DEFINITION: v. To get freaked out by falling numbers and the prophets of doom who are eternally peddling their message of imminent global collapse. n. A type of mass hysteria created by the fear of falling numbers.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Numbersome: /num ber sum/ People are being hit by falling numbers from st0ckmarkets on all the continents! The falling numbers in bank asset5 are hitting people in their $avings until it hurts! The falling numbers from equit1es are hitting homes and businesses, too. A rise in price$, makes the falling numbers from inf1ati0n, a descendread that causes more headtaches. It makes Stevie wonder. Can Mariah carry on? Can Penelope cruise along? Will Russell still crow? Will Angelina remain jolly? Or is it all too numbersome? Etymology: NUMBERS, CUMBERSOME. Numbers – intergers (falling like stars). Cumbersome – burdensome, heavy, hard to deal with or handle. Created by: silveryaspen.
Comments on Numbersome:
kateinkorea, 2009-03-03: 06:11:00
Thank you for the laugh!petaj, 2009-03-03: 06:53:00
Try to keep a steady view while everyone else disintegerates around you.mweinmann, 2009-03-03: 09:19:00
now this is clever and timely!Jabberwocky, 2009-03-03: 12:01:00
Downpoor: /dounpôr/ The downturn in the economy has turned many of the uprich into the downpoor. It’s a real number bummer. Etymology: downpour (a heavy rainfall) + poor (lacking sufficient money to live at a standard considered comfortable or normal in a society) Created by: artr.
Doomerology: /dume – ur – ahh – logee/ The science of doomerology is relatively new. It explores the phenomena where people loose their minds because of falling numbers. Etymology: Doom and Numerology….Doom –make certain of the failure or destruction of
Numerology –Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things Created by: rombus.
Numerophobia: /nu-mer-o-pho-bia/ Ann’s numerophobia has gotten so bad that she can’t even look at her purse. Etymology: Numerology + Phobia Created by: matkline.
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