Attention all female Verbotomists:
It has come to my attention that the most men do not get “Sex and the City“, the once popular TV Series which is just been release as “major” Hollywood extravaganza. I am hoping that perhaps, this is just an education problem. And in an effort to address this knowledge gap, I am proposing we engage ourselves in a Sex and the City Week here at Verbotomy starting on Monday June 2, 2008. That is why I am sending out this emergency call for Sex and the City definitions.
Submit your Sex and The City Definition…
Please start sending in your definitions today, because I have no clue what to do…
Of course if any male verbotomists feel inclined to participate in this creative extravaganza, I have included this instructional video, titled “Sixes and the City“, which gives a quick overview of the whole Sex and the City phenomenon.
Please watch this official video:
I eagerly await and anticipate your missives.
Your humble creative servant
~ James
Sorry but I’ve never watched SATC
Me neither… That’s why it’s going to be a real learning experience
Oddly, I have never watched it either, but there is soooo much hype about it due to the movie release that you kind of learn a lot about it through osmosis!
I must say I have during this last week I have learned “more than I ever wanted to know” about Sex and the City… And tonight, my better half is dragging me to the the movie. Omigod! Style never be the same!
Well, I have watched it, but not all seasons…that was a FUNNY video!