DEFINITION: v. tr., To slowly inch your vehicle forward at a red traffic light hoping that you can make it change faster. n., A driver who allows their vehicle to creep into the middle of an intersection while waiting for a red light.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Redroller: /red-ro-ler/ Redroller, redroller, let me send my car on over. Etymology: Red + roller, as in the game “Red Rover” Created by: ReputedTart.
Comments on Redroller:
libertybelle, 2007-12-06: 08:53:00
i love this one!!Tigger, 2007-12-06: 11:46:00
Agreed. Very clever, RT.
Draglighting: /drag lite ing / Days after buying his minivan, Tom finally realized that he could no longer draglight without feeling a lasting sense of shame and self loathing. Etymology: drag racing + light Created by: yellowbird.
Anticipeeler: /Antis-i-peel-er/ Late for her colonoscopy appointment, Cynthia kept getting stopped at red lights. A chronic anticipeeler, she kept inching her car forward in hopes of triggering the “sensor” so she could peel away! Etymology: Anticipate – Peeling (hitting the gas and screetching the tires) Created by: Korinne.
Comments on Anticipeeler:
IllmaticKD, 2007-12-06: 01:43:00
Haha… your word is fun to say.galwaywegian, 2007-12-06: 04:00:00
asstounding, well done!Korinne, 2007-12-07: 09:21:00
THanks!! 🙂
Autokinesis: /aw-toh-ki-nee-sis/ Autokinesis occurs at a red light when I let my car inch forward into the intersection. Unfailingly, the traffic light changes almost immediately to green. It’s weird and it’s scary, but my Chevy Impala and I have metaphysical powers together which could break down any city’s computerized traffic flow. Etymology: automobile + kinesis (physical movement of something in response to a stimulus) Created by: Stevenson0.
Comments on Autokinesis:
Jabberwocky, 2007-12-06: 12:43:00
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Definition Comments:
Verbotomy – 2007-12-06: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by Tigger and libertybelle. Thank you Tigger and libertybelle. ~ JamesTigger – 2007-12-06: 00:32:00
Actually, libertybelle should get sole credit. I should’ve read through the recent definitions before submitting mine.libertybelle – 2007-12-06: 08:52:00
i still say great minds think alike… though some say filthy minds think alike, as well… hmmm…silveryaspen – 2007-12-06: 19:11:00
flows smoothly … readily understood … nice interplay of words.silveryaspen – 2007-12-06: 19:14:00
like the first 2 syllable rhyme … the word rolls off the tongue. The meaning is straightforward and implicit.