Scentometal: Have you seen my wedding rings?

DEFINITION: n. The desire to convert items with sentimental value, like antique hand-crafted jewelery, back into the raw material, like gold bullion, to access its commercial value. v. To cash in something with sentimental value.

Have you seen my wedding rings?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Scentometal: /sentəmetl/ It was bad enough that Henry had insomnia. After being bombarded by at least a dozen late-night ”Cash-for-Gold” commercials he now has scentometal fever. His wife had to put her foot down when he tried to hock her grandmother’s dentures. ”I don’t care that she loves soup, she can’t gum the rest.” Etymology: scent (a distinctive smell, esp. one that is pleasant) + metal (a solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity) from sentimental Created by: artr.

Comments on Scentometal:

galwaywegian, 2010-10-21: 18:23:00
zinc i like it

Feltchemy: /felt kem mee/ Georgia was horrified to come home and find that her husband, Nat had taken all her antique, fine gold jewellery and placed it in a saucepan to try and melt it down into gold ingots. “What kind of feltchemy are you practising?” she lamented. “Relax, Precious”, he smirked…”I am just cooking up some Karat soup for us”! Etymology: Felt (to feel;to have sensed) & Alchemy (ancient chemistry practice to try and change base metals into gold) Created by: Nosila.

Sentismeltality: /sent ih smelt al it eee/ Amazing how quickly sentimentality gives way to sentismeltality once the bear kicks the bulls ass Etymology: sentimentality, smelt Created by: galwaywegian.

Ingostalgia: /ing-go-stal-jah/ Her severe case of ingostalgia resulted in the creation of a new soup recipe, gold bullion mixed with beef bullion – bon appetit! Etymology: ingot (as in chunk of gold or metal) + nostalgia Created by: remistram.

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Leapflog: But I was here first!

DEFINITION: n. The feelings that well up inside of you when you’re waiting for service and another person, who arrived after you did, gets waited first! v. To wait and wait in line, only to watch other people jump the queue.

But I was here first!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Leapflog: /lēpflôg/ Anne was told that the customer is always right. Sometimes she knew better. One morning when the other cashier was caught up in traffic the queue to her register was especially long. As she started to ring up a child’s purchase a woman rushed up to the counter to ask for a price check. Once given the price she announced ”That’s fine, I’ll take it”. Anne snapped. She decided to leapflog this inconsiderate customer. In a strong clear voice she asked the rest of people in line if they minded this woman butting in line. The resulting furor sent the woman scurrying without buying anything. The cheer Anne received made up for more than a few bad days. Etymology: leapfrog (a game in which players in turn vault with parted legs over the backs of others who are bending down) + flog (beat someone with a whip or stick as punishment or torture) Created by: artr.

Hanoiance: /han oy anse/ Sheldon had waited a long time to get into his favourite popular Vietnamese restaurant. Then he had waited another long time to have his order taken. An older couple had come in after him and got their order long before he did. He felt a deep sense of hanoiance over the favoritism shown to this pair. He finally spoke to the waiter, demanding to know why he was being treated this way. The waiter smiled sheepishly and explained that the couple were his elderly grandparents, the actual owners of the restaurant, who had to be back to the seniors’ home before 7:00 pm. With a sigh gone, Sheldon realized he was being pho-lish and hue too hasty, as it was their recipes he was enjoying. Even though he’d had to wait, it was a nguyen-nguyen situation for him. Etymology: Hanoi (Capitol city of Viet Nam) & Annoyance (the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed) Also:
Hue (pron: hway)ancient people of Viet Nam and a name of a city there); Pho (Vietnamese soup);Nguyen (pronounced Hwin) most popular Vietnamese surname and family name of a royal dynasty)

Created by: Nosila.

Comments on Hanoiance:

scrabbelicious, 2010-10-20: 19:20:00
I love it long time!

Infuriwait: /In-fi-ur-e-wait/ Dr. Benson’s patients were infuriwaited as one by one they were overlooked by a 20 story building. Etymology: An annoying blend of 1)vb. Infuriate. To make very angry and impatient 2)vb. wait. To stand in line, queue. Created by: scrabbelicious.

Dissqueueiet: /diss kew waii et/ His dissqueueiet led to the linisation of the interlopers. Etymology: disquiet queue diss Created by: galwaywegian.

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Blotus: Omigod! She’s goosing me!

