sultry in a grotesque way. Egad, I can’t believe I’m saying that. I still have nightmares about the lady sitting in front of me at my son’s concert – her lip hair curled into her mouth, and it didn’t seem to mind HER a bit!

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