
DEFINITION: n. Anxiety created by an inability to understand or follow the regulations for recycling, composting and garbage collection. v. intr. To feel confused and conflicted because you produce too much garbage and don’t know how to get rid of it.

You can't put paper towels in the paper recycling!!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Discomposture: /dis-com-post-yur/ I hurried down the street with my sunglasses on, listening to my ipod, so that none of the neighbours would notice my discomposture after I had hastily stashed a plastic muffin tray in the recycling bin. It did have a recyling symbol on it but I wasn’t sure if the number was acceptable or not. Etymology: discomposure + compost + dis (as in disrespect) Created by: Jabberwocky.

Comments on Discomposture:

purpleartichokes, 2008-03-25: 12:45:00
Oh, how I love compost! Wish there was a song about it. Good word!

silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 13:28:00
With originality you have captured the meaning and feeling in the definition again … with wit and humor thrown in! Outstanding!

doseydotes, 2008-03-25: 14:19:00
After reading your sentence, I had to google “recycling number” to understand what you are talking about here. Maybe it’s because I’m an American, or maybe it’s because I live in the middle of the United States (and not on a coast) but I admit I had no earthly idea that there were numbers on recyclables. Alas, we have no curb-side recyclables on my street.

doseydotes, 2008-03-25: 15:26:00
Okay, stache just privately pointed out that there IS, in fact, curbside recycling on my street, and he expressed surprise that I did not know about recycling numbers. I, apparently, am a recylidiot. Or an ecolodork. Or . . . you fill it in.

Jabberwocky, 2008-03-25: 15:44:00
wow – I think James might have (quite litter/ally)saved a little part of the planet today by choosing such a green definition. No more recylaments doseydotes.

doseydotes, 2008-03-25: 17:54:00
I’ll be calling the City first thing tomorrow morning to ask for a bin. I’m . . . so . . . ashamed.

purpleartichokes, 2008-03-25: 19:08:00
Ashaamed, nay! I once thought that the triangular-shaped chasing arrows meant Danger! Crushing this plastic container may cause serious arrow-like injury.

OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-25: 20:07:00
Great word

Tigger, 2008-03-25: 23:30:00
Clever creations — love it!

Recychosis: /re-sigh-coh-sis/ i looked at my used tea bag and then at the different bins and went into a state of recychosis Etymology: recycle, psychosis Created by: rikboyee.

Comments on Recychosis:

Jabberwocky, 2008-03-25: 12:18:00
nice word

silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 12:41:00
Like the way it conveys the anxiety in the definition. Good word!

Tigger, 2008-03-25: 23:23:00
Excellent blending!

Trashcombobulation: /trash-kuhm-bob-yuh-ley-shun/ Stella and Stan spent hours sorting through the remains of their mega-market shopping splurges and in a fury of trashcombobulation threw all the refuse in a giant Heftyâ„¢ bag and carefully deposited the unsorted mess in their neighbor’s pile. The only witness was the owl who just blinked and asked, “Who?” Etymology: (trash)1325–75; ME trasches (pl.), appar. c. Norw trask rubbish; akin to OE trus brushwood, ON tros rubbish + (dis-combobulation) 1825–35, Americanism; fanciful alter. of discompose or discomfort Created by: spotthecat1.

Comments on Trashcombobulation:

silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 13:21:00
Very informative etymology!

purpleartichokes, 2008-03-25: 15:19:00

OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-25: 20:06:00
Very nice

Environdimentia: /-en-vay-ern-di-MEN-shuh-/ On the point of crying, Lauren sat slumped between bins of plastic bottles and stacks of papers, in a state of environdimentia. She knew that the #1 and #2 plastics were supposed to go together, but there was also a bin for bottles with ‘necks’… so then what did those numbers mean on the bottles with the necks? Then there were the plastic bags, and some were recyclable, but some weren’t. There was also the newspapers, and she remembered something about not mixing in any shiny circulars and flyers, which were often stuck into the newspapers when they were sold. Why would they do that?! It all seemed so ecoillogical. Lauren’s husband Gregg would be home soon, and he was an ecologist — he understood all the rules. But he couldn’t seem to understand why Lauren didn’t get it, and he’d be frustrated with her again. She really wanted to be a tree hugger, like he was, but with all these crazy rules she felt like more of a tree-shrugger. Etymology: Environment – natural surroundings (from Old French, environ “in circle”) + Dementia – madness or insanity (from Low Latin, démentāre “deprive of mind”) Created by: Tigger.

Comments on Environdimentia:

silveryaspen, 2008-03-25: 12:45:00
I like the way you presented a different way of looking at this. Strong verboticism.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2008-03-25: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James

stache2008-03-25: 02:10:00
I love the “IDEAS” bin.

Verbotomy2008-03-25: 05:32:00
Thanks stache. That’s the bin where I put out my old ideas for recycling. ~ James

Jamagra2008-03-25: 08:07:00
James… maybe you could recycle those ideas my way? Love the cartoon and the word, but today… I got nothin’.

Jamagra2008-03-25: 09:10:00
Oh! Thought of something. I’m good now!

remistram2008-03-25: 10:23:00
got our massive bin last week…process is a bit more streamlined, am happy now!

purpleartichokes2008-03-25: 11:15:00
Lucky you, remi… our community recycling consists of loading the stuff up in your car and taking it to the recycling center on one of the few days/hours that they happen to be open. Sucks. I did get a FREE compost bin from our state env. protection folks. $80 value. My mother (and only my mother) is so proud!

My Rottin’ Poem

I love my compost pile!
It thrills me to the bone
To think that all that wilted slop
Will enhance the crops I’ve grown!

I garden with a passion,
And I compost with a zeal.
I collect the coffee grounds at work
And cherish every peel.

In my cellar I compost in winter
Much to my son’s dismay.
Though sweet to me, the smell can chase
Unwanted guests away.

My pile in the summer
Is a another sad slop story.
The dog next door gulps the gourmet treat,
Then regurgitates… quite gory.

The peels get strewn about my lawn
By some midnight compost thief.
I try to promptly pick up the stuff,
Before the neighbors give me grief.

The egg-shells never make it
To calcify my plants.
The birds steal most of the precious shards
Or they get toted off by ants.

My composting efforts without a bin
Have been daunting, to say the least.
By the time the stuff finally starts to rot,
It gets eaten by some beast.

So you see, kind folks at DEP
Why it’s for a bin I pray.
If I can clean up my compost act,
The neighbors might let me stay!

silveryaspen2008-03-25: 13:09:00
Funtastic rhyme and reasoning!

Verbotomy2008-03-25: 16:22:00
Hey purple, I figured you loved vegetables, and guessed you were a dedicated composter, but composting in your basement??? Yikes!! Maybe that’s why your shower curtain is covered in mildew. ~ James

Jamagra2008-03-25: 17:25:00
Purple, I am very proud of you too! You grow, girl!

purpleartichokes2008-03-25: 18:21:00
Um, yeah, I actually did compost in the basement in a garbage can. Apparently, I didn’t add enough “browns” to the mix, cuz when I dumped it in the spring, the neighborhood smelled like a cesspool for days. …oops. Thanks Jamagra! I’m gonna try my hand at a giant punkin this year! James – thanks for the idea. I bet that shower curtain junk would compost nicely!

arrrteest2008-03-25: 18:37:00
Great poem, too! I used to have a worm composting bin. At least the kids thought it was cool.

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