DEFINITION: v. To gasp and go rigid with shock when someone unexpectedly hugs you. n. The gasping sound, and associated rigid body reaction, which a person who is “not comfortable with physical intimacy”, emits when they are unexpectedly hugged.

Omigod! She's goosing me!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Blotus: /blo tus/ When the photo op presented itself for the first meeting between Queen Elizabeth 11 and Michelle Obama,at Buckingham Palace, after the G20 Conference, the Queen let out a blotus. When asked later how she felt after recovering from the encounter, Her Majesty said in her usual dead-pan manner, “We were touched!” Etymology: Blow (gasp;forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth) & FLOTUS (acronym for First Lady Of The United States…used by her Secret Service detail and itinerary planners) Naturally her spouse is called POTUS, but that is a whole nother story… Created by: Nosila.

Asskew: /ass kew/ Her emotions went asskew.what should one do Etymology: askew, ass Created by: galwaywegian.

Bumfounded: /bəmfounded/ When the hug accidentally slid south the Queen was bumfounded. Etymology: bum (bottom) dumbfounded (greatly astonish or amaze) Created by: artr.

Comments on Bumfounded:

galwaywegian, 2010-10-19: 09:36:00
genius 🙂

Whecuddleeze: /we-cudd-ul-eeze/ She tried not to whecuddleeze when he grabbed her on the trapeze with the greatest of ease. Etymology: wheeze + cuddle Created by: remistram.

Comments on Whecuddleeze:

Nosila, 2010-10-19: 23:46:00
What a tease!

remistram, 2010-10-20: 09:33:00
oh please!

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Blactosemarket: The seat broke, so I made a new one…

DEFINITION: n. The creative, yet blatantly illegal use of plastic milk crates, and the latent fear of prosecution associated with this alleged crime. v. To create and build home furnishings using stolen milk crates.

The seat broke, so I made a new one...

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Blactosemarket: /blak tose mar ket/ Eddy Jones likes living on the edge. He likes to think his middle name is Danger, but it is actually Howard. Eddy recycles milk crates and makes them into other objects and sells them. Anyday now he could be caught with crate freight, by the police who he calls Crate Watchers. He is working the blactosemarket very successfully. His latest project is coffins, air-conditioned ones. He markets them as The Crateful Dead. Etymology: Black Market (an illegal market in which goods or currencies are bought and sold in violation of rationing or controls)& Lactose (a sugar comprising one glucose molecule linked to a galactose molecule; occurs only in milk) Created by: Nosila.

Crativity: /kray tiviteeee/ His crativity was never really understood in his lifetime. It was a tragic case. Etymology: creativity, crate Created by: galwaywegian.

Larcendairy: /lärsÉ™ndÉ™rÄ“/ When Jill went off to college she didn’t go through the trauma that some of her friends did buying furniture and everything else that students need. She concentrated on her wardrobe and left the furniture to the larcendairy method. Bookshelves, computer desk & chair, even her bedframe was courtesy of the local convenience store. Etymology: larceny (theft of personal property) + dairy (containing or made from milk) Created by: artr.

Crascandalate: /cruh-scan-all-ate/ Josh was arrested for crascandalating and theft with a deadly glass of milk. Etymology: crate + scandal Created by: remistram.

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Litternity: Look Daddy! A pink and yellow one!

DEFINITION: n. The colorful array of plastic bags and other debris which blossom on the trees, thanks winter’s whistling winds — and a few careless neighbors. v. To watch your garbage caress the landscape, as it blows in the wind.

Look Daddy! A pink and yellow one!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Litternity: /lit ter nit tee/ The runaway plastic bags caught in the Smith’s now-bare maple tree were a display in multi-colors. More and more of them wedged in the branches each day. Once caught there, they never seemed to leave. The bright colors were on display for all litternity. Who knew when they were invented, that plastic bags would be used to decorate the landscape after they had carried home the groceries? Etymology: Litter (rubbish;garbage;trash) & Eternity (time without end;a seemingly endless time interval) Created by: Nosila.

Polyleaves: /pälēlēvz/ The trees in our area go through two stages of color change. The first when Fall arrives and Mother Nature paints the landscape with golds, oranges and reds, the second when the leaves fall to the ground and the colorful polyleaves become more visible. Etymology: poly (polyester) + leaves (foliage) Created by: artr.

Timbertrash: /tim-bur-trash/ After the long weekend party, the trailor trash left all kinds of timbertrash. Etymology: timber (as in trees, wood) + trash (as in garbage) Created by: remistram.

Branchsacs: // Etymology: Created by: midiman55.

